Holiday From Real

On Tour

Mary Jane and Gabe were headed over to Pete and Ashlee’s house to see if they could come up with some solution to the touring problem. Mary Jane looked over at Gabe. “Do you really think Pete’s not going to have a problem with me not wanting to go on tour with just guys?” she asked.

“Pete’s going to understand,” Gabe said grabbing Mary Jane’s hand which was currently resting on the center console. “Don’t worry.”

“I just don’t want to be this bitchy singer who has to everything her way,” Mary Jane told him.

“Like I said, Pete’s going to understand,” Gabe repeated.

Five minutes later, they pulled into Pete and Ashlee’s driveway. Mary Jane was hesitant to get out, and Gabe walked over to her side of the car and opened her door. “MJ, he’s one of your best friends. Stop worrying,” he said with a little laugh as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the car.

“Fine,” Mary Jane sighed. They walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

Ashlee answered the door, smiling. “Hey!” she exclaimed, moving to the side to allow them to enter the house.

“You seem happy,” Mary Jane told her.

“That’s because I am,” Ashlee said.

“Why?” Gabe asked.

“We went to the doctor today, and she said that both Ash and the baby are healthy,” Pete answered, walking into the living room.

“Did you find out the sex of the baby?” Mary Jane asked excitedly.

“No,” Ashlee pouted. “Pete still doesn’t want to know.”

“Pete!” Mary Jane exclaimed.

“What?” he asked. “I want it to be a surprise. So, sue me,” he told her. “Besides, Ash, you know you’re going to be happy that I made you do this after our baby’s born.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Ashlee joked.

“Anyways,” Pete said. “What did you need to talk about, MJ?”

“The tour,” Mary Jane said as walked over to the couch and sat down.

“What about it?” Pete asked following her. “Do you not like the All-American Rejects? Because just so you know, they were actually the ones who wanted to do the tour with you. They called us and requested you.”

Mary Jane felt worse for what she was about to say now. “I like them just fine,” she said, trying to figure out how to word her fears.

“Then what is it?” Pete asked.

“I don’t think I can go on a tour with all guys,” Mary Jane blurted out.

“What?” Pete asked, looking at her.

“After everything that’s happened, MJ’s just not comfortable being the only girl on tour,” Gabe explained for her, which Mary Jane was extremely grateful for.

She looked over and smiled at Gabe before she turned back around to look at Pete. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It’s just that I don’t think I could handle being around only guys.”

“What if we got another girl to tour with you?” Pete asked.

“That’d work,” Mary Jane told him. “But, who are you going to get?”

“When’s the tour?” Ashlee asked.

“Yeah, when is the tour?” Mary Jane asked, laughing. She thought it was funny that Pete had never mentioned when the tour began.

“It’s next summer, so in about eight months,” Pete answered.

“Why don’t I do it?” Ashlee suggested.

Mary Jane looked up at her to see if she was serious or not. When she saw that she was serious, she said, “Ashlee, you can’t go on tour with us!”

“Why not?” Ashlee asked. “Am I not good enough to go on tour with the amazing MJ Carter?” she said jokingly.

“You know that’s not it,” Mary Jane assured her.

“Then why can’t I?”

“Um, let’s see here. Could it be that you are currently pregnant?” Mary Jane asked.

“And I won’t be pregnant when the tour starts,” she said. “Not that it should matter anyways,” she added.

“Ashlee, you’re going to have a seven month old little baby,” Mary Jane told her. “You can’t just up and leave him or her to go on tour,” she reasoned.

“And why wouldn’t I be able to go on tour and still have my family with me?” she asked. “I mean do you expect Pete to stop touring now? No. You know he’s going to be going on tour, too.”

“Pete, what do you think?” Mary Jane asked, assuming he would agree with her.

“I say I don’t mind either way. I mean I didn’t know Ash wanted to go back on tour, but if that’s what she wants, then we’ll make it work,” he said smiling at his wife.

“You’re seriously okay with Ash going on tour with us? What is wrong with you two? Do you not realize that you two will have a little baby?” Mary Jane asked incredulously.

“Yes, I understand that!” Ashlee told her. “But, we can make it work.”

“Ash, I think you should focus on your family and not worry about me.”

“MJ, I really want to do this. I’ve been missing going on tour. It’s been how long since I’ve been on one? What better one than the tour that my best friend is going on?” she asked.

“You’re really sure about this?” Mary Jane asked.

“Yes,” Ashlee assured her.

“I guess we’re going on tour then,” Mary Jane smiled as she hugged Ashlee.
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