How can I still love him now that I know I have to?

What is happening?

“What?” I asked, climbing out of bed, fully alert. Standing by Silver, I couldn’t believe what I saw. Maxwell and Alexander were in the tree outside of my room. Fumbling with the lock on my window, I cursed under my breath. Finally, I managed to get it open.

“What are you guys doing here?” I questioned them in disbelief.

“We came to see you, but you wouldn’t answer the door,” Maxwell informed us.

“Oh. Well I’ll go unlock the door,” I said and we ran down the stairs to the door. My parents were on a cruise for the week so I had the house to myself. I unlocked the door and swung it open. Not to my surprise, Maxwell and Alexander were standing in my doorway. Maxwell was staring at me with a smirk on his face. I brushed hair out of my face and looked down at my clothes. A wave of horror washed over me. I looked at Alexander and he had the same expression towards Silver. I looked at her. There we were with two hot guys in front of us, and we were in our underwear and a tank top. My face turned seven different shades of red., and so did Silver’s when she caught on. Silver dashed forward and closed the door until there was a little crack.

“Hold on,” she whispered, still mortified. She took a look at me then we dashed upstairs to put on more clothes.

After about ten minutes, we decided that we were presentable. To our surprise, they were still at my door.

“Hey. Sorry about that,” Silver apologized.

“It’s okay,” Alexander told her, “It was worth the wait.” He smiled at Silver.

“Do-uh-you guys want to come in?” I asked awkwardly.

“Sure,” Maxwell replied, although I already knew his answer. They boys walked in and we went upstairs to my room. Alexander, Silver, and I sat down on my bed, but Maxwell looked around my room. As his hand headed for my closet door, I darted off my bed and blocked his path.

“Don’t you know you’re no supposed to look in a girl’s closet?” I teased.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” he shot back. Alexander and Silver laughed at our little show. Without thinking, I opened my closet door a little and squeezed in. Maxwell banged on the door.

“Juliet, do cometh down. For I love you!” he cried. I opened the door.

“Oh Romeo! I shall loveth you until death,” I promised. We both laughed as he picked me up with one hand under my knees and one hand behind my back.

“Away we go, into the sunset,” he announced. Maxwell brought me to the side of my bed that’s away from Silver and Alexander. We collapsed and I giggled uncontrollably. Alexander and Silver clapped vigorously. “The following content may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13,” Maxwell joked towards them. My bed shook with laughter. You thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you? Maxwell’s laughter stopped as he stared at the side of my dresser. “Alexander, look,” Maxwell said, pointing at four marks on my dresser, with pure horror all over his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter is short.
That is all I've written so I don't know how long it will be for me to post some more.
But please tell me what you think of this chapter.
Cause I think the bedroom scene is kinda cheezy.