Holiday From Real

This Is How A Heart Breaks

Mary Jane stood in the bathroom trying to finish getting ready for the evening. Gabe had asked her out, and he had emphasized that they were going to go to out to a nice restaurant, so she was now curling her hair.

“I can’t believe Brendon’s proposing to Vicky!” Mary Jane told Gabe.

“Why not? They love each other.”

“I know,” Mary Jane agreed. “I’m really happy for them, though,” she added with a smile.

“Well, I hope so,” Gabe said. “They are your best friends!”

“Shut up,” Mary Jane told him.

An hour later, they were sitting at the restaurant, looking over the menu. “Do you see anything you want?” Gabe asked Mary Jane.

“Of course,” Mary Jane told him. “There’s so much!”

“Well, order anything that you want,” Gabe said.

After they had ordered, Mary Jane looked across the table at Gabe. “So, what is the occasion for this fine restaurant?” she asked.

“What? Can’t a guy just take his amazing girlfriend out for a romantic dinner?” Gabe asked. “Does there have to be some occasion?”

“A guy? Yes,” she told him. “Gabe Saporta? No. There’s a reason behind all of this,” she said. “I just haven’t figured it out yet. But, don’t you worry. I will,” she added with a smile.

“Well, when you find out, let me know because I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Gabe said as the waiter came back with their appetizers.

“See, that just proves it!” Mary Jane exclaimed.

“Proves what?”

“Proves that there’s something you’re hiding. Come on, Gabe, I know you well enough to know when you’re hiding something from me. Please, just tell me it’s something good. Please don’t tell me that you’re going on tour tomorrow or something.”

Gabe didn’t answer right away, and Mary Jane just stared at him, her stomach tightening in fear that Gabe was going to leave her soon. “Gabe, please tell me that you’re not going on tour tomorrow,” she repeated.

“I’m not going on tour tomorrow,” Gabe said, smiling at her.


“When what?” he asked.

“When are you going on tour?” she asked, scared for the answer.

“I don’t know,” Gabe said honestly.

“When is it?” she asked again. “Is it soon?”

“MJ, I really don’t know,” Gabe told her, grabbing one of her hands that sat on the table. “But, I do promise you that it’s not anytime soon, okay? Don’t worry,” he assured her.

“You promise?”

“I promise. Now, eat your food,” he ordered.

“So, I’m still trying to figure out why you brought me here,” Mary Jane said as their main dishes arrived. “I mean it’s not our anniversary. It’s not like the anniversary of our first kiss or something like that, is it?” she asked, trying to think back to the date of the first time they kissed.

“No,” Gabe laughed at her.

“Then what is it?” Mary Jane questioned. “Come on, just tell me already?”

“MJ, don’t worry about it.”

“Fine,” Mary Jane pouted as she ate her food.

“Okay, MJ,” Gabe asked, as their dinner came to an end. “Do you want to know why I brought you here?”

“Yes,” Mary Jane said brightening up. “Why did you bring me here?”

Gabe shifted in his seat. “MJ, I love you with all of my heart.”

“Gabe, I love you, too,” Mary Jane said, starting to wonder why Gabe was telling her this and what this had to do with why he brought her to the restaurant tonight.

“And, I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Gabe continued. Mary Jane’s eyes went wide when she heard the words, as thoughts of a proposal ran through her mind. But Gabe wasn’t really going to propose now, was he?

Her thoughts came true as Gabe got down on one knee, pulling a small box out of his jacket pocket and opening it in front of her. “MJ, will you marry me?”

Mary Jane looked down at the ring, tears in her eyes. She recognized the ring as the one she had pointed out to Brendon at the Tiffany’s store just a few days ago. She couldn’t help but wonder if her going shopping with Brendon was all a ploy in order for Gabe to find the perfect ring for her or if Brendon really was planning on proposing to Vicky.

Her mind went back to the proposal as she looked down at Gabe who had his attention focused on her, waiting for an answer.

“MJ?” he asked after she was silent for a few moments.

“I’m sorry,” Mary Jane began.

Gabe stood up from where he knelt and looked at her. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“I’m sorry. I can’t marry you,” she whispered.

Gabe’s face fell, and he asked, “Why not?”

“I just can’t,” Mary Jane choked out as she sprinted out of the restaurant, unable to look at Gabe’s heartbroken face any longer.
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