

-Do you think she’s dead? – I had to ask.
-Maybe she’s just faking it – Caroline answered with a grin.
-No, she’s dead.
“I ran out of school that afternoon quite agitated, I felt like something was wrong in my insides, like I was about to throw my guts up. I knew it was wrong, but then again, it felt right.
Caroline ran behind me with her little shorts and her long hair, she looked like a little five year old running behind her mom leaving for work. I knew I couldn’t stop, I knew it wasn’t right for me to stop, and there was no way I was going to stop; but then again, I did.
She bumped into me with a little giggle, big green eyes staring straight at me, her blouse was now turning white from the sweat, and her hair kept dancing along with the wind, I couldn’t believe she was three years older than me, she didn’t look 19.

We walked for a good long hour, talking about how much we hated each other for what happened at school, but always giggling and feeling the urge to make it happen again. During the time we walked through the park, there were some times when she held my hand, her soft and slim fingers were almost attached to mine, pressed hard against my hips, my knees shaking uncontrollably and my neck dripping big cold lines of sweat. Though she wasn’t taller than me, you could still tell she was the older one, everything in the way she moved made obvious she was the leading one on the walk. Caroline stopped in a little tree and looked at me, smiled softly and put her face maybe just an inch away from mine, I could feel her breathing, her heart beat, her hands going through my short and messy hair, and her red lips pressed against mine, her little pink tongue was about to enter my mouth.”

-And that’s where the dream ends, Mrs. Web.
-Okay dear, seems like you’ve got some strong feelings for this girl Caroline, am I right? – She was a great psychiatrist, and not only because she always hit my spot.
-I know I do, but I don’t want to anymore, it’s wrong, it can’t happen, really, I would be expelled from school, and expelled from my family, it’s just wrong! – I shouted before she could tell me otherwise.
-Don’t feel bad about it; it’s happened to everyone, especially at your age, it’s normal. What are you going to do about it? – She looked at me with a little anger in her eyes – You know you have to do something before this goes out of control, you cannot let someone else get raped. I knew I had to work as fast as possible, or my next victim would be Caroline.

I walked fast that night; I couldn’t let her bump into me. Why did she have to live next door? It was unfair that I could spy on her while she showered every single nigh, it wasn’t fair that her shower made a weird noise that woke me up every single night, like telling me to spy on her, like commanding me to stare. Her body was beautiful, there wasn’t any other word to describe it, besides flawless; her breasts were round and perky, and her green eyes matched incredibly well with her long red hair; her lips looked like a strawberry trapped into a face of porcelain, she looked like a doll, the most amazing doll of the world, and also the nastiest. Every night I had to stare, and I knew she could see me, too, while I stood there, motionless, staring at her apply soap to every inch of her body, cleaning it up and leaving, I just couldn’t leave my position, I just couldn’t let the dream stop. Maybe 5 minutes later, I was still standing there, when Danielle knocked on my door. You could tell she was upset by her body language, she kept shaking her head and snapping her fingers, I loved when she did that.
-Hello my little cat – I smiled slightly and put my hand around her neck, commanding her to come closer to me.
-Don’t you dear say that to me, why weren’t you asleep, Sam? – She shook her head, making her black shinny hair shine even more in the small light.
-I’m sorry, baby. I was just doing some thinking, I promise I’ll go to bed right now; you can come too, okay? – There was no way I was telling her I was spying on her roommate.
-Fine, but I get corner –I could tell she was now okay, because she gave me a little giggle and hugged me real tight. Truth is, I couldn’t sleep that night, and it was 2 days before Halloween, 2 days before the next full moon and 2 days before I had to work on my project again, and I couldn’t let Caroline be my next one.

Next morning, it was October 30th and I still couldn’t believe it, I felt weird singing Danielle happy birthday, seeing Caroline stare at me, knowing that I only had one day to stop myself from hurting the most beautiful creature I’d ever see, her. Danielle kissed me softly right after she blew her candles, it was obvious that she made a wish involving both of us, by the way she’d been with me, the past 5 months, I couldn’t be anything but grateful to the 18 year old.
After she blew the candles, she left her guests in the dinning room, enjoying her home-made cake and dragged me to the balcony with a little pink envelope in her hand, I was sure she wasn’t going to just take some fresh air. “Please, be mine for ever, and I promise I’ll never EVER get in your way, I approve of your experiments, and I know Caroline is the next one, but, why her? I could do a lot better, but I love you more than she’ll ever will, you don’t know her, you don’t understand her, please my precious Sam, do not believe her crap” the note was very explicit, she knew Caro was next in line, she knew I’d pick Caro over her, she knew I wanted Caro more than I loved her. But the choice was already made.

