Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 8

“Well Mrs. Jonas we want to know if you would mind if”…

“If we took your first 3 sons and Maya to Disney Land. Only for 2 days plus travel.” I was nervous about what she would say. You know that we were irresponsible and she didn’t trust us. I mean I know she wouldn’t actually say that to us, but I was nervous.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Be careful though. Fans can get to be a bit much some times. And your taking Big Rob,” she finished. We were all thrilled, jumping up and down happily.
“Come on we have to go tell the boys!” Olivia exclaimed.
So we all raced upstairs. There we split up to tell the boys and Maya. Olivia went to tell Nick. Melody went to tell Kevin. Laim went to tell Maya. Deck, Aza, and I went to tell Joe.
“Jooee!!!” We all held out his name in unison as we went into his room. We found him crying.
“Joe!” This time we were dead serios. “Are you OK?” I asked him.
“No.” He snuffled. “Aza, Deck, could you leave Lynnie and I alone.” I only let Joe call me Lynnie when he was really upset. Just like I could only call him Joey when I was really upset.
“Joe, what’s wrong. You can tell me anything.”It broke my heart to see Joe like this.
“We broke up.” That was all I could hear between ‘Love sucks’ and ‘Why me?’
“Awe, poor Joe.” I said sympathetically
“Why me?” He got out.
“It might have been that she didn’t want to lead you on if she didn’t like you anymore.” I told him wisely.
“Well, yeah, but I really liked her.”
“Joe, did you think you were gunna marry her?”
“Well, no. I guess not.” He said, rather sadly I might add.
“Alright then. OH! I know something that will cheer you up! A surprise!”
“Lynnie! Not now. I want to mope.” That hurt.
“Ok, that’s too bad because we’re taking your two brothers and Maya somewhere fun and it won’t be any fun for me without you.” That got his attention.
“Where are we going?” He was making a sad attempt at covering up his sadness. At least he’s trying.
“There’s my best friend! And it’s a surprise. One that I must say is incredibly AWSOME! Even I’m looking forward to it.” I stated to dance out of the room. “And pack for 5 days.”
Aza and Deck met me outside Joe’s room. His crying had gone down quite considerably.
“Ok, so now we go and see how everyone else is doing,” I said. We found Nick and Olivia staring into each other’s eyes. Love birds. We found Kevin and Melody walking, outside. Liam and Maya were just talking. “Well Ladies, do you know what this means?”
“What?” they said unison. I just grinned evilly. “Oh no.” they said.
“Oh yes.”
“Come on, be nice.”
“Fine,” I said moodily.
“So now what do we do?”
“Monopoly, they’ll be busy for a while.”
“Ok, sounds good.”
“I’ll see if Joe wants to play.” I quickly ran upstairs. “Hey Joe, want to play Monopoly with us? The love birds are bonding.”
“Sure.” Joe had gotten considerably happier. So that’s what we did until the couples come and found us. I, of course won.
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This is kinda short, but I really wanted to get it out. Comment. We ask for them, so make someone's day.