P.S. I Loathe You.

Willa-Rose Holland is definitely not working at the Craft Service Tent at the Warped Tour because she wants to. No, instead, she spent two thousand dollars on makeup, and to teach her a lesson, her parents ship her off to work. And as much as Willa detests dirty, grease-haired boys with a passion, a boy named Patrick Martin Stump catches her eye and steals her heart.
  1. Leaving Home
    finally? more like, PLEASE NO!
  2. First Shift.
    *** this. I wanna quit already.
  3. Death Enemies, Homosexuals and Friends?
  4. Wipe That Smile Off Your Face!
    i hate peter wentz.
  5. But This is the Last Song About You,
    the last song i waste on you.
  6. Diving In.