On October 31st I woke up at 7 in the morning, knowing I was both late for school, and had missed Caro’s last shower, I hated myself, especially for the second one.
I ran as fast as I could, making my orange shirt go reddish from the sweat, trying to catch Caro on the school line, it was kind of upsetting that she wasn’t in my classroom, because that could actually save her.
-Caro, please, wait! –fine, I had to have her. She stopped in the middle of the park, right in the same spot where my dream took place, with her little shorts and her baggy blouse. We both knew what was going to happen. I stood motionless for a little while, just staring at her beauty, while her big eyes stared back at me, trying to make me look away, I’d never been that turned on in my life. We sat on the grass for a while, it was obvious we weren’t going to school that morning, we just sat there and stared at each other for as long as possible, smiling a little every now and then, her stroking her hair every time the wind made it less than perfect.
-I know about your experiments, and I guess I’m next –she said, looking down –I know I can’t fight back, and I know it’s not my fault, but, truth is, I don’t feel like the rest of them, I don’t feel proud of myself for being in the list.
-I could erase you from it if I could, and I think you’ve noticed it, I’ve never felt this way for one in the list before, even Danielle’s noticed it, and she’s kind of relieved you’re next.
-Sam, would you save me if you could? – Now she stared at me with a hopeful look.
I stood up and tried to leave, but her hands were now grabbing my arms, pulling me closer to her lips, pulling my face into hers, she kissed me. I couldn’t fight back, I felt like my legs were frozen and my hands were an object for her to play with, she put my hands around her shoulders, and put her hand inside my pants, pushed me down and practically raped me, I never felt happier in my life, I never felt more complete.

I arrived home that night confused, tired and abused; I knew the time was coming, and I knew I didn’t want to rape and kill Caroline, there’s has to be someone prettier than her in town, I was sure there was someone else too pretty to be alive. I ran to my room before Danielle could notice I was there, searched through all the files, the older girls, the deceased ones, the one who actually had the strength to live, the ones that wanted me to do it, the ones that offered themselves to do it, none of them looked like Caro, no one was as perfect as she was, and if I didn’t find someone who could top her, I had to experiment with her. I looked around for some good 30 minutes, going through every single file I had ever done, every single girl, every boy, every red headed, blonde and brunette, even the black haired ones, I just had to find someone prettier than Caroline, this person never showed up. Caro walked slowly in the room, her little perfect feet could not be heard by my rusty tasteless ears, her hands wrapped around my waist, and her head resting on my shoulders.
-I love you.
-Caro, don’t lie, you know you don’t.
-but I know I will, eventually, you’re just perfect for me, I don’t care what everyone else thinks, I don’t care what this stupid town thinks, I know I will. She then kissed me softly and with love, it was the first time I could actually feel love in a kiss; it was the first time I wanted to just stay there, the first time I knew I was going to cry.
I pulled from her kiss and ran away, looked for my tools and left the house, I knew Caro was trying to convince me from not doing her, but it was too late, it was 10 pm and I still hadn’t catch her.

The hour went fast and violent, Caro running around the town, while the girls looked at her, some of them were jealous, some of them were proud, some of them were happy they weren’t her, and some of them feared they’d be her one day. I ran behind her until we hit the park, she tripped into a rock and fell down, now she was defenseless and alone, now she had to face her destiny.
-Please, no –Caro could barely speak
-You know you have to, so do I -Couldn’t fool around anymore.
Caro closed her eyes and started to mutter softly, I was almost sure she was making a prayer, or probably was just wishing she weren’t herself. I walked slowly towards her, while I took out my red stick, I had to start somewhere, and I wanted it to hurt, so I could block her from my memory as fast as possible. Suddenly, Danielle came out of nowhere and stood in the middle, what was she doing there? Obviously, she was now jealous of Caroline and wasn’t going to let her die if she thought she deserved it more, she deserved to die.

