Gray Blood

Gray Blood 22 Flashbacks Part 1

The Next Day
Raven's POV
The first thing I saw when I was let outside was not David against the wall, but Sacha and her new guy, along with a couple of his friends scattered around them. She was sitting on his lap while he was talking into her ear and massaging her shoulders. No doubt I'm not allowed over there.
When that bitch gets raped and dumped, I'm gonna laugh and laugh and laugh, mostly 'cause she deserves it. Just not in David's face.
I looked around again and saw him at the far end of the wall, away from everyone else.
5 minutes later
"David I haven't been working out lately so making me walk half a mile is like climbing a mountain." He showed me the finger and looked away.
"Hello to you." I hate getting the silent treatment.
"Are you done moping now?" No answer.
"Guess not." I sat down next to him.
"You know David, talking to myself kinda makes me feel crazy so if you would talk back to me, that would be great. So I'd love it if you answered my original question which was: are you done moping?"
"Just leave me alone."
"Why?" He looked up at me, his eyes red.
"Because I'm tired Raven. I'm tired of pouring my heart out to people I care about and losing everyone. I always lose. I can't win, I just can't." No ones supposed to win all the time.
"Not with that attitude! Come on now! Where's the David I know and love?"
"My mom and dad are dead. Izzy-" He choked and shuddered. "Sacha hates me now, she's dating Warren, and I'm gonna have five friggin' babies with you!"
"What? Since when were you and me going to have five babies?" I thought it was only one.
"Weren't you paying attention yesterday?"
"I was at first but then I kinda zoned out....."
"She said we're-well you and the rest of the girls here are going to 'produce' five babies."
“At once.”
“Yeah.” Dude. Five babies at once???
"Aw mother! Five babies altogether?!?!?! God my poor vagina wasn't built to have five heads come out in a span of ten minutes. Geez, if I'm gonna be pregnant with five kids, why are you moping?"
"I'm depressed cause I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to bring anymore children into a hateful world, my baby girl is in Asia and I lost my best friend yesterday. Why bother?" Suicidal. There’s a new one.
"Because they're is still hope. I told you that we are going to get rescued remember?" Or at least have the option of escaping.
"Raven, I highly doubt your friends will be able to reach us by the time we have to..." Oh crap.
"David. How much time exactly did they say they were gonna give us until we have to...conceive?" Should've been paying attention!
"Two weeks. From yesterday. 13 days exactly."
"Shit. Shit. Shit. That's not good."
"Yur telling me. And speaking of bad, have you checked on yur friend?"
"My friend? Who are you-"
Raven's Flashback
"Are you sure your okay Evie?" Evie nodded and smiled, her sleeve still stuck on her forehead.
It hurt a lot at first but its kind of going away. All I have is a headache but after a good nights sleep, I'll feel a lot better." I smiled and rubbed her shoulder as we exited the building and went outside. David was nowhere to be found but Sacha was pretty close to me. And without Warren.
I walked right up to her and waited for her to turn around. "You should be ashamed of yourself for what you did to him! He doesn't just reach out to just anybody like he did to you, you know! I hope your happy!"
Her jaw dropped as I walked away and I was pleased. Now since there was nothing to do, I guess I'll go hang out with Andy.
End flashback
"-talking about...oh yeah. Thats my friend Evelyn. Evie for short."
"Is she okay?"
"Last time I saw her, she said she had a head ache but al she needed was to sleep."
"But have you seen her today?"
"Well no..."
"Have you seen her?"
"Not really-"
"Then how do you know she's okay?"
"Because Evie hates being alone and whenever she needs help, she comes to me."
"What if she can't?"
"What?" He shrugged. At the same time, we both turned to a group huddled around something against the wall and I shivered.
"You ok Rave?"
"Yeah. I dunno, I guess you just scared me a little, that's all."
"Sorry but you never know." I moved uncomfortably. "Do you wanna go check it out Rave?" To see if she's there?"
"Let's go."
"Raven, I think you'd better let me check what's going on in here."
"Hell no. I wanna go too." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back easily.
"Just stay out here and wait for me."
"Dav-" He disappeared into the crowd.
I walked around the area, noticing people either, sleeping, making out, or leaning against the wall.
Someone called my name and for a second, I thought it was David calling out to me from far away.
But when I looked, there was nobody there. And again I heard my name being called.
"Raven." Actually, now that its louder, it sounds like someone call me 'Raben' or 'Raisin'. Am I really going crazy? A little kid that escaped? What's going on here/?
"Raben!" I looked at the wall and saw something red move. Wait a minute...
"Evie? Evie!" I ran over and lifted her head up.
"My hea hurs."
"What? What are you saying?" She took her hand out of mine and pointed to her head.
"My hea hurs Raben." The left side of her mouth was pointing down and her left eye was closed.
"Who beat you up Evie? Tell me and I will kill him."
"Yesterda. He hih me." Then it hit me. The assassin had hit her on the side of the head yesterday. She wasn't beat up.
The entire left half of her body was failing.
"Evie! Wait here! I'm gonna go get help but you just relax okay? Don't be scared!"
Where was David? Where is he?
Internal bleeding. Has anyone ever survived from that after a few hours?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sad chapter, i know. Don't worry yet, David doesn't do anything drastic like cut himself. He's just a little depressed. there's actually not a lot to say about this chapter so hopoe you guys like the next 2 i post!
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D