Holiday From Real

Next Go Round

Mary Jane parked her car in the parking lot of her old apartment complex. She didn’t have a set plan as to what she was about to do. All she knew was that she needed to confront Chris. She had no other choice. He had already ruined her life, and there wasn’t anything else much that he could do to her.

She quickly ran up the steps to his apartment and knocked on his door. A few moments later, he opened the door and smiled when he saw who was on the other side. “Mary Jane,” he smirked. “Did you come all this way just to see me?” he asked.

“Yes, I did,” she admitted.

“Well, come on in,” he said, opening the door even further so she could go into the apartment. Against, her better judgment, she took a few steps into his living room, and Chris shut the door behind them. “What did you come here for?” he asked. “Another go round?”

“No!” Mary Jane exclaimed. “I came here to tell you that you can no longer control my life! I’m not going to let you.”

“What do you mean?” Chris asked, taking a step closer to her. “How am I controlling your life?”

Mary Jane took a step backwards, and stared at him. “You have fucked up my entire life,” she told him.

“I fucked up your life?” Chris questioned. “I believe it’s the other way around, sweetie. Ever since you tried to get me to go to jail, my life has been fucked up. I can’t even get a job anymore,” he told her.

“I can’t even sleep half the time because I wake up screaming because of you,” Mary Jane told him, trying to get everything she’s wanted to say to him off of her chest.

“So, you’re dreaming of me?” Chris smirked. “You know, if you wanted me that badly, all you had to do was ask.”

“I’m not dreaming of you!” Mary Jane screamed. “I have fucking nightmares of you and what you did to me!” she yelled.

“So, you can’t sleep,” Chris said. “At least people don’t look at you differently, like you’re a bad guy,” he said, letting her know how she had ruined his life.

“Chris, you are a bad guy,” she told him. “You raped me!”

“I believe I was cleared of that charge,” Chris said.

Mary Jane rolled her eyes. “I came here to tell you all the ways that you ruined my life, not to hear how bad your life is.”

“Oh, well then by all means, please continue. Tell me how else I ruined your life,” Chris told her.

“You’ve completely ruined any chance I ever had at being in love,” Mary Jane continued.

“Oh, what happened to your beloved Gabe?” he questioned. “He realized you were just a piece of trash and he dumped you?”

“No, in fact, he proposed,” Mary Jane countered.

Chris stared at her for a minute. “But, you don’t seem to have an engagement ring on your finger,” he said, pointing to her hand. “Which means either he took back his proposal or you turned him down.”

Mary Jane didn’t say anything, still upset with everything that had happened between her and Gabe.

A smile spread across Chris’s face. “You turned him down, didn’t you?”

Mary Jane remained silent, and Chris said, “You really did turn him down! This is amazing!”

“This is not amazing!” Mary Jane yelled. “This is horrible! I lost the one person I love more than anything in the world, and it’s all because of you!”

“Because of me?” Chris questioned. “How is this because of me? Are you in love with me or something?”

“I hate you,” Mary Jane told him.

“Hate? Don’t you think that’s a pretty harsh word for someone you lost your virginity to?” Chris asked her.

“No. I hate you with every fiber in my body. And, I will hate you until the day I die. You have made my life a living hell, but I am no longer going to let you control it.”

“I don’t think you hate me. Because if you did, you never would have come here to my apartment tonight. No, you wanted to see me. And, I think it’s because you’ve missed me.”

“I have not missed you. I wish you would stay out of my life completely,” Mary Jane told him.

“Oh, really?” he asked, pushing her against the closest wall.

“What the hell are you doing?” Mary Jane asked, trying to get out from underneath his strong grip.

“I’m giving you what you came here for,” Chris said as he crashed his lips against hers.

“Get off of me!” Mary Jane screamed.

“Listen, I know you came here for me. You want this. If you didn’t, you would be with Gabe right now. But, you broke things off with him, and then you came here to me.”

“I came here to tell you to stay away from me, and that I’m not going to let you affect my life anymore,” Mary Jane told him as he continued to hold her against the wall. “Now, will you get the hell off of me?” she yelled.

Chris didn’t answer, but instead began kissing down her neck.

“Get the fuck off of me!” she yelled. “Someone help me!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that one of the neighbors would be able to hear her and get her some help.

“No one’s going to be able to hear you,” Chris smirked as his mouth went back to her neck.

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Mary Jane thought to herself. Why didn’t I just listen to Vicky when she told me to stay away from him? Please, just let someone be able to find me so I don’t have to go through all of this again! she silently prayed.
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