Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 6


We started to take pictures in our sporty outfits first. We even had professionals do our hair and make up. Taylor officially rocks! Next was formal dresses (a tux for Liam). We posed, danced around and dragged Liam into all of our twirling. It was really fun. We even had music for the whole thing. Then we changed into jeans and did random stuff for that. For example, singing. We got the nice photographer too. Because she started to sing with us. Then we did party clothes, not totally formal, but not fancy. All in all IT WAS AWESOME! Then after a REEEAAALLLYY long time of the semi-photo shoot we were done. We got to see the pictures and it was really cool. We looked like superstars! That night we went to work of getting everything ready for the boys’ photo album. If I do say so it was very impressive.
“When should we start phase 2?” Olivia asked. She was very eager for phase two. Let’s just say if not handled carefully it might be taken the wrong way and possibly illegal. Ok not illegal but come on the danger is what makes it fun! Anyway…
“I don’t know we have to talk to Mrs. Jonas first.” I said.
“What are you guys doing?” asked Maya.
“We can’t tell you yet. You’ll find out soon. We promise.”
“It’s fun though. Seriously we are REALLY looking forward to it,” Aza chimed in.
“So it’s not dangerous?”
“Maya, always the cautious one. Only if your REALLY stupid or do something REALLY dumb could you get hurt. We promise with scouts honor.”
“You aren’t girl scouts.”
“Your point is?” I asked.
“A good one!”
“Ha ha ha Maya that was hilarious.” We said sarcasticly.
“Jinx!” We said at the same time AGAIN. We don’t mind. It’s actually kinda cool. So then we started saying jinx as fast as possible. Trust me give no wanted give that soda. Anyway, who knew making an album for all of the boys(Frankie included) and Maya could be so hard. All though Maya was helping with hers but still. It took a long time. By the time we were finished it was time for Maya to go home and for us to wrap the photo albums.
“I don’t trust you guys to wrap them. I worked hard on this too you know.”
“Awww. You know the fact you don’t trust us cuts really deep. GOSH!” I said.
“Just wait. Please. As a favor for me, because I can make it EXTRA neat.” Ok she had us there.
“Fine. You win. But only because of your awesome wrapping skills.”
“Ok, meet you tomorrow.”
“Bye Maya.” We said.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“What?” I was a little nervous, Deck could get scary.
“I don’t know I felt like saying that.”
“Oh!!! I know sleepover!!!” Aza was on a sugar high. It will be interesting to see how long she will keep us all up.
♠ ♠ ♠
So banners are nice. As in please tell me how to make on or send one to me . PLEASE!!!!