Gray Blood

Gray Blood 10 Talks And Shocks

Sacha's POV
After the horrible day that was yesterday, I thought it would be cool to see if I could try-try being the operative word-to get David to 'fess up about his life. Weird that I'm so obsessed with him now. But at a camp this horrible and constricting, its hard not to be attached to your people.
My best person is a married man who enjoys watching me suffer but most of the time he’s nice so I'll deal with what I got. I sat next to David.
"So...Izzy. I hardly know her. Wanna talk about her?" A small smile crossed his face and he looked at me.
"Yur goin' crazy inside 'bout me and my life, aren't ya." Right on target. Talk about accurate.
"Pretty much. Wanna ease my pain?"
"No. I live for it." I groaned and slapped his shoulder.
"But I should say this., well this is pretty hard for me to say but..." Its as if I'm holding a gun to his head. Probably in his mind.
"Yes?" Being patient is hard.
"I w-wanted to say that I'm sorry. I sorta touched yur hand and that may have looked like flirting but ugh I mean I was just being friendly you know? I have a weird way of showing it but I'm really sorry."
"Making circles on my hand is a little weird but I'll accept your apology."
"You just made me really happy. That's all. Nothing special. Not that yur not special its just...god I sound like an idiot." I laughed and pinched his cheek to embarrass him.
"So cute!"
"Enough! God if this is what I get for being nice than screw it, I'm a dip shit asshole." This made me laugh even harder and he laughed along with me.
"Ya know, if I ever tell you 'bout me, I wanna hear somethin' in return. My life story for your life story, you know?"
"Yeah I know. I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. Deal?" I held my pinkie out.
"Aww hell no. I don't do pinkies. That is so gay."
"Aww, come on. I do pinkies with everything! Please?"
"Handshake. That's it. Deal or no deal."
"Fine." I held out my hand and he held out his, except at the very last second, he spit in his and then grabbed my hand. "Eww that's sick! Why'd you do that?"
"To make it official."
"That's gross I don't work with spit. For that, you have to go first. Also for what you did yesterday." I wiped hand on his shirt.
"Fine. Okay...where to start. Umm, nothing really important in my early life you know? When I was young, my dad was kind of busy with...stuff so he really never got the chance to raise me. I really hated him for that you know? Sometimes, I wish I could have been a better person, at least to him. Even if he never cared or never tried, I could've done my part. I never realized this until he died."
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah well I lied to you about the way he died. My dad never died in a car accident. He got shot by the emperor's spies." I didn't know what to think then. "It was on my birthday too, when I just turned sixteen and he decided to take me to the Florida beaches. It was the first time out of where I lived and it was all so new to me. Any ways, he gave me ten marbles as a present for growing up and I threw them in the sand. He looked so hurt when I did that and I didn't even care, like I was throwing away his one chance of forgiveness. When he got shot, he told me to run. And I ran. I wanted to stay but I knew he'd hate me if I did. I grabbed as many marbles as I could to make him see that I cared and I ran. When I made it to the boat that would take me home, I beat myself up like crazy. Only Izzy stopped me from killing myself. Literally."
"What happened to your mom then?"
"Last year, she got cancer. She was so sick and I got really drunk..." He turned from me and I knew there was something he was hiding from me.
"When did you first meet Izzy?" A smile replaced his upset face and he closed his eyes to remember more clearly.
"I was twelve. She was thirteen. It was gonna be my birthday in a few days and I didn't care. I was such an angry person when I was younger. She came by to give me a present, even though she hardly knew me. She was just so pretty. I thought she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen and I went crazy over her. She was so beautiful and I was just some little angry dork who wanted to ask her out."
"So you eventually lost your fear and gained the courage to ask her out?"
"No, my mom called her mom and set us up together. I was in pure horror for weeks. But at least I got my girl."
"That's so cute that your mom did that. I can't imagine you being a dork though."
"Hey, don't let it go to yur head. Only when I was around her I was all retarded and stuff. I got over it when I was fourteen and that's how I came to be now."
"Dipshit David. The one and only. Go on." He laughed.
"I-I asked her to marry me last year and she said yes. We were supposed to get married officially but she had to escape because of the emperor was trying to get us."
"Why didn't you go?" His eyes looked at me with such pain that I was filled with numb.
"I had to protect her. Mom had cancer so she couldn't leave and she was about to die. I told Izzy to leave and be safe and free while I took her place and went to prison for her. I just had to protect her. She didn’t want to leave me and she said she’d rather be with me but I refused to let them get her."
"Oh my god. You gave up everything for her to be safe?" He gave me a 'duh' look.
"Of course. She was the love of my life and I know she's safe right now, wherever she is. Safe and happy. That’s all I ever want. If I have to stay here for the rest of my life, just to have her smiling, so be it. I’d do anything if it meant keeping her alive forever."
"If we never get out of here, then you'll..."
"Yeah I know." Tears were in his eyes and he tried to wipe them away. A huge lump was in my throat and I felt like crying. I couldn't imagine having that one special person who I could give my heart to being taken away from me and still expect to be standing after that.
David was really inspiring to me. I pulled him in for a hug and whispered to him “I can’t stand to see a guy cry.”, even though I was crying with him.....
"Everyone I have an announcement. You'll be pleased to know that Jia Day is in two days from now so any loved ones you have, be prepared to see them."
My heart skipped a beat. I would see Sean and Sammy so soon. My brothers, I missed them so much.
David nudged me and interrupted my dreams and fantasies.
"Tomorrow its your turn to talk." I smiled, to happy to be spoiled by his attitude.
"Fine. I'll tell you everything I just have to see my brothers."
♠ ♠ ♠
David is honest. u gotta luv an honest guy but in this chap. u find out that David is the strongest person in the story yet.
crap, i just realized i messed up this chapter's synopsis! sorry, but now its all fixed! :)
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