Gray Blood

Gray Blood 21 The Miracles of Life

Sacha's POV
My first kiss was soft....and squishy. I remember talking with some of my old friends when they'd talk about their boyfriends and all the different kinds of kisses they had.
Mine is unknown.
But it was special. His lips against mine was was beautiful. And he seemed to like it to, since we were kissing each other repeatedly.
When Warren tried to pull away, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to me, back to my lips.
"Whoa there. Take it easy." He breathed out low.
He pulled away from me and I said, "God your lips are soft!"
"Yes they are. So are yours." He's actually got a really nice smile, a little like David's but Warren's is wider.
Wait a minute. I looked over at David.
His mouth was wide open and his face was bright red. I winced.
Warren's hand grabbed my face greedily and he kissed my forehead. "He's never gonna hurt you again. Ever."
For some reason, that satisfied me. People hurt other people. Its just human nature; but its something that I don't want to be a part of. Now, I'll be safe. And if this isn't the move for me, I can leave and still be safe.
"Sacha! What the fuck are you doing!"
"David don't you dare talk to my woman like that!" Whoa whoa whoa. Woman? Where did that come from? I’m only fifteen?!? "David, its over! You can't win every time you play and this time, you lost everything."
David heaved angrily, his expression-pissed but he didn't say anything. The entire lunchroom was silent and staring at David and Warren, waiting for one of them to attack. But David stayed calm.
"Sacha. I'm not mad at you for kissing Warren. I'm not mad that you did it while I was watching and I'm not mad that every single person in this room can't mind their own business." Everyone immediately turned around and pretended to talk. David ignored them.
"Sacha, I'm just not mad. At Warren: yes. But" He paused.
'But if yur actually gonna let him take you away from me, I won't let that happen."
"Warren, I wasn't talking to you. She can speak for herself."
"Fine. Let her speak. You might be surprised at what she's gotta say."
They both looked at me. And I didn't know what to say.
"Sacha, if you go with Warren, I can't see you anymore." My heart stopped and I felt tears appear. How could my best friend do this to me? Why is he still hurting me? David backtracked.
"Wait , I mean Warren won't let me see you. I didn't mean-"
"Sacha if you want to see David you can. I'm not gonna stop you, you know. But I don't want him to hurt you again." David's face turned red again and he opened his mouth to drop 10 million F-bombs on Warren but before he could say anything, I raised my hand up at him.
"David...just...shut...up." My voice was so quiet when I spoke but at least I didn't crack. I turned away from David so I didn't have to see his face-or his reaction-as Warren wrapped his arms around me.
"I knew you wouldn't let David trick you." He murmured in my ear, just as the doors burst open and the Russian bitch walked in.
Everyone watched her as she walked to the center of the room, her leather boots tapping the floor in perfect rhythm. Behind her were two people: a girl who looked about seventeen was wearing the same black leather uniform that the R.B. was wearing and a guy who looked about twenty and was just as tall as she was-in heels-and huge muscles bulking out.
But when they joined her in the center of the room, their faces, their image seemed distorted. They weren't ugly.
They were disgustingly beautiful.
So gorgeous, so surreal, that my stomach started hurting.
It was like someone had altered their faces to be so beautiful that it seemed impossible that anyone could look like that.
Worse was, they looked dangerous enough to kill us all in barely any time.
Alena's POV
Everyone stared. The brats vhispered amongst themselves as if I couldn't hear them. I snapped my fingers immediately and Tank stood on the closest table to him and shouted, "The next person who even breathes loudly enough for me to hear, I will break your neck!!!" He jumped off the table and added, "Remember: I have great hearing."
He took his place next to Star and they looked at me, vaiting for direction. I signaled them to vatch.
I stood up on a table and made my speech:
"There are so many reasons why you are all here. Some of you may already know and others vill never understand. But today, I am here to end one thing and start something new. The very first thing I vould like to bring to your attention is the rumors. After all, you are all such a talkative bunch. First off, you are not here to be sent off to your death. Vutever little ideas you planted in each others head, forget them. They are useless. A vaste of time. Now the second thing I vould like to announce is the number vun reason why you are all here. The emperor is rebuilding the vorld, vhich has been tampered vith and destroyed over the years. Ve do have many people to start our new empire but ve need many more and thats vut you are all here for. Any questions?" I nodded for a boy to ask.
"Does this mean we're gonna be slaves?"
"Not exactly." I vaited for Tank to stop growling.
"I'm sure many of you are familiar of the vay to make love-" Tank slammed a girl's head into a table vhich echoed through the entire room.
"I said NO TALKING!!!!!" The room vas quiet, except for the girl's cries. Tank grabbed her red hair and lifted her bleeding head off of the table.
"Are you going to stop talking?" She nodded, both tears and blood streaming down her face. He let go.
"As I vas saying, you vill all be taking place in a little experiment that the emperor conjured up. He needs newborns for the Revolution and you’re hear to provide them. Everyone understand?"
Raven's POV
In all my life, I have never been so scared and angry in my entire life. I was scared because I immediately knew what the assassin had been talking about, before anyone knew: they're gonna get us all pregnant and when we have the children, they get taken away.
I was angry because the other assassin hurt Evie. I looked over at her table and saw her crying gently, the sleeve of her shirt pressed against her bleeding forehead.
I turned to David and gave him a look but he was looking down purposely, as if he didn’t care what was going on right now. His head was leaning on his fist and he was scratching the corner of the table.
I swear, if he's gonna be a freaking pussy around me just because of some girl then I'm going to slap some sense into that boy.
Alena's POV
"At each table, there is one boy and one girl. Hooever you are sitting vith right now, vill be your sexual partner."
♠ ♠ ♠
you guys may have noticed that David sometimes says your or yur a lot. im just letting u kno, yur is how he sometimes says it. and poor david. T-T he's really hurt bad thats he's lost his best friend. *sniffle sniffle*
yes, david+raven=child & warren+sacha=child.
just think: david and sacha were so close to having kids. just a little.
in the next chap., more is revealed about the pregnancy thing.
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D