Gray Blood

Gray Blood 14 One Chance

David's POV-2 days later
When I woke up in the gray room, everything that had happened from yesterday came back to me. I closed my eyes as if this would erase the horrors tattooed in my brain. I forced myself to get up-or at least I tried to- but my muscles ached and my head pounded so I laid back down on the bed.
"Nice to see you're finally avake." The Russian bitch is back to taunt me. It didn't take a genius to know she was behind the bed but I was surprised to have not seen her before.
"What the hell are you doing here? You've taken everything away from me and what, you've come back for more? What else do you want from me now, my blood? The remains of my heart that you ripped apart?" I don't think it was possible for me to cry any more. No matter how much I wanted too.
"I don't need anything from you now dear. But the question you are asking is not vut I vant from you, its vut I vant for you."
"What?" Everything she said had made no sense to me but she never answered; she just stared. Unnatural red piercing eyes looking straight at me. It was hard to look at her for long; not that I coud help it, she was just a freak. But no way would I back down. She continued to look at me as she took long strides toward me. The light bulb popped. All she needed to do was bend down, just a little.
Everyone has a weak spot. One hit and a broken neck. Broken neck, broken bitch. She leaned in toward me, her face literally half an inch away from my nose. My hands twitched nervously and she looked down briefly. When she looked back up at me I reached out; now or never.
My fingers wrapped around her neck and I was about to twist it to the side when suddenly, I was airborne and on the floor on my chest, her hand pressing down on my head and her other bending my arm backwards. She sat on top of me and laughed.
"You have so much to learn if you think that you could surprise me. Alvays prepared. Simply attacking vould never do. You have to think out a plan, go through a mental process and not just focus on one veak spot but all of them or as many as you can. For example..." Her arm gripping arm moved sharply down and she dug my fingers into my own spine.
Everything stung, the pain sharp and burning but I couldn’t let her no that. I struggled under her uselessly as she pressed harder and harder. Don't know why my fucking arm wasn't broken in half already, it was burning like hell.
"If you vant me to stop, just ask."
"If ya think I'd ask you anything you've got another thing coming, you bitch." She pressed harder and harder into me, and I began to sweat.
"You look rather pale. I think you should ask me to stop."
"N-no. I'd rather you stick my hand in my heart."
"That can be arranged dear. I won't even need to move from where I'm sitting." My arm moved from my spine and she continued to twist my arm past my neck and down under me. I could feel a stabbing burning pain shoot through me and I screamed in pain.
"Tell me to stop."
"NO!" She tugged harder. Her other hand pressed down on my shoulder blade. No more holding it in. I screamed for help on the top of my lungs.
"Here's how this is going to vurk David. You can either let me dislocate and break your shoulder and continue to stab your with your own hands or you can ask me to stop and I'll take you back to your mandatory session. Now vhy go through all this...unnessecary pain ven all you need to stay is stop."
"I...i won't ask for anything from you!"
"So you vant me to break your arm? Right now?" The fight was a no-win situation. Deal with a broken body part and get tortured or say stop. Jesus christ why me?
"Alright then. Broken arm it is."
"NO! J-just....aww fuck it will ya stop already?" She got off of me and my arm moved back into place. Great, now I'm fucking pussy.
"Get up now. Ve are going." I stood up slowly.
"'Ve?' Jesus christ if yur gonna keep talkin', learn english." She unlocked the door and walked out.
20 minutes later
Phone Conversation: General Wong and the Russian Woman-Alena
General Wong: Have you successfully acquired the information needed?
Alena: He is very....persistent. But I assure you general, he vill talk eventually.
Wong: How can you be sure of this?
Alena: Ve have been giving him Mood shots as he's been asleep. As soon as he breaks from his neutral state, ve vill be able to force the information out of him more easily.
Wong: And if that doesn't work?
Alena: You know vut machines ve have General. Don't you?
Wong: Obviously. How much time do you think it'll take?
Alena: Give or take? A few weeks.
Wong: That little?
Alena: The pills are very strong General. Especially ven given an overdose.
Wong: Wait you-what? Alena, the pills don't work that way-
Alena: I know how the pills vurk. They von't kill him, tey'll simply give him an extra push. He'll be perfectly fine.
Wong: The Emperor will punish you greatly if anyone dies from your scheme. Especially him. We need the information and he's the only one who can supply it.
Alena: General, I vish I could say this vuz a pleasure-(click)
Wong: Alena? Alena? ALENA! (click)
Alena's POV
The session had just about ended. I valked into the room vith great speed, ignoring those brats vundering eyes vatching me. I looked the head administrator-goddamned fat man- and he shook nervously.
"Alena? W-what can I do for you?" American pigs. Make me sick.
"You and the guards outside. Now." Out of the corner of my eye and saw, in the very corner of the room, David sitting in the corner, scowling vith anger and his little girlfriend, looking utterly shocked.
"Guards outside. Administrator, do I need to have you escorted out?" He heard the threat in my voice and ran for the door leaving me to follow slowly and allowing the chaos to begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
this might be a little complicated but ill explain. first, david is in his her room but after the conversation with wong, he is taken to the therapy session. simple. and even though it says two days later, david thinks it was yesterday. simple, yet again.
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D