Gray Blood

Gray Blood 11 Jia Day Surprises

Sacha's POV
When I woke up and ate breakfast, the guard took me straight to the lunch room and told me to wait there. I was pretty much pissed off that the guards were still calling me by the number '721'. God, I hated it more than anything but what really made me upset was that I'd be in a really bad mood and Sean and Sammy would hate that. Everyone around me was talking excitedly, waiting for brothers, sisters, cousins, whoever was locked up and coming to Jia day. My stomach tensed slightly and I felt sick. A thousand questions bubbled in my head repeatedly. It was scary for me, because I didn't know how they would be like now. The last time I had seen Sean, he was mad at me for some reason and this scared me because what if he hated me now?
Sean's POV
The breakfast I had was complete crap-it looked like someone had barfed up their insides. I waited impatiently on my bed before I had to walk around and pace, then finally, I banged on the door. A little metal slide opened and I could see the guard's gray eyes.
"What is it 625?" If you keep calling me that, I'm going to 625 my foot up your ass.
"Yeah, when can I go see my sister?
"Five more minutes. Be patient." The slide slid shut and I jumped on my bed to try and pass the time. Nothing seemed to work for me.
10 minutes later
The guard dragged me by my cuffed hands through thousands of corridors and past doors. We walked for what seemed like hours.
He uncuffed me and finally put me in a group-a giant crowd that doesn't know what personal space means-and left me there. I stared at the gray doors that we were gathered in front of, my patience wearing thin. Fed up with the wait, I pushed ahead of everybody, ignoring their complaints in order to be in the front. But as soon as those doors opened, everyone flew past me into the room at the speed of light.
Sacha's POV
I waited by the table, watching everyone screaming, crying, laughing, when the families combined. I was the only person sitting alone. Someone tapped my shoulder and my heart skipped a beat. I turned and wrapped my arms around Sean, only it wasn't Sean who I was hugging. Oh crap.
"Aww, miss me?" I pulled away and bushed bright red.
"David! What are you doing here? You don't have any family here, do you?"
"Hell no. I'm bored as hell and its deadbeat outside so I snuck in here with another group. To hard to escape from the guards for good, but hey, I can work with this."
"The guards didn't catch you?"
"Nope. To busy with Jia Day, ‘cause they're just not use to it. Its pretty new so they're pretty bad at keeping us all together but until then, lets meet John and Francis."
"Ugh...its Sean and Sammy. I can understand John but where the heck did you get Francis?"
"Who knows who cares. Its the same shit." He better not curse in front of my brothers. "Any ways, where are they?" I looked down.
"I-I don’t know...maybe they're not coming to see me 'cause they don't wanna see me or something...."
"Only when you PMS Cha Cha." I turned and saw Sean grinning wildly at me, his arms outstretched to hug me. I ran and jumped up; my entire body wrapped around him like a leech.
"I missed you Shoo Shoo." He was able to hold me in his arms and eventually he backed up to sit on the bench with me on his lap. David sat down next to us.
"So John or Sean or whatever your name is...since I can't remember, can I just call you Marshall or is Shoo Shoo more appropriate?" I broke my hug to slap David.
"Shut up! Stop ruining the family moment or you can leave right now!"
"Whatever you say Cha Cha. My lips are sealed." He pretended to zip his lips and he smiled at me. Great, Cha Cha. My family nickname in the hand's of my torturer. Brilliant.
Sean glare at David, his arms tensed around me protectively.
"Sacha, who is this guy?"
"Oh, this is my best friend, David. He can be a little annoying sometimes but we're cool, right David?" David showed me a ‘thumbs up’ sign and grinned at the both of us. Somehow, he looked just a little bit to interested in our conversation now.
"How long have you known him?"
"Today would make it four days, I think."
"You've known him for four days and he's already your best fiend?"
Maybe having David in our little heart-to-heart moment isn't such a good idea.
"He-well when I was let out of lock down aft-"
"Whoa back up. They locked you up? Why?"
"Some bitch got me in trouble at orientation but she's not in our group. Now let me finish Sean. So after being locked up for three months, I was finally let out and I gotta go outside four days ago. I went over to the boys' side and I met David there. Some asses stole some of his stuff so I went over to get it for him but one of the guy's Warren tried to rape me so David came to my rescue, broke his nose, and held me while I cried." And we lived happily never after. Tear.
"WHAT?!? You almost got RAPED by some asshole because this guy lost his stuff?" Boy, the way he said it, totally ruined the romance in my story. But he does seem pretty mad.
"It was important to him 'cause that stuff was his dad's and that's all he got left of him. Besides, David saved me from getting hurt so all's good. He’s really a good guy, Sean, trust me. You just have to get to know him a little better."
"Give me three more days and I'll get back to you. Oh wait, the next Jin day isn't for another seventy days! What a shame!" God, I hate his sarcasm.
"If it helps the situation, I'm also Sacha's BODY guard from other people." We stared at David. Well, we both glared but for different reasons entirely.
"You're supposed to shut up and stay quiet, remember?"
"Hold on Sacha. Let me talk to your little body guard friend." I winced and saw David’s face perk with a mix of annoyance and enthusiasm.
"Little? I'm seventeen, dude. I'll even be eighteen in a day OR today."
"I am eighteen and I've been eighteen for months. To me, your little." Geez, Sean's going all ‘dad’ on me.
"So what's the problem Mr. Man?" Does David have a death wish or something? Come on, seriously. He's gonna get killed.
"Be careful with my little sister “dude”. Don't try anything funny with her just because she’s younger than you. I know how you guys can be. And I swear, for the love and fury of god, if your hands go any lower than her belly button, I will kill you."
"Do her boobs count? Kidding kidding, relax, calm yur ass down. Sacha and I are just friends so you can relax yurself and not worry bout a thing. She's safe with me." Seriously, its like he's throwing himself in a crocodile pit over and over and over again AND he has no legs.
A guard came up to us. "Excuse me you three. Which one of you is 207?" We all sat there and stared at the guard in confusion.
"Ugh....David Stone?"
"Yeees?" He seemed to be enjoying himself very much, despite the fact that a scary-looking hugely muscular guard was looking for him. The guard immediately got down to business.
"Is your wife Isabel Dillmount-Stone?" Sean's body froze and my insides went numb. These people were not supposed to know about her and that's what scared me the most. David looked unbelievably tense and his hands were shaking. There was visible fear in his eyes.
"I don't who or what yur talkin’ about."
"Really? She said you two were married. The start of the new year, 2020? Ring any bells?"
"No." His voice was soft and pained.
"Then I think its time to refresh your memory." He grabbed David's arm and dragged him to the exit. This isn't right, nothing is right anymore!
"Sean come on! We have to go help David! Something isn’t right! I know it!"
"No Sacha. I'm not going to let you get yourself hurt over some married man. I don't trust him."
"Then you can come with me! Please! Sean, you may not trust but I do! I trust him with my life even though I only met him four days ago! And I know something's wrong, I just know it! Please come now!" I got up and dragged Sean to where David was being taken-the exit. Three guards cuffed him and the two of us ran after David. The guards who were taking David saw us and since they could not go back, the cuffed us to, and took us all into my deepest darkest nightmare.
♠ ♠ ♠
reunions. Sean and Sacha are reunited but with an unexpected visitor. but this is definitely going to be one of the biggest cliff hangers in my story that u'll ever see and its not a good one either.....
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