Gray Blood

Gray Blood 20 Sealed With A Kiss

David’s POV
Raven’s face twisted and she looked down. "So then were not getting back together?" If it hurts Sacha, then hell no.
"I don't think so. Sorry." Not really.
"Yur a real asswhipe David." I smiled.
"Is that why you found me so attractive?" Raven laughed.
"No, I was attracted by your popularity."
"Ouch. Way to wound my ego Rave." She laughed again and held my hand which I didn't pull away.
"Its what I live for." She grinned. I stared.
"What are you looking at David?" I shrugged.
"Yur smile."
Sacha’s POV
"Hey baby. Where have you been?" Oh no. Not him.
"Guard please for the love of god do not put me at this table!" Why? Because this was Warren’s table. Ah the irony.
"You've already been moved once and this is where your staying until you leave. The regulations are one boy and one girl at each table and since you couldn’t get along with your partner, you were switched."
"But-" the cuff clicked shut and I looked to my right to face Warren.
"Problems in paradise?"
"I hardly call this place paradise."
"I told you, you couldn’t trust David." Great. He saw the fight. Bet he’s just laughing up a storm in his head.
"No you didn't. You told David that he couldn’t trust me."
"I called him shit didn't I? That was your warning." Bastard.
"Well Warren I'm happy to tell you that your communication skills suck. Completely."
"Then let me change your mind for you." He took my hand and held it gently.
"Look over at their table." Since the table was really close to us, I did. And I did not like what I saw. Raven was smiling at David and David was holding her hand. He said something, she laughed and he laughed with her.
"So what?" My voice cracked.
"You don’t know?"
"Know what?" Warren smiled.
"Thats weird. He didn’t tell you? After all, you two are such good friends. Its pretty weird he hasn’t told you since you two got so close in such a short time."
"Told me about what though? What are you talking about?" Warren sighed.
"You really wanna know?" I looked back over at them, watching David laugh.
"Yeah I do."
"I need something in return you know." I shivered. What did he want? God I know this is gonna turn out bad.
"Kiss me and I'll tell you." I stood up.
"Are you nuts?!? You tried to rape, violate, and kill me and now you want a kiss?"
"All in the name of love dear. It was all for you. Every move I made was targeted at David but that doesn't mean my feelings for you aren't real." He took my hand again and pulled me down.
"Your obviously upset at David for how he's lied to you Raven. Besides, you do know they went out right?"
"He never told me that." I felt my fingers clench.
"They even promised that they'd get back together and it looks like they have. That piss you off?" I will murder him.
"Yes." He smiled.
"Wanna get back at him?" This time I smiled.
David’s POV
“Raven what have you heard so far?”
“From the resistance?” I nodded. She leaned in close to me, her voice barely a whisper.
“Whole story or main idea?”
"So a few weeks back, I was getting a little worried ‘cause I getting any news from them. I thought that they had been caught. But recently, they told me that they're looking for a way to break us out." Good. Raven had some friends who were part of the resistance that were fighting the Emperor. They had gained several other huge groups of people that had escaped and now they're gonna bust her, me and as many people as they can out. Thing is, they don't know how long its going to take or if they can get us in time.
"Anything else?" Raven smiled, then frowned.
"Ugh david? looks like we’re getting back together after all." Before she could reply, I heard my name being yelled out behind me. I turned and saw.....
Sacha’s POV
The embarrassing thing is....i've never been kissed before. And I was kind of hoping that my first kiss would be with David.
Then again, he said he needed time to mourn. Wait, thats bullshit. He let Raven kiss him. When I was at the table, he looked like he wanted to die. Now that I'm gone and Raven’s there, he looks like he’s having a great time. They’re even holding hands AND laughing. Warren broke my focus by saying,
"Sacha I gotta tell you. When I first saw you with David, I thought you were all his and that pissed me off more than anything. Thing I learned about him is that he’s a selfish bastard. He thinks he's the only one suffering here when its all of us."
"He was using you to make himself feel better until his girlfriend came back to him. Look how much he wants to kiss her. Isn't that selfish?" David was leaning in close to her. One hand was holding hers and the other was placed on her calf, very close to her hip.
"Sacha I'll make you a deal. If you got out with me, I swear no one will ever hurt you again. David will no longer be a problem and you’ll be safe."
"Really?" It was impossible to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "Yeah. And what happens if we breakup?
"Your a smart girl. I respect that. My boys will give you permanent immunity for life, no strings attached. No matter what happens between us." I looked up at his face and all I saw was sincerity. It was strange but I didn't doubt him; I actually trusted him more than I trusted David right now. So I shrugged.
"Okay then Warren." I held out my hand.
"Oh no sweetheart. We seal the deal with your lips against mine." He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him.
"Wait Warren I've never kissed anyone before." Warren laughed, his face just inches away from mine.
"Don't be scared. Its as easy as breathing. 'Sides, I don't bite." For a split second, I thought he whispered 'much' before he yelled out David's name and pressed his lips against mine.
David’s POV
"David, last time I checked you weren't made out of metal. And neither was your hand."
"I don't fucking care! He's gonna rape Sacha and its all my fault!" At times, I have seen Warren rape girls as if it were nothing. As soon as someone new comes along, he takes her and leaves her. My hand started turning red from yanking on the cuff.
"David, she's not going to get raped in a public place and she's not getting raped. They're just kissing." Warrens lips were pressed against Sacha’s. his arm was wrapped around her and she just sat there, unmoving. Why isn't she kicking his balls?
"Don't scream David. You'll bring unnecessary attention to yourself."
"Thats why I'm fucking ripping my hand off! He's gonna hurt her! Thats probably why she's not fighting him! He's blackmailing her! "
"God your lips are soft!”
♠ ♠ ♠
WHOA! BAM! unexpected plot twist! yeah i kno, i do that a lot. :) the next 2 or 3 chapters i'll post will be up by Sunday when i can. and just to let u guys know, if anything confuses you, like the Resistance or wutever, message me and i'll explain. but 1st: the Resistance are the people trying to rescue prisoners from the camps and are in cognito. if u don't kno wut that means: u suck. :P
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy!