Luna's Sun

Chapter One

To admit to yourself of who you are can be tough.
To admit it to others is tougher.
To realize you’re different, and show it, takes so much.
Some can’t handle it. But others, others like Luna took it way too well.

Chapter one:

Luna sat on the merry-go-round of the local playground, letting her feet point down as she spun herself slowly around. The full moon was the only light she needed now. She yawned as she noticed the moon was slightly going down; it was almost morning, and she was still awake and out. Which meant the sun would be up, and so would Rei.
Luna shook her head of any thoughts of Rei. She and Rei would never even come close to breathing next to each other; the Night people and Day people never made contact, it was decided years ago by the two rulers of the two groups. When Luna was up at night, she only thought of ways to meet Rei. And when she was asleep, she dreamed of the same thing. It was like this for months now, and Luna couldn’t shake off Rei. When the Night people became tired, they walked to their side of town where the moon was always up. But Luna would sometimes sneak into the middle of town, fighting sleep and looking for Rei. It wasn’t a stalker-ish kind of thing, no, Luna remembered Rei from their childhood. Before the t
wo groups were separated, the two girls were best friends. Luna only remembered because the day people all had their memories of the Night people erased. But she desperately wanted to talk to Rei again, and fix things. They had such a close bond, and now it was being thrown away because of the two sides having differences. Luna had no idea why she all of the sudden wanted to try getting to Rei…it was clearly odd. But if it was bothering her this much, there must be some reason why it is.
The sun was rising higher now, and Luna was still out on the merry-go-round. She jumped up and grabbed her messenger bag before sprinting across the middle of town. She ran through trees and in between buildings. Day people were beginning to come from their neighborhood to the town the two sides shared. Luna knew she wouldn’t make it back before the town was alive again. Waiting for Rei was stupid and worthless, yet it wasn’t the first time Luna did so.
Luna’s feet hit the ground fast and hard, still rushing to get home. Her bag hit against her right side, probably already showing early signs of bruising under her hoodie. She darted into an alleyway that she always used as a shortcut around the night side gate and guards. Luna glanced both ways quickly before pulling a spray paint can out of her bag, and began writing a message on the side of a brick building. After a few seconds, she glanced at it with hope, dropped the can on the ground, and ran to the far end of the gate. Luna took a running start, and flung herself over the metal posts. She landed with a quiet, but painful thud. Before running into the Night’s forest, she glanced back at the sun taking over the town for the next twelve hours. In the sunlight, she saw a silhouette pick up the can, and spray on the same wall she did. With that, Luna sighed relief, and began to run home.


“You did what?”
“Calm down, Sera. I didn’t get caught.”
“Luna, obviously someone saw you write on The Wall.”
Luna huffed and glared at Sera, her best friend and only “family” on the Night side. Sera shrugged, and rolled her ice blue eyes. Her small hands were on her bony hips, and her long black hair was tied up in a loose pony.
“Yeah…but what if it was Rei?” Luna said in hope that Sera would for once side with her. Sera grasped at Luna’s shoulders, shaking them slightly.
“She. Will. Never. Talk. To. Anyone. On. This. Side.” Sera said slowly, trying to get it through Luna’s head. Luna looked down with a slight disappointment. Sera noticed this quickly, saying, “Look, don’t take this personally Luna, but c’mon. She lives in a completely different world now….I don’t think she can come back.”
Luna gently tugged at her nautical star charm around her neck; something all Night people wore in some fashion, just like the Day people wore small suns.
“I…” Luna choked back tears, “I miss her. I mean I lo-“ Luna stopped herself.
“You what?” Sera asked, curious. She wasn’t totally clueless, but still, she never knew the full details.
“Nothing, nothing…I’m...I think I’m just tired from being out late.” Luna stuttered out. Sera half smiled and nodded before Luna walked to her room and slammed the door.
Luna fell back on her bed, staring up at her ceiling lighted by the moon shining through the window. Old and new pictures stuck in a collage on her ceiling always made her feel better just glancing at them. Especially the one of Rei. It also hurt to see it too. Knowing how close she was, and so, so very far. It was unfair. Rei was driving her crazy, and didn’t even know it. And that’s when it clicked.
Sitting up fast, she finally got it.
Luna glanced up at the picture again, “…I’m in love with Rei.”
♠ ♠ ♠
based on patd's 'when the day met the night'

ok, um, cmnts pweez :3 kthankyou.
p.s. I only have chapter two typed up, but ashley wanted me to post asap, so blame her xD