Status: Active

I'm Gonna Get Through to You

Chapter Thirty Two!

"Whoa, chill! What's got you in so much of a hurry that you're about to take me out?" Alex exclaimed, leaning on the stool with one hand and holding my waist with the other so I wouldn't fall either.

I sighed and sat down on the floor of the stage. It's dirty. So, so, so, so, so dirty. There are shoe prints covering the black floor, the bright reddish brown standing out like a sore thumb. But I guess the fans aren't here for clean floors, right?

"Hey, it's just you and me. Everyone's trying to get their shit together. Just talk to me," Alex said, putting his guitar on the stool and sitting down beside me.

"I didn't mean to come in here. I was just walking in a fury and ended up here... Cassie said Shaant is jealous of me and Jack's relationship. Well friendship really," I corrected myself.

"And you're mad because... ?"

"That's stupid! I shouldn't even be on this tour, Alex! I didn't even know I was coming until Cassie just threw me on the bus and she lied! She is constantly trying to push Shaant and I together and he hates my guts and Tom hates my guts! Cassie is probably pissed because I exploded on her, but I'm just so sick of it! And I want to take a proper fucking shower!" Alex smirked at me, and hesitantly I smiled, "That felt good."

"You can always come flip out on me girly! And if it's any consolation if you ever need a bunk we have an extra one. It might only fuel the fire of Shaant's jealousy, but you're welcome to it."

"Thanks Alex," I sighed, hugging him. Alex and I aren't as close as me and Jack, in fact we'd hardly talked in the month of the tour, but today changed things.

"Alright Miss, I need to go help with shit. Watch my guitar and I'll see you later."

"Bye Alex," I smiled, accepting his hand off the floor. I picked up the guitar and took its place on the stool, the guitar in my lap. I didn't want to just leave it or anything since Alex asked me to watch it, so I guess I'll just chill here.

I sighed and began picking at the strings. I knew a little guitar, not enough to be successful or anything, but enough. It's not my desire to be successful with it or anything anyways. I just need something to do until someone comes along from the All Time Low crew so I can get rid of this guitar.

I fooled around a few minutes until I found the right pattern I was thinking of. I smiled when I heard the familiar tones of Taking Chances.

Glee's version, not Celine's.

"Don't know much about your life, don't know much about your world," I sang carefully. "Don't wanna be alone tonight on this planet they call Earth."

"Whoa, I didn't know you sang?" Rian asked, setting a drum on the ground.

"I don't, I mean... I do. But not really in public or anything. Don't mention it," I laughed.

"No problem, secret's safe with me. I heard Shaant's looking for you by the way."


Rian laughed, "Yeah, ya know, Shaant the guy that's on the same bus as you?"

"Sorry... Okay, ugh... Where was he?"

"He's out on the roof."

"How the hell do I get up there?" I snapped.

"Calm down Annabelle! Just walk into that hall way and there is a latch but I'm sure it's already down. We've all been up there on and off all day so just go up those stairs and there will be a little window door thing."

"Sorry Ri. Thanks," I smiled. I think part of my problem is I snap when I get anxious... I can only imagine how this little chat is going to go.