Black Sheep

On the News

Mathew ran until he couldnt run anymore. finally he reached the safe point, an old abandoned ware house on 5th Avenue. gasping for air he hit the speed dial. his heart was stuck in his throat as he waited silently praying the call when through. finally the ringing stopped and a burly voice filled his ear

"Is it done?" he demanded.

"Turn on the news and find out" Mathew growled now annoyed "It should be all over it by now!"

The line went silent for a moment and then the voice returned a hint of amusement clear in his

"Well my lil american friend" laughed the man. "I didnt think you had it in you"

"I want to talk to her" demanded Mathew. "I kept my part of the bargain."

"Sure,,,sure" replied the man and the line was filled with the scared voice of his bby sis janie.

"M-mathew?" she questioned.

"Are you alright Janie?" cried Mathew. "Janie?"

"Thats enought for now." answered the man from before.

"You asshole!!" screamed Mathew as the line went dead.

Mathew slumped back against the wall memories of earlier floating in his mind

"what was he gonna do? He was a wanted fugitive, or at least he would be once they ran his plates."

Mathew sighed and pulled himself off the floor, there was nothing he could do about it now. He'd made a promise to get his sister back and he was gonna do it. Brushing his pants off and made his way out of the warehouse. Hunching his back pulling his jacket closer as he made his way back to his tiny hotel room.

Finally he made it back. Tossing his keys on the nightstand, he stripped out of his dirty jeans and t-shirt. He flicked on the tv and his mouth jaw dropped when the news story began.

"local police think that the result of a bombing earlier is the work of the son of the military general Robert Blakerfield. Reports speculate that a young man resembling his description was seen running from the scene of the bombing. Officials have called in the FBI and an official investigation is being run as we speak. The police urge anyone with information to come forward...."

Mathew clicked off the tv, he racked his fingers through his hair.

"Shit" he mumbled to himself "What am i gonna do now."

He grabbed his bag and began recklessly throwing his belongs in. grapping the duffle bag he pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and his leather jacket. the shower would have to wait. pushing his feet back into his converse he headed for the door. just then a knock startled him................