Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 7

To say that we stayed up late would be an understatement. We stayed up ALL night. Why? Aza had been given sugar. NOT GOOD. As a result we had all had to stay up with her. Then she gave Deck and Olivia sugar. Mistake 2. It was 8 in the morning before they calmed down. By then it wasn’t worth it to try to sleep. When we all stumbled down to the kitchen Olivia’s mom had already started making breakfast. We all stumbled over to the table. RING.
“I’ll get it,” Aza was the only one with a little bit of energy left.
“How late did you guys stay out?” I could hear the laughter in Maya’s voice.
“We didn’t technically gooo to sleep.” I mumbled out. With that she just burst out laughing.
“You guys,” She couldn’t finish her sentence.
“Glad you find it so funny,” Deck groaned.
“Hey at least one of is awake.” She did have a good point. Maya always DID have a good point though. “How are you guys going to help me wrap the albums AND decorate?” We did like decorating. We all looked at each other and said
“CAFINE TIME!” We all ended up laughing. Then Olivia busted out her Pepsi Max. Maya cheered. I took one and drank it quickly so I could have energy. Next moment I started bouncing off the walls.
“Ready?” Maya asked happily.
“You betcha”
“Lets GO.”
“Come on!”
“Wait!” I said. “Where is Liam?”
“Sleeping still! Oh no, we should get him!” Olivia said.
So we all snuck downstairs to get him.
“One two three, GO.” What was our magnificent plan? Tickling. Liam is extremely ticklish. He was up very fast.
“Get off! What was that for?” he demanded.
Sarah srugged and said “Decorating time and you weren’t up.”
He groogly agreed to come with us. Maya had gotten sniffy marker, and we just can’t say no to sniffy markers. So 3 hours later we were done with Maya’s and the Jonas’s (even Frankie, and their parents got one) albums. It was a lot of fun. Maya and I were deemed the wrappers since we were the good wrappers. Then we were done.
“We’ll walk you over to your house.”
“One, we’ll miss you SOOO much. Two, we need to talk to Mrs. Jonas. Three we’ll REEAALLYY miss you.” Aza said.
“Fine,” She said in a fake unhappy voice.
“Awe, you know you love all of our strangeness.” That was Olivia.
So we all set off for the Jonas house.
When we got there we saw Mrs. Jonas cooking.
“Hello dears. Maya are you packed we leave in a few days.” Mrs. Jonas was literally Maya’s second mom. “Almost. We have a week though.”
“Mrs. Jonas, we need to talk to you alone.” Sarah said.
“Of course dear. What can I do?”
“I’ll just leave,” said Maya.
“Well Mrs. Jonas we want to know if you would mind if”…
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger and short. I know, but I haven't had alot of time lately =[ Thank you to my 8 subscribers =] If there are typos sorry but this was written very quickly.