Holiday From Real


One Month Later

Mary Jane was sitting in the recording studio about to record her first song for her new record. She and Gabe were still going strong, and Gabe had managed not to kill Chris so far. Mary Jane was still getting random “gifts” from Chris, but it wasn’t happening as often as before.

Mary Jane sat on the stool, playing the beginning chords to the first song she wrote after the rape. She could see Patrick, who was once again producing her album, staring at her through the glass.

Even though she wouldn’t admit it out loud, she was actually nervous. She was worried about what everyone would think about her songs. For her first album, she had written about falling in and out of love. This album was far from what the first one was. Most of this album dealt with Chris, and her getting over everything.

As she got to the chorus, she started playing the guitar faster and louder, causing her to sing louder.

As she finished off the song with a strum of her guitar, she looked up to see Pete standing next to Patrick, both with their mouths wide open.

“Was it that bad?” Mary Jane asked nervously as she took the headphones off and sat them down in front of her. “I mean I know it’s been forever since I’ve been in the studio, and I know this song isn’t like my old ones, but…”

“MJ!” Pete cut her off. “That was amazing!”

“Seriously?” she asked skeptically.

“Perfect,” Patrick said, staring at her in amazement. “I’m not even kidding. I have no complaints whatsoever about the song. I don’t think you need to redo any part of it.”

Mary Jane’s eyes went wide. Patrick always critiqued some part of the song, and she always had to sing the chorus at least four times before he could find a version that he liked. “You liked it?” Mary Jane questioned.

“It was perfect,” Patrick repeated.

Mary Jane stepped out from behind the glass to meet Pete and Patrick on the other side. “And you think the lyrics are okay? I mean it’s not my normal love song,” Mary Jane told them. “Do you think people will actually like it?”

“I think it should be your first single,” Pete told her.


“Yeah,” Patrick agreed.

“Thanks, guys,” Mary Jane said smiling.

“Oh, I forgot for a minute why I’m here,” Pete said.

“Why?” Patrick asked.

“I came to tell MJ the good news,” he said smiling.

“What?” Mary Jane questioned.

“You are going to be going on tour this summer with…” he began, pausing for dramatics. “The All-American Rejects!” Pete yelled.

Mary Jane sat there frozen for a minute. “You’re not happy?” Pete asked.

“No, I am,” Mary Jane said faking a smile.

Patrick looked at her, trying to figure out what was wrong, but he figured she wouldn’t want to talk about it, so he let it go. “You feel like going in there and recording another hit song?” he asked her.

“Sure,” Mary Jane said, looking up at him.

Mary Jane walked through the front door of her apartment, relieved to finally be home after spending the last seven hours in the recording studio. It wasn’t that she didn’t love recording music, it was just she sometimes liked to get away from Patrick’s constant critiquing of everything. Granted, if it wasn’t for him, her music would be nowhere near as good as it was, and for that she was grateful.

Gabe came up behind where she was sitting on the couch, rubbing her shoulders. “How was your day?” he asked as his hands left her shoulders and he sat down next to her.

“Why’d you stop?” she whined.

“Bad day?” Gabe asked.

“Yes. No. I don’t know,” Mary Jane said, not being able to make up her mind. “I mean parts of it were good. I recorded three of my songs. And Patrick and Pete think that ‘Get Out of My Head’ is good enough to be my first single. But…” she trailed off.

“Does this have something to do with Pete telling you that you’re going on tour with the All-American Rejects?” Gabe asked looking over at her.

“I don’t know,” Mary Jane said, avoiding the question.

“MJ, what’s wrong?” Gabe asked looking over at her.

Mary Jane looked up into Gabe’s eyes. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

“Of what?” Gabe questioned.

“Gabe, I’m going on tour with a bunch of guys,” Mary Jane began.

“I don’t understand,” Gabe told her. “I mean you went on tour with a bunch of guys after the rape. What’s different this time?”

“You,” Mary Jane said simply.

“Huh?” Gabe asked.

“You’re not going to be there. I always felt safe and protected when you were there next to me,” Mary Jane admitted. “Now, you’re not going to be there next to me. I’m scared,” she admitted.

“MJ, I promise you these guys are nice. They’re not going to do anything to you except try to be your friend,” Gabe said.

“Are you sure?” Mary Jane asked nervously.

“Positive,” Gabe assured her. “But, if you’re really nervous about going on tour with a bunch of guys, maybe we can talk to Pete and see if we can get some girls to go on tour with you,” he suggested.

“I don’t want to be that bitchy diva singer,” Mary Jane said.

“You’re not,” Gabe told her. “I’m sure Pete would understand. Why don’t we just ask him?”

“Okay,” Mary Jane said with a small smile. “Thanks, Gabe.”

“No problem,” he said leaning down and kissing her.
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