Penny Pan

Penny Pan: 1

I stared up at the moon. It never looked the same in Neverland.
With a sigh I leaped into the air letting myself fall from the tall building.
When the ground approached I willed myself upward and soared into the clouds.
I flew higher and higher closing my eyes.
I heard a giant WHOOSH above me and opened my eyes just in time to avoid the passing airplane. I looked sadly at it as it entered another cloud. Flying wasn't the same anymore.
I dived downward and zig-zagged down the streets peering into windows.
As I looked into a window, I was stopped by frequent yelling.
There was an old woman and a young boy arguing in their living room.
I watched their inaudible fighting until the boy ran up the stairs. I heard the slamming of a door then an opening window from above me. I soared higher, hearing the boy mumble angrily to himself. He paced around his room occasionally picking up things and placing them down again. He finally sat on his bed rubbing the back of his neck. After a while he pulled something from behind his bed. He started to pluck the strings stretched across the instrument. The notes flowed from his fingers and he started to sing.
"The strands in your eyes color them wonderful
stop me and steal my breath.
Emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth..."
The music sounded so beautiful. It flowed through my ears and I gasped loudly.
The boy stopped playing and turned his head to the window but I had already moved out of view. He shook his head as I peered back into the window. Placing the guitar on the floor beside him, he laid down and turned out his light. I silently entered the room.
I flew next to his bed and landed silently. I looked at the sleeping boy. He had brown hair that reached past his eyebrows and a long built body.
I hesitantly reached out and touched his face.
His eyes flew open and i shot backwards hitting the wall only a few feet behind me.
I rubbed the back of my head where a bruise was forming.
"Who are you?" The boy demanded. His eyes were a bright emerald green. Looking into them made me fell warm....
I didn't say anything for a while then realized he was talking to me.
"Penny." I said, "Penny Pan."
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Hope you liked it!