Status: Active

I'm Gonna Get Through to You

Chapter Twenty Five.

“I might have told him I loved him,” I admitted to Cassie, as I told her about where I disappeared to last night. She gaped at me the same way Shaant did.

“I didn’t mean to say it!” I exclaimed, running my hand through my hair. She bit her lip, shifting in her seat.

“Well, do you?” she asked quietly. I sighed, taking a moment to think about it before I answered. That seemed to be the question. Part of me said yes because dealing with him after the whole restart was pretty fucking fantastic, but part of me said no because I’m not supposed to love him. I’m not supposed to be letting myself get forced into this marriage.

“I don’t know,” I said finally. She rolled her eyes, sitting back in her seat.

“You’re getting married next week, I’d figure out soon if I were you.” I nodded, running my hand through my hair once more.


Shaant and I hadn’t spoken since I said ‘I love you’ nearly a week ago. We now sat next to each other at the rehearsal dinner, not looking at each other, and as far away from each other as we could be.

“Annabelle?” I sat up in my chair, glancing over at Shaant, who was looking over at me.


“Did you mean it?” he asked quietly. That seemed to be the question of the week. Every time I’d talk to Cassie, she’d ask me if I meant it, and every night, I would lay awake for a couple hours, asking the same question. I bit my lip, choosing my words carefully. This was thin ice, paper thin.

“I uh,” I sighed quietly, biting my lip for a brief moment, looking down at the table in front of me. “Yeah, I did.” I glanced over at him, biting my lip. I was almost scared to see his reaction. He was smiling at me. Probably the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on Shaant’s face.

“Seriously?” he asked. I nodded, slowly. A small smile was creeping onto my face as I did.

“Seriously,” I said. “No lies.” He leaned over, kissing me.

“I really do love you, Annabelle. I promise I’m going to try the hardest I can to make you happy,” he babbled. I laughed a little, giving him another kiss.

“Annabelle! Wake up!”

I rolled over in bed, groaning and flailing my arm at the person yelling at me to wake up. They giggled at me, grabbing my arm.

“Annabelle, come on!” they exclaimed, pulling my arm. “Wedding time!” My eyes shot open to see Cassie in the bridesmaid dress she and I had picked out, her hair done up and her make up slightly done.

“I don’t wanna get up,” I mumbled, rolling over. She pulled my arm again.

“Too bad! Now hurry up. You need to eat and then get ready. We have to be to the beach in like, three hours!” I rolled over.

“Fine, fine,” I grumbled, throwing the blankets off of me and getting out of bed. No turning back now.