Holiday From Real


Mary Jane had spent the entire last two days thinking about what Vicky and Ashlee had told her to do. Gabe was supposed to be coming home today, and she planned on telling him about Chris. She was still worried about how Gabe would react, and she hoped that he wouldn’t do anything crazy when he found out.

She walked outside of the apartment and looked down to see a package sitting right outside the front door. She picked it up, muttering to herself, “Great! What did Chris give me this time?”

She went back inside and opened the box up to see pictures and a note. All of the pictures appeared to be from a tabloid magazine, and they were all of Gabe and some girls, laughing and having a good time. If she didn’t know her boyfriend better, she would have jumped to the wrong conclusions and thought that Gabe was cheating on her. But, Mary Jane knew better, and she knew that Gabe loved her.

She reached down and picked up the note.

Mary Jane,

So, it appears you haven’t been giving your boyfriend enough attention lately. He now has to go to some random girls for sex? Are you not good enough in bed for him? I mean you were nothing special to me, but you must be awful if Gabe now has to go to New York for a good time.

Or, was our time together just too special for you that you haven’t even slept with Gabe since then? If that’s the case, I’m more than willing to give it a second go round. Just name the time and place.

Always thinking of you,

Mary Jane quickly tore the paper to shreds, as she shook with anger. Was Gabe really sleeping with these girls in New York? Of course not! He loved Mary Jane, and he promised her he’d wait for her. But, how long was he supposed to wait? It had been how many months, and she still didn’t feel like she was ready yet. But, Gabe was a guy, and guys had their needs. She knew exactly what she had to do.

Gabe walked through the door of his apartment late that night. He saw the table set and wondered how long Mary Jane had been waiting for him. His plane had landed nearly two hours after it was scheduled. “MJ?” he called out as he set down his bags.

“Gabe,” Mary Jane came out of the bedroom with a smile. Gabe couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked tonight, wearing a light pink dress.

“Hey,” he said smiling back. “I’ve missed you so much,” he said as he walked towards her and kissed her. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for,” he said pulling away.

“Hmm…probably as long as I’ve wanted you to do that. So, probably about two minutes after you left,” Mary Jane joked as she kissed him again.

“So, you made me dinner?” Gabe asked, looking at the table.

“Yeah, but I’m thinking we could skip dinner tonight,” she smiled as she began walking back towards the bedroom.

“MJ?” Gabe questioned.

“Hmm?” Mary Jane mumbled as she turned around once they had both entered the bedroom.

“What’s going on?” he asked, confused.

Mary Jane didn’t answer him, but instead she kissed him passionately as she began working on undoing the buttons on his shirt.

“MJ, are you sure?” Gabe asked. “We can wait. I want to wait for you.”

Mary Jane simply nodded her head, indicating that she wanted to continue with this. Gabe began kissing her neck as she pushed him backwards until he fell on the bed, with her on top of him.

Gabe quickly turned them over so that he was he was hanging over her. He continued kissing down her neck.

Mary Jane didn’t know what to do. As soon as Gabe had flipped them over, she immediately had a flashback to when she was in that room with Chris. She began shaking, and Gabe instantly stopped. Looking down at her, he asked, “MJ, are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Mary Jane answered while nodding her head. She leaned up and brought her lips to his. As Gabe began pulling the zipper on the back of her dress down, she had another flashback.

Chris was working on the zipper to her pants, while she pleaded with him to stop.

“Please, Chris, please stop!” Mary Jane didn’t know what to do. He was on top of her, and he was too big for her to simply push off.

“Come on, you know you’ve wanted this since high school,” Chris insisted.

“No, no I haven’t,” she cried as he pulled her pants off of her. She could hear banging coming from the other side of the door, and she knew the others were trying to get in. But, she also knew that they were going to be too late.

“This will be quick,” Chris promised.

Mary Jane began sobbing as everything happened so fast. Chris thrust into her as she could hear the door being busted down. She didn’t know what exactly was happening. All she knew was that she couldn’t stop crying out, “Please, stop!”

Gabe looked down when he heard Mary Jane say to stop and saw tears streaming down her cheeks. He got off of her, standing up. “MJ, what’s the matter?” he asked, worried that he had done something to hurt her.

Mary Jane’s eyes quickly bolted open, and she found herself in her own bedroom with Gabe, and Chris nowhere in sight. “I’m sorry,” Mary Jane apologized between her sobs.

“Don’t apologize,” Gabe told her. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m sorry,” Mary Jane repeated. “I’m not ready. I can’t do this,” she said, sobbing harder.

“MJ, I love you,” he said sitting down beside her on the bed, putting his arm around her, and kissing her temple. “I’ve already told you I will wait until you are ready. We don’t have to do this right now.”

“I just don’t want you to have to go to New York in order to find some girls who will have sex with you,” Mary Jane cried as she leaned into him.

“What?” Gabe questioned, looking down at her. “What are you talking about? I was in New York to produce that record. I swear, MJ, I didn’t sleep with anyone.”

“I know that,” Mary Jane admitted.

“So, what was that all about?”

“Chris put this stupid idea in my head,” she told him.

“Chris?” Gabe questioned.

Mary Jane looked up at him. “I guess I should start at the beginning,” she told him. She then proceeded to tell him everything, starting from when Chris had threatened her when she left her apartment to the pictures and note she had received today.

“I’m going to kill that son of a bitch,” Gabe said through gritted teeth.

“Please, Gabe, don’t. Just leave it alone,” Mary Jane pleaded.

“MJ, I’m not going to let him continue doing this to you,” he told her.

“Gabe, please,” she begged. “As long as you’re here, I’ll be fine. Plus, I’ve got Ash and Vicky with me.”

“They know?” he asked.

“Yeah. They found out a couple of days ago. They’re the ones that actually convinced me to tell you about everything,” Mary Jane admitted.

“Well, I’m grateful for them, then,” Gabe told her. “And, if you don’t want me to say anything to Chris right now, I won’t. But, I can’t promise the same for the future.”

“I love you,” Mary Jane said looking up at him.

“I love you, too,” he said kissing her temple.
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