Gray Blood

Gray Blood 16 Nothing But The Truth

Sacha's POV
"Welcome back Sacha. Great sound effects by the way."It was David's voice I was hearing, or at least I thought I was. Why couldn't I see anything though?
Unfortunately, David answered for me.
"Sacha just lift your head up and open your eyes. You've only been asleep, that's all."
"David don't rush me. I think I've gone blind." I heard David laugh tiredly, and his voice sounded different to me. I finally lifted my head up - much to my dismay - and I finally got a good look at his face.
"David, what's the matter?" He looked at me with an odd expression, his mouth twisted in a sad smile. David looked me square in the eye with his dead face, depression tattooed permanently across his face. He spoke to me so calmly, as if speaking to someone stupid and in his dead voice, he said to me:
"We're all going to die."
Like I would believe something so depressing.
Like I could.
It was very hard to show David that I didn't care about what he had to say but somehow, I managed to by bringing a new problem to mind. Why were we all waking up in the lunch room? Usually we would wake up in our rooms, eat breakfast, go outside for a few hours, and the ruin therapy.
But today was different because now that I got a good look at every chained teenager to the next, they all looked as depressed and scared as David did. Maybe even terrified. And every once in awhile when I would look around, people would give me a dirty look, as if to say 'this is all your fault.’
"They're not all mad at you, you know. They're just scared about what's going on. We all are." I turned back to David, my eyes slightly burning with shame.
"If they aren't mad at me, why are the all staring at me like I'm some bad guy?" David laughed at me, at the face I was making and I watched the fear slowly fade from his face.
"They don't hate you Sacha. They never did. I'm just a bad influence on you and they just don't like it that your hanging out with me all the time, that's all." Aww, they do care in some twisted retarded sense. But the way he said that made him seem so lonely, and more than anything, I wanted to comfort him.
"Well, they can think whatever they want to. I like being with you rather than a bunch of stuck up.....loser people.” David rolled his eyes at my attempt to be friendly-just like old times.
"Nice try Sacha. Thanks for the distraction though. It helped a lot."
"Your welcome Mr.Sarcastic. And that wasn't a distraction, it's the truth." And the truth is, I like David a lot more than I should. I mean, I really like David a lot but hey, he just found out that his wife has been killed and his baby is somewhere in Asia with his biggest enemy and he might never see her again. I always knew David was thinking about her, because everytime I saw David's face, I could see his grief. Behind every smile, I saw hate and loss. Every single time.
Could you ever hate someone you loved with all your heart, even if it meant being safer at a place as dangerous as here? Was it safe to love David as much as I did. Izzy did...and look where that got her.
"Don't be scared Sacha. Even at a place like this, I won't let anyone hurt you. I swear I'll protect you, I swear I will." He's horrible at reading minds but he's great with words.
"That's a beautiful promise David but what is it that you're protecting me from exactly?"He looked at me strangely before suddenly realizing what I was saying.
"Oh right. Now I get it. I'll explain it to you. You were in lockdown for how long, a few weeks?"
"Try three months David."
"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways, when you were locked up, new recruits were brought to our group but someone screwed up with everything."
"Screwed up? What do you mean?"
"Its complicated....." I got time.
"Tell me though. I want to know."
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guys, im really sorry i've been in a rut with my writing but now im back and ive made a better schedule for myself so read this and luv it! or not if ur picky. just read. btw, they were all knocked out after the fight and taken straight 2 the lunchroom until they all woke up in case that wasn't clear.
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D