Gray Blood

Gray Blood 17 Don't Stop Now

David’s POV
“Well, when I say that someone screwed up, I don't mean one of the prisoners, I mean one of the guards did.”
"What? Thats crazy! If the guards weren't dedicated to the emperor we wouldn't be here!" David shushed me and brought a finger to his mouth. "You gotta be more quiet Sach. You never know whose listening." I nodded in agreement. It would be pretty bad if someone overheard us.
"A guard got caught trying to smuggle the babies and little kids out of the camp. When he was discovered, he managed to escape the camp but the emperor got fed up with him so he sent an assassin to catch him before he made it to safety."
"What ever happened to him?" David shrugged. "A lot of rumors went around the camp that he had been murdered although some believed he actually escaped. But then the Keepers came to set us straight."
"What's a Keeper?"
"The Keepers are the mandatory caretakers and trainers of the children. Each child is trained by them to become whatever the emperor wants them to be, no matter what."
Just like what Sean told me about Sammy. My brain-washed brother. I winced and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. David didn’t seem to notice-or if he did, he ignored-my pain as he continued the story.
"The Keepers had brought us to some assembly like this awhile ago. We all woke up here chained to the tables and the Keepers told us the real story about the guard."
"It was to end the rumors right?"
"Sort of. They told us that they hadn’t killed him but they had re taught him to become a guard."
"He became a guard again, he was only transferred to guard us instead of the children here. It wasn't like he had a choice and they didn't have to force him much. He just did." I nodded again, wanting to hear more.
"So after the Keepers told us about the guard, they quizzed us about him to see if we knew any secret information that he might have told us about but no one did. And for some reason, they didn't like that. They were so mad that they thought we were lying and they ordered us to be killed."
"Oh my god David thats horrible. What happened after that?"
"We were saved by one of the guards here."
"Really? Wow."
"He talked them out of it because he didn't want us to die like his little girl did. He went straight to the guy who controls the camp and begged him to let us live. The guy said yes and here we are now, alive and well...for now I guess."
"What do you mean? Are you talking about the dead comment?"
"Yeah that one, well I actually meant that no offense."
"Offense taken. How could you say something so horrible?"
"Because its true Sacha. The guy said he’d give us one chance and once chance only to live if we got in trouble. The Keepers said that if we ever got taken here again, then we would die. They’re words not mine.”
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chapter 17 everyone! :) sorry it took me so long to post it but all week, ive been typing up chapters. plus it was FCAT so that was several hours of my life wasted. sorry it might seem a little short but im gonna post the next few chapters today after i edit them and they get really heated up.
*read, rate, subcribe, and enjoy! :D