Holiday From Real


“Guys, does it really matter why Vicky and I broke up?” Brendon asked, looking between Gabe and Pete. He really didn’t want to have to tell them the whole story.

“Yes,” Pete said immediately. “Come on, man. You and Vicky haven’t been the same since this last break up. You guys have broken up before, and you were fine. There was something different with this last one.”

“Vicky already told you, we broke up because I wouldn’t have sex with her,” Brendon told them.

“Wait a minute. What?” Gabe asked, not knowing what Brendon was talking about. “You wouldn’t sleep with her? What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Dude, I don’t know,” Brendon admitted. “I mean we’d always talk about it, and she always said she wanted to take our relationship to the next level and sleep together. I just…I don’t know.”

“I don’t get it,” Pete said. “You guys dated for how long? You two were practically in love with each other.”

“I was in love with her. Hell, I’m still in love with her,” Brendon said rubbing his face with his hands.

“So, what was up with the no sex thing? That’s not like you. I mean you’ve had how many girls in your bed in the last few weeks?” Gabe asked.

“I know, but it doesn’t mean anything with them. With Vicky, it would have. God, I am completely and totally in love with her, and I thought that it’d somehow fuck it up if we slept together,” Brendon told them.

“Did you tell her that?” Gabe asked, even though he already knew the answer.

“No,” Brendon said quietly.

“So, what did you tell her?” Pete asked.

“Nothing,” Brendon said, rubbing his hands through his hair. “I just told her I didn’t want to have sex. She would always get pissed and break up with me.”

“So, what was different about this last time?” Pete asked.

“Do we really have to talk about this?” Brendon asked.

“Yes,” Pete and Gabe said at the same time.

“Fine, I may have gone out and slept with someone after the second to last time we broke up. Vicky was pissed, but she forgave me, and we started going out again. Then, when the subject of having sex came up again, I told her no, and she went crazy, kind of like she did today,” he added, looking at Pete.

“I still don’t get it, man. Why wouldn’t you sleep with her? You have no problem sleeping with anyone else?” Gabe asked.

“Like I said before, I love her.”

“That doesn’t make sense, though,” Gabe told him. “If you love her, why aren’t you willing to sleep with her?”

“I’m scared,” Brendon finally admitted.

“Scared?” Pete asked. “Of what?”

“I don’t know. I guess part of me doesn’t want to give her my whole heart because I’m afraid of what she’s going to do with it.”

“Dude!” Gabe exclaimed. “Vicky’s completely in love with you!”

“I know,” Brendon said. “Okay, we’ve talked about this long enough. Can we drop it now?”

“Fine,” Pete relented. “At least for now.”

“Thanks. Okay, I’m out of here,” Brendon said. “I’ll see you guys later.”

“Okay, bye,” Pete and Gabe said as Brendon left.

As soon as Brendon shut the door behind him, Gabe turned to Pete. “I wonder where the hell he’s going.”

“Why do I have a feeling that it’s probably some place he shouldn’t be?” Pete asked.

All Brendon could do once he left Pete’s house was think about how badly he had screwed up things with Vicky. Not knowing where else to go, he decided to go to a local bar and drink his problems away.

Two hours later, Brendon was completely drunk. As he got ready to leave, the bartender told him that he’d call him a cab since he didn’t want him driving home in his condition.

“Thanks,” Brendon said, as he sat back down on the barstool, waiting on the cab to arrive. Soon, a young, brunette girl sat down in the seat next to him. Brendon looked over at her, wondering if she was legally old enough to even be in the bar.

The girl looked at Brendon, only to see him staring at her. “Hi,” she said smiling. “Aren’t you Brendon Urie?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Brendon said to her, while he was thinking, Great! Another fan girl!

“I’m Lydia,” she said, smiling so widely that Brendon was pretty sure he could count all of her teeth.

All of a sudden, the bartender came over to them and said, “Hey, Brendon, your cab’s here.”

“Thanks,” Brendon said getting off the barstool.

He noticed that Lydia had started to follow him. He turned around to look at her. “Do you want some company?” she asked suggestively, as she touched his arm.

Brendon looked at her for a few moments, as if contemplating whether or not he wanted her to come back home with him. “No, thanks,” he finally said.

“Whatever,” the girl said whipping around and returning to the bar.

As he walked to the cab, he couldn’t believe he had turned the girl down, but all that had been on his mind all night was Vicky. The alcohol couldn’t even chase her away.

“Okay,” the driver said. “254 Main Street, right?” he asked, as the bartended had told him where to drop Brendon off.

“Yeah,” Brendon told him as he sat back in the seat. A couple of seconds later, he leaned forward, making sure the driver knew he was talking to him. “Actually, can you take me to 572 Pike?” Brendon asked, giving him the driver Vicky’s address.
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What's Brendon doing???
What do you think is going to happen??