Gray Blood

Gray Blood 15 Wild Instinct

Sacha’s POV
No freaking way. The Russian lady had come and gotten rid of all the adults in the room. As soon as everyone was gone, all the girls began chattering loudly while the guys started falling asleep or wrestling with each other. I turned to an irritated-looking David who was avoiding my gaze.
“Yes I saw her. I don’t want to talk about it.” Either David’s got some weird freaky mind-reading powers or I’m just really predictable.
“H-how are you David?” No answer. I sighed. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m here for you and I know how it feels when you loose someone special in your heart.” He turned to me with a dead expression, his eyes completely blank. He spoke very slowly to me, as if talking to someone who couldn’t really understand what he was saying.
“Why won’t you leave me alone?” It almost sounds like he hates me.
“I’m just letting you know that I’m here for you-”
“I heard you Sacha! Why can’t you just...leave? Seriously...I’m so sick of being near people I care about!”
“I-I don’t understand.” He looked very tired all of a sudden.
“I’m to dangerous to be around Sacha. I should have known better than to start...making friends. Well...a friend.” I smiled. “Thing is...god I know this sounds weird and kinda corny but I don’t know how to act with girls. I’m mean, I’m not stupid or anything, I fucking know how to talk to a girl but...” he grabbed my hand and pressed it to his cheek. “I don’t know how to treat the people I really like. How to hold and be around them because the only girl I cared about, I always used to hold her like this. She was the only person I held because she was so special to me and I liked and loved her so much. And I like you a lot Sacha.” That is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard come out of a guy’s mouth. No contest.
“But I’m not safe. We shouldn’ should stay far away from me. I’m not safe to be around and I’m no good for you.” I grabbed his hand other hand and brought it to my face like he did with me and he smiled.
“I don’t need you to decide whether you’re safe based on whats going on around you. Besides, I think you’re very good for me.” He smiled and pressed his forehead to mine.
The way we held each other David didn’t seem to mind holding me but I couldn’t help but blush deeply. He smiled his crooked one-dimpled grin and tried to stay focused.
“You might get hurt if you’re around me.”
“I’ll be ready for it. I promise. Don’t worry about what hasn’t happened yet.”
“But if you don’t worry at all, then you might be surprised for the worse. Thats why they’re surprises. You gotta let them happen on their own.”
*     *     *     *     *
A hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out of David’s grasp.
“You fucking slut! How dare you cheat on me with that!” Warren! Aw freak.....
“What the hell are you doing here Warren? Let me go right now!” His arms wrapped around my body like a stray jacket and I was lifted up in the air. Warren’s friends had grabbed David and held him down. He flared.
“Warren, get your bitches off of me.”
“No I don’t think I will.”
“I’m gonna fuck you up so bad if you do anything to her.”
“I’m not looking to hurt her Stone.”
“Then what do you want Pacey?”
He threw me to the side and I hit the wall hard. I watched the guys slowly let David go. Everything clicked immediately. Just like the Russian lady had did and wanted, they were trying to get him to fight again.
“David! Don’t fight!” He looked at me, his blue eyes angry and pleading. I didn't want David to get hurt anymore, even if Izzy was gone. I wanted to be the one who kept him from getting hurt in any way possible because he was so badly hurt already. I don't want to see his heart broken anymore.
“Please...don’t. Don't do this.” He sighed when he saw my face and looked back at Warren.
“I’m not looking for a fight Warren. Leave me alone and I’ll do the same for you.”
“Aww..little David doesn’t want to fight. Since when did you ever listen to your whore?” David’s fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly.
“No more fighting Warren. I’m done with you.” David walked past a fuming Warren and I noticed that the rest of the room was silent. Everyone was watching us from the safety of the other side of the room.
David pulled me up off the floor and we smiled to each other. At least he was listening to me now.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Warren turn bright red as he ran over to us. My heart stopped at the last second, my breath stuck in my throat and my body completely frozen. David-seeing what was going on-pushed me off to the side just as Warren crashed into David and knocked him to the floor.
David’s POV
Fuck this shit, if Warren does not get off of me, then I’m gonna go insane. He pulled my arm around my back-what the hell is it with my arm that people like so much-and I brought my leg into his back. 
I got up while I still could and his fist flew into my face. I held both his hands in the air.
“Dude! I said I don’t want to fight, not come and get me! I'm wide open! What’s with you?” He continued to struggle with me as he spoke through gritted teeth, “You think you are so smart for making friends with that little bitch. Don’t you know you can’t trust her?”
Something inside of me pulsed loud and strong and my head spun in response.
“I can’t trust you anymore than I can trust anyone else here but I can trust her.” My hands started shaking wildly as he leaned in close to my face, obviously not getting the point of personal space.
He smiled wild and happy. He muttered the last words I ever thought would come out of his mouth.
“I know about Izzy.”
Warren’s POV
Satisfaction. I watched David’s eyes go blank in shock and then he stopped holding me back.
My fist slammed into his face and he slid down the wall. I jumped back in response, expecting him to jump at me and fight.
His head hung low and I noticed he was panting real hard. Not good enough.
“What the hell are you doing Stone? You freak! No one here likes you! Everyone around here is afraid of you, even your little bitch Sacha whose only after you for protection. After all, she’s the one who told me about you!”
I turned to see Sacha get up in fury.
“I did not tell you, you bastard! You’re the one who was eavesdropping when I was talking to my brother!"
I showed her the finger and nodded my head to the boys. They grabbed her before she could come over to me.
I turned back to David, who was still panting on the floor. I have to get a reaction out of him somehow. Then it hit me. I picked him up by his shirt and looked at him straight in the eye.
“Now I know why yur always hanging around her now. Fuck one girl, fuck another. You got another girl pregnant and now yur gonna leave her to, right?” His eyes had turned an unnatural blood-red color which made him look sick and crazy at the same time.
People behind me were gasping and whispering. A soft “fight, fight, fight, fight,” echoed through the room. The girls were backing into the wall while the guys moved around us excitedly. David’s eyes looked straight at me. I smiled at him and held my arms out.
“Hit me Stone! What are you afraid of?”
And then I hit the floor.
David’s POV
I brought my leg up to his chest and kicked him down, enjoying the shock spread across his face. I picked him back up again and punched him in the gut as hard as I could and I laughed as he fell down.
It’s weird for me but I actually enjoyed his pain.
I never got in fights with anyone back home at Roseville because I preferred telling ‘em off instead of fist-fights. Fighting here with someone I hate is a new adrenaline that I’ve never felt before and I like it. Izzy always hated when I used 'violence as an excuse to fight someone' so I never liked to fight because she never liked it....but since she’s not around anymore, I have no one to stop me from doing this................
♠ ♠ ♠
Just finished editing and writing this. i had to cut half of the chapter off 'cause it wuz getting reely long. now, this is a little confusing but read it or be confused! in chap.16, sacha wakes up & is in the lunch room w/everyone else. i didn't show the part where the gas knocks them out & they are all taken back to their rooms, left there to sleep (david gets his pill T-T) & they are then taken to the lunch room where they begin 2 wake up. thats where the next chapter
starts. r u guys w/me? good. hope u like.
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