Holiday From Real

Will You Marry Me

Mary Jane and Gabe were finally allowed to leave after having given very detailed statements as to what had happened that night. “Do you want to go home now?” Gabe asked.

“Actually, can we go to Vicky’s?” Mary Jane asked. “I just really need to see her and thank her for everything.”

“No problem,” Gabe smiled as he turned in the direction of Vicky’s apartment. He turned to look at Mary Jane, who was currently looking out the window. “MJ, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Mary Jane told him as she continued to stare outside.

“No, MJ, everything that happened was because of me. I didn’t mean what I said before. None of this was your fault. I was angry and said some things that I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, MJ. I love you,” Gabe told her.

“I love you, too,” Mary Jane said, turning her head to look at him. “But, some of the things you said were right. Like, I haven’t been getting over the rape like I should be. That’s why I went tonight,” she admitted.

“I don’t understand,” Gabe told her.

“I needed to confront him and let him know that I wasn’t going to let him control my life anymore. I think I needed to do that. But, I shouldn’t have gone by myself. And, I’m sorry, too.”

“For what?”

“For everything that happened tonight. Gabe! Chris was ready to kill you tonight,” Mary Jane reminded him.

“Yeah, and he was trying to rape you again!” Gabe exclaimed. “MJ, I didn’t care what he was going to do to me. I only cared about what he was going to do to you.”

“Gabe, I love you, and I’m sorry that I turned down your proposal, but I had my reasons. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still want to be with you,” Mary Jane told him.

“I know,” Gabe admitted. “And, I’m sorry that I went off on you like I did. You didn’t deserve it, and I’ll wait until you’re ready, even if that time never comes,” Gabe smiled as he pulled into a parking space outside of Vicky’s apartment.

“Thanks, Gabe,” Mary Jane told him as she got out of the car. She grabbed his hand, and they made their way up the steps to Vicky’s apartment. Mary Jane knocked on the door, and Vicky immediately answered the door.

“Thank God you two are okay!” Vicky exclaimed, enveloping both of them in a hug. “What happened?” she asked. “Gabe, you never called me.”

“I know,” Gabe told her. “I’m sorry about that. But, if you hadn’t called the cops, I’m pretty sure neither of us would be here to talk to you right now. So, thank you for that.”

“What? What happened?” Vicky asked. “I just called the cops because I was afraid that you were going to try to kill Chris. What happened?”

“Actually, it was the opposite way around,” Mary Jane told her.

“What?” Vicky asked, confused at Mary Jane’s statement.

“Chris pulled out a gun on Gabe and said that if I didn’t do what he said, he’d shoot Gabe,” Mary Jane explained.

Vicky’s eyes went wide. “Thank God you’re okay!” she repeated. “What the hell is wrong with that guy?” she asked.

Gabe and Mary Jane went on to recount all the events of the previous night. By the time they were finished, Mary Jane looked over at the clock to see it was six in the morning. She stifled a yawn, and Gabe looked over at her. “Let’s go home,” he told her.

“That sounds perfect,” Mary Jane smiled. She looked over at Vicky. “We’ll see you later, but I am exhausted right now.”

“Well, you have had a crazy past twelve hours,” Vicky smiled. “I’ll talk to you two later,” she said as she walked them out the door.

As soon as she got inside their apartment, Mary Jane immediately went to the bedroom and changed her clothes. She then proceeded to lie down on the bed next to Gabe. She turned over to look into Gabe’s eyes. “Thank you for saving me tonight,” Mary Jane told him.

“Of course,” Gabe told her. “I love you, and I don’t want anything to ever happen to you again. But, I think we should really be thanking Vicky. She saved the both of us.”

“Yeah, if it wasn’t for Vicky, I don’t think we’d be here right now,” Mary Jane replied.

“Let’s not think about that. Go to sleep,” he said, pressing a light kiss to her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Mary Jane said before her eyes slowly drifted shut.

Three hours later, Gabe was awoken by Mary Jane yelling out in her sleep. “Hey, hey,” he said trying to get Mary Jane to calm down. “You’re okay. I’m here. It’s me, Gabe.”

Mary Jane’s eyes shot open, and she looked up at Gabe. “I’m sorry,” she apologized quietly.

“You’re fine. Go back to sleep. I’m right here. I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he promised as she buried her head in his chest and he lightly ran his hands through her hair.

Mary Jane lied there, thinking about all the reasons she was grateful Gabe was in her life. For the life of her, she couldn’t think of one good reason she had turned down his proposal.

A few hours later, Mary Jane awoke to an empty place beside her. She got out of bed, and she could hear the shower running. She smiled to herself, and went to the kitchen to begin lunch since it was already the next afternoon.

She turned around to see Gabe standing there in just a pair of shorts. “Well, don’t you look sexy?” Mary Jane joked as she walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

“I was thinking the same thing about you,” Gabe smiled.

As they sat down to eat, Mary Jane looked over at Gabe. “I’ve been thinking,” she began.

“About what?” Gabe asked.

Not knowing how to exactly put everything into words, she blurted out, “Will you marry me?”

Gabe stared at her for a moment. “What?” he asked.

“Will you marry me?” Mary Jane repeated.

“MJ, I thought you weren’t ready to get married yet. That’s fine with me. I’ll wait until you’re ready,” he said, grabbing her hand that sat on the table.

“Gabe, honestly, I have no idea why I turned down your proposal. And, if you’ll be patient with me about getting over the whole Chris thing, I want to marry you,” she told him.

Gabe laughed a little. “What?” Mary Jane asked. “If you don’t want to marry me, just say so. I’m not going to be mad. I mean I did turn your proposal down.”

“That’s not it. That’s not it at all,” Gabe told her. “Of course I want to marry you.”

“Then why are you laughing?”

“This always happens,” Gabe said. “I mean remember when we broke up last year, and I asked you to get back together. You said no, and then a little bit later, you asked me to be your boyfriend again. Now, I ask you to marry me, and you say no. Then, the next day, you ask me to marry you.”

Mary Jane started laughing, too. “I guess I just like to be the one in control,” she joked. “But, seriously, Gabe, will you marry me?”

“Yes,” he said without hesitation as he leaned forward and passionately kissed her.
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I'll have the last chapter up later tonight!
Let me know what you think!