How can I still love him now that I know I have to?

Meet the family.

“What are you doing here?” asked one of the twins. Looking over at Silver, I noticed that she was trapped by the twin with silver highlights. The other one had me.

“Let go of me!” I screamed as I attempted to wriggle out of his grip. That only made him grip tighter. I let out a cry of pain.

“Stop,” I head someone say from behind my twin. Neither one of the twins loosened their iron tight grip on us. “Stop!” Maxwell said louder that time, obviously noticing it was me. The twins let go and stepped back to be beside Maxwell. “What are you doing here?” he asked me in a quiet voice. It almost sounded like he was upset and shocked.

“I-we-um,” I was at a loss for words.

“Sorry for this misunderstanding,” silver highlights apologized, noticing that I was unable to form words at this moment.

“I’m Anthony,” said no highlights.

“And I’m Alexander,” said silver highlights while smiling at Silver.

“I’m Sliver,” Silver announced, returning the smile.

“I’m Sky,” I introduced myself. The twins smiled at Maxwell.

“We’ve heard a lot about you,” Anthony laughed but Maxwell just rolled his eyes.

“A lot!” Alexander added. All five of us started laughing.

“What’s going on out here?” Maxwell’s mom asked. “Oh hello,” she said towards Silver and me.

“Hello Mrs. Tomlin,” I said politely.

“Oh, please call me Cassandra,” she corrected me with a smile.

“I’m Silver,” she told Cassandra.

“My name is Sky,” I introduced myself again.

“Oh. We’ve heard a lot…” Cassandra began but didn’t get to finish because we all started laughing. Silver was clutching her stomach and I had my hand on her for support. The twins were leaning down with their hands on their knees. Maxwell was laughing, but it was obvious he was a little embarrassed. “Well I have some things to do, so you kids don’t get into too much trouble,” Cassandra told us once our laughter died down. Anthony went inside to study for a test he had. I don’t really believe that, though. I think he went inside because Silver and Alexander really had a connection. I guess he felt left out.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Maxwell suggested in my ear. I nodded my head and we started walking down the street. It was a beautiful night. The moon was bright and there was a light breeze, but it was strong enough to ruffle my hair. Maxwell kept looking over at me, smiling.

“What?” I finally decided to ask.

“The way the moon shines on you makes you look even more beautiful,” he admitted, which made me blush.

“Have you ever considered writing poetry?” I asked half joking, half not.
“Yeah. Once or twice. It’s not my thing,” he responded honestly.

“Ahh. I see,” I smiled. The rest of our walk was mostly silent. Instead of talking, we admired the night and each other. When we made it back to his house, which I took a mental note of where it was, Silver and Alexander were sitting on the ground, talking and laughing. Silver and I told the boys goodbye and headed back to my house.

We woke to a tapping sound at my window. I moaned as Silver got out of bed to find the source of the noise. She gasped at the sight she saw.
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I hope you like it.