-what is wrong with you? –Danielle looked angry and you could tell she had cried-please move, I’ll be home in a while.
-no. you’re mine, and I’m not going to let this bitch take you away from me.
-I’m not yours, Danielle, now please move –she was getting into my nerves.
I was now very upset, Caro stood up slowly trying to sneak away, but deep inside she knew she wasn’t going to make it any further than the park. My eyes felt blurred and dizzy, I could barely see and I wasn’t feeling strong enough to get Caroline back, looked like she was going to run.

“Your destiny shouldn’t be so hard from now on, all you have to do is rape them and kill them, it’s a cursed town and no one there deserves to live, they’re all whores. With males is really up to you, I wouldn’t really kill them, but it’s really your choice, if you’re capable of choosing them in the best order. Remember, ugliest first and then finish the prettiest in the worst way, they’ve all taken advantage of their looks; you can keep one, just ONE and make her yours, but that would prove that she’s not the prettiest, because the prettiest MUST die as soon as you determine who it is, good luck, dear Sam, love, Mom”

My mom was a whore for leaving me with that mission, I didn’t really care and didn’t ask what Cherryville had done to her, it only had 100 habitants and 60% of them were males, so, yeah. I really didn’t care anymore, that night was my last crime and I could leave with Danielle to wherever I wanted, but, did I really want Danielle to be the one? I wasn’t so sure since I met Caroline. Now what, Sammy? I kept thinking to myself. Repeating the same line, over and over again, while Caro ran away, I knew she wasn’t going anywhere now that I spot her, dead or alive, she was mine.
-No, please! – Caro yelled after she saw her foot was trapped by my rope –I don’t want to die, I swear, we didn’t mean to do that to your mother, I swear, I didn’t do it, I was too young! –her whines and screams hit me, then. I wasn’t really supposed to take the lives of those who were at least 10 years younger than my mother, they couldn’t have killed my father, and they were only kids when the incident happened.
-explain yourself, what happened? – I pulled her back to me, Danielle motionless with tears in her eyes, blood coming out from her arm; she had cut herself, real bad. Caro tried to sit down and get it together; she took a deep breath and started to tell the story.
“It wasn’t really our fault, it was my mother’s and the rest of them, we didn’t know what was going on at the time, we found out when I saw my mother’s journal. I was nine, and my mom and 39 other women were some kind of order in town, seems like they witch crafted the visitors, but none of them had died, until your father. They showed up on a Sunday afternoon, they wanted to see the town, because they had heard that mysterious things happened daily and all of their women were the most beautiful within 800 yards. Oscar Del Mar, I remember his name, he was a gorgeous man, tall, strong, beautiful… my mother had to have him. Some of the kids in town decided to watch that day what really happened, but most of us were too scared to ask, so we had to spy. They kidnapped your parents and left you at my sister’s care, you probably remember her, she was number 12, anyway. They tied up both your parents and fed them with some kind of blue substance, I never really knew what it was, but it made your father go insane, he started screaming and beating your mom with his head, kicking her and demanding her to kill him, your mother just cried quietly while the men of town raped her, repeatedly. I’m sorry, then your dad was able to let go, so some of the women started to beat him with a red stick, and injected him with red stuff, thing is, the red stuff made him start throwing up violently, he just lied on the floor, throwing his guts out, naked and crying for his beaten wife, eventually he died. Your mother was released the next day, under the promise she wouldn’t tell anyone what had happened they would give her the kid back, you. I really don’t know what I could’ve done to stop him, but really, I would’ve, I still cry every night because I saw my mother do those terrible things to that family.”
-My family.
-I’m really sorry, Sam – Caro had tears in her eyes, and her ankle was starting to bleed from the pressure of the rope. I decided to let go.
-But I still have to kill you, that way I can run away and forget about all this – I took out my knife and closed my eyes, I didn’t want to see her die, again. I took a deep breath and stabbed her right through her heart, I heard a choke and some tears, and them some sobbing, Caro, sobbing. I had stabbed Danielle, who stood in front of Caroline with her knife on her leg; she had been bleeding really hard all the way.
-Do you think she’s dead? – I had to ask.
-Maybe she’s just faking it – Caroline guessed.
-No, she’s dead, let’s get out of here – I had tears of happiness in my eyes.
On the way out, the town looked lonely, only a few men looked out the windows to see me leave with Caroline Roger.
♠ ♠ ♠
Caro is kind of weird, :P it was a rainy night and i was bored, so yeah, i hope you guys like it. ^^