Black Sheep

A Path is Set in Motion

It was a beautiful, sunny day in the small town of Sunnyvale, California. Matthew sat eating his pancakes in the far corner of “ Maggie’s Down Home Cooking”. The sign exclaimed the best pancakes in California; just like mamma used to make it.

”Bullshit” thought Mathew as he finished his now cold, syrup coated pancakes.

He had better. He glanced at the clock, 9:00 it read. If he didn’t hurry he’d be late. Downing his now lukewarm espresso, Matthew laid the money on the table. Picking up his tray he made his way to the counter where the trashcan stood. Waving goodbye to the cute waitress Mathew made his way to the door.

“How was your Breakfast?” called the waitress “Best in the State, huh?” “

Yeah, sure is “Mathew lied exiting the building.

The recent drought had caused the grass to turn brown and the parking lot to become even sandier. Making the candy apple colored Mustang look even more foreign, and out of place. Beside the surfboard topped jeeps and 4 wheel drive trucks Matthew’s appearance seemed to shout “Outsider”. Matthew had always felt that way. Growing up in a military family, he’d spent most of his life packing and unpacking. His father a Navy Seal and his Mother a pilot, Mathew and his sister,Janie had crisscrossed across the states and many of the other continents. Janie had followed in their parent’s example and had joined the service. Mathew had been a disappointment. After graduating high school and 4 years at college, Matthew got a job as a traveling stockbroker. It was an honest way to make a living, but not his parent’s dream for him. Thinking back it hadn’t been his dream either. He’d wanted to be an FBI agent. That his parents would have loved.

“The greatest honor” his father used to say, “is to serve your country”

Scolding himself Mathew broke thought his thoughts. Starting the engine Mathew pulled onto the highway, rock&roll thumping he made his way to the city.

Two hours later he pulled up in front of his destination.

” All I have to do is walk ten spaces and push the button,” Mathew told himself.

Turning off the engine, Mathew got out of the car. Pocketing the detonator he began to walk.

“6 spaces, 7 spaces, 8 spaces, 9 spaces, 10 spaces” he counted .

Looking back Mathew surveyed his beloved sports car. It had taken him months to save up the money in high school for the down payment. Now at 21 he’d invested a lot of time into keeping it spotless. It was his baby. It seemed like a fair trade, his car for his baby sister’s life. Matthew remembered the phone call that had started it all, all the weeks of planning; all because of a 30 second phone call. He remembered the voice; it had haunted his dreams for the last month. “

We have your sister, if you do what we say you’ll get her back” the voice had said.

Janie had been captured two days before her scheduled day to return home from her tour in Iraq. No one had known. He’d do anything for his sister. He’d kill the president, himself if it would save his baby sister’s life. Breathing deeply, Mathew swallowed dry. Turning away he pushed the detonator and broke out into a run. That’s when he heard the screaming.

“Did you see that” someone said?