Sincerely Me

Letters Make Words That Make Secrets

A girl was walking. The wind blew through the soft waves in her inky black hair. Her hands were stuffed deep into the pockets of her thin hooded jacket. A crumpled envelope was clasped in her hand, hidden in one of her pockets. The name 'Leila Hayes' was scrawled on the front in neat italic handwriting. There was no stamp and no address underneath that name.

The girl was far away from Leila Hayes' house. She walked towards the nearest mailbox and put the envelope inside it, walking away with a smile adorning her face, a heavy, content sigh escaping her chapped lips. Someone would read her letter, even if it wouldn't be the person she intended it to be. It is strange how we can trust complete strangers but not our best friends, isn't it?

Selena Dawes rubbed her eyes against the dull sunlight. She ran a hand through her long dark curls as she walked out to her mailbox. She opened the box and pulled out a pile of letters, she began to flick through them as she walked back to her house.

Selena flipped past bills and junk mail, her subscription to Vogue, before coming across an envelope with a very unfamiliar name written on it. There was no stamp or address, so Selena couldn't send it on to the correct addressee.

Stepping inside the house, curiosity got the better of Selena and she discarded her letters on the kitchen counter, before slicing open the mystery letter. She unfolded the single piece of ivory coloured paper that had once been encased in the envelope. Her eyes scanned the page and she absorbed the words written so neatly upon it.

Dear you,

I decided to send you, my best friend, all of my secrets, no matter how innocent or scandalous they are. I could never speak those secrets aloud, so I thought writing the down would be the best way to get them to you.

1. I cheated in that multiple choice science test we did last year, I'm ashamed as to how I cheated. I slept with Andrew Smith, because he offered to get the answers for me. So I did. See, I didn't get that 'A' all by myself.

2. The future terrifies me. I hate the feeling of unknowing.

3. I've used people to get what I want. (You are not one of those people, just so you know).

4. I have issues with my confidence and self esteem. I actually hate myself and you do not make it easy by being so damn pretty.

5. I lie, a lot.

6. I have made myself throw up on numerous occasions in the past and every time made me feel better.

7. I live in my head a lot of the time.

8. I think I turned my ex boyfriend gay.

9. I frequently cry myself to sleep.

10. I could never tell you these things, because I have trust issues, thanks to you.

I felt you should know those things. I don't know if you will ever get this, but if you do, you know the real me and if not, we can still live our pretty perfect masquerade.

Sincerely, me.

Selena smiled softly to herself. This girl was a mirror image of herself during her teenage years. She had also chickened out on sending her deepest, darkest secrets to her best friend.

As for the girl? She never told her secrets. A stranger knew them, someone whom she may or may not cross paths with, but neither of them would know. Her best friend was non the wiser, but that stranger certainly was. One day she would mail those secrets and more to Leila, but for now they remain her skeletons to hide in her closet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some of those secrets are my own.