Gray Blood

Gray Blood 26 News

David's POV
Raven sat with me today, her face pale white and eyes red. I could see lines under her eyes which showed she didn't get a lot of sleep or she was probably sick. I didn't bother talking to her; not because I didn't want to, but because it wasn't the right time. I should've talked to her for what she did to me yesterday when I was upset but whatever.
I don't feel like holding a grudge against her.
1 hour and 30 Minutes later
Raven never went up. They skipped over her name, never mentioned it. No one seemed to notice but me.
"David I forgot to tell you..." Her voice sounded heavy and thick and she was looking down at the table. I looked at her expectantly.
"Oook." Any day now.
"Its about know." She gave me a look, her dark eyes flickering before looking down. The Resistance. Something good, hopefully. I leaned in.
"You know when they are coming." She nodded. I shook excitedly.
"How do you know?"
"A little birdie told me." Of course. That was how she was getting contacted. Obviously she learned some sort of sign language and whenever she needed to know something, a bird would come flying above the ceiling. the guards wouldn't notice. No one would. Thats why it always worked.
"How many days?" She smiled and held up three fingers.
"Three days?!?"
"SHUT UP DAVID! GOD YOU CAN BE SO ANNOYING!" A guard walked by us and told us to quiet down and Raven slapped my hand. "Be more quiet next time! They almost caught you!"
"Sorry. I was just......three days? Are you sure?" A smile crept onto her haunted face.
"Yes David. Three days and we're free. They're already on their way for us as we speak." There were absolutely no words to describe how happy I was. I could be free again. Freedom.
No more chains, no more sleeping drugs, no more therapy, no more torture sessions with the russian bitch, more sitting around thinking about my daughter when I can work with the people who can get her back.
"Oh my god. I'm so happy I can kiss you right now."
"Ugh don't even joke David. But I do have to tell you...there's a catch." Of course.
"What? What is it?"
"They are going to arrive when we're all outside. My friends are going to be with me and you, presumably and we will be waiting by the Northern side of the wall. They’re going to break a hole as close to us as possible and we gotta be quick but organized. I mean two out of the hole at a time, run into the carrier, don't stop, and don't look back. We can’t save everyone here, we just have to work with what we can. Hopefully, if we win this war, they’ll be rescued.” I felt sad for everyone who would be still trapped here, forced to have children, forced to be alone and scared.
“Anyways, the guards will be to shocked to catch us if we do it right, we lock our doors, disappear underground, take a different route, and we're gone from their radar. Any questions?"
" many people can we have with us?" Raven rolled her eyes and I glared at her.
"Sacha can come with you and her boyfriend can come too but you have, have, HAVE to make sure they tell no one. Otherwise, we're dead. No more outside, no more freedom. It can be done or it can't if they tell anyone else. If there’s to many people, we’re screwed. I just need to make sure they won't tell anyone else. And they need to be prepared. Just the two of them." I nodded.
"I'll talk to them both and I'll get them both to come. But I'm gonna talk to her tomorrow and then Warren sperately before I give them the plan together."
"Good." She took my hand and pulled me closer to her. I could see what she was trying to do.
I leaned in to press my lips against hers. She muttered against mine. "I trst you David. But you can't do anythng drastic in the next few days. Be good, ok?"
"'Kay. Can we pll away now?" She backed off and blushed. Her eyes turning to a guard who was near us.
"Couldn't let him...see our ‘kiss’."
"I know. Anything else?" She thought and pulled me to her again.
"If yur gonna do anything drastic, let me know first."
"Why would I do that?" She pulled away.
"Because you might have some unfinished business to take care of."
"I don't. Don't worry though, if I have a problem, I'll be good little innocent David."
Before I went to sleep, I thought about where we would be going. Hopefully, some of the survivors from Roseville would be there, and many other survivor groups. We would join their territory, live there, and be safe.
And with the new tech they've got over there, I can find my baby girl again, and kill the backstabbing bastard who killed Izzy.
♠ ♠ ♠
whoa. i know there's not a lot of action here but its reely big. like, bigger than big.
next chapter will be better for me 'cause i'll be more connected 2 it but yeah. this chap. was okay. so hope u guys r excited 2 read the rest of the chapters i've got & i can't wait 2 post my other chapter 2moro. :)
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D