Gray Blood

Gray Blood 27 Nymphomaniac

Chapter 27 Nymphomaniac
The Nighttime Showers-Boys
Warren’s POV
Sacha was always on my mind now. I know it’s only been two days but hell, no wonder David likes her so much. I stripped and felt the hot water pour on my back and down my body. It was so fucking relaxing after the day I had had. I could imagine Sacha naked now, water hitting her soft skin, pressing her skin, and running down her curvy body, all the way down to her-what the fuck? Instead of Paul coming in the last stall next to me, David came before Paul could take the stall. Paul fumed.
“Stone get the fuck out of my way!”
“To late.” Paul walked away and David pulled off his shirt.
“Thanks David.” I said sarcastically. He looked at me.
“For what Warren?” He asked me.
“For ruining the rest of my day. You know I was just thinking about Sacha.” David sighed and took off his pants.
“Look I didn’t come over here to fight with you. I came here to talk to you.” Now I get it. The little freak was getting lonely. So he’s trying to get me to get her to talk to him. Idiot.
“I already know what you freaking want Stone.”
“Then please let me see her. I’m begging you.”
“Your begging me? Riiiiight. It sure looks like it too.” David sighed and got down on his knees.
“Please. Just-I have to talk to her about something important.”
“You hurt her real bad David. She doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. You. Her ex-best friend. She doesn’t even want to talk to you anymore.”
He stood up again and began rubbing soap on his arms until they turned red.
“I’ll do whatever you want Warren. Tell me and I’ll do it.” Now this is what I was waiting for. I had to come up with the most embarrassing hurtful “favors” that I can get away with in this camp.
“So let me get this straight. I can make you do anything I want? I can make you do anything I want you to do and you have to do it without complaint just so you can talk to my girlfriend who doesn’t even like you anymore. Is that it?” I made sure to add emphasis while saying girlfriend. He nodded.
“You really are pathetic Stone. I pity you...not really. But instead of just one favor, you’ll have to do three.”
“Warren! That's not fair!”
“Three or nothing. What are you gonna pick?” David winced and thought. “What I love so much about this situation David is that no matter what, you’ll still lose something.”
“What’s your first favor Warren?”
“Not now David. Wait ‘till the Round-up tonight.” The water turned off and I walked away.
The Round-Up was something that only the guys were ‘privileged’ too. Each group of boys would have to stay in their room while guards checked them out for an inspection. It was mandatory for everyone but took at least thirty minutes for each check-up.
Everyone was gone. Except for me and David. I watched as the last guy left the now-empty room. David was leaning against the wall, waiting for me.
Waiting for his punishment.
“You ready David?”
“Yes.” We both waited. “Well? When are we going to start?”
“Not now. Where’s the fun in that?”
“This isn’t funny at all Warren. Just tell me what your going to do so I can leave.” A tremor went down my spine.
“This is really eating you up, isn’t it?” Like I’m being torn apart from the inside.
“Warren, what the fuck are you going to do?” I just stared at him until he clenched his fists angrily. "Well? Hurry the fuck up!" He waited before screaming, "Warren! What are you going to do?!?!" I took a deep breath.
“Let me show you.” I grabbed his shirt and pressed my body against his. My lips brushed his before I broke off our kiss and ran.
David’s POV
My mouth. My fucking mouth. I just got kissed by a guy?!? By Warren?!? What the hell??? I rubbed my mouth until it burned and I spit on the floor, even though his tongue never went in my mouth. My stomach flipped and I felt like throwing up.
“WARREN YOUR GAY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
“Leave me alone David!” I watched him run off to the corner of the room and he dropped to the floor, shook, and moaned. What’s going on?
“Warren...what are...was that one of the favors?” If his second favor is making out with me, I’m going to kill myself.
“Forget it! Deals off! You can forget about seeing Sacha!”
“WHAT!?! Come on dude, you just...KISSED me and now you won’t let me see her even though your-”
“Bi. I’m bisexual.” I walked over to him and saw his shaken.
“Get away from me! Back off!” I looked to the side to see him from a better angle.
“Please David! Please go!” The first time I’ve ever heard please come out of his mouth. That doesn’t mean I’m going to let him be in pain, no matter how much I dislike him. Or if he’s...attracted to me.
Wait, that’s a good reason to stay away from him. Fuck.
I put my hand on his back and he stopped moving.
He hadn’t been shaking before. Not even close.....
“Warren, are you masturbating?” Because he kissed me? ...
I took my hand off of his back.
“I told you to leave.” His voice sounded weak and vulnerable. I hated hearing it.
“Tell me what’s...wrong.” Does he really miss Sacha that much? Or me?
Aww jesus, all that from one kiss.
“Isn’t it obvious?” deprived? I got nothing.
“I’m a nympho David.” I burst out laughing.
“Dude that’s the gayest...wait you said you were bi right?”
“If you don’t leave, I’ll-” Masturbate on me?
“Why are you masturbating in front of me? Seriously.” My life just keeps getting weirder and weirder but now its just funny. "I know your like, addicted to sex and shit but seriously-”
“David I care about Sacha. I really do. I promised her I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her like that.” What does that have to do with kissing me?
“I understand what your saying but can’t you just...I don’t know. Try to not rape her?”
“No. I’ve already tried and it doesn’t work.” Warren got up. “I can’t hurt her like that. I don’t want too.”
“You’ve only just met her.” How could she mean that much to him?
“So have you.” Liar....well he is. I think. “I guess she just has that effect on us huh?” I heard the door open and when I turned, I saw a guard head toward us. By now, Warren had gotten up and was sitting against the wall, his face bright red. The guard grabbed my arm.
“Time to go.” We walked away but before I left, I yelled,
“Consider these secrets your last two favors!” Just as we were walking out of the door, I heard Warren mutter,
♠ ♠ ♠
HA! all of u warren lovers, in your face. he is bisexual and he is a nympho-if u don't know what that means, look it up-and david makes him want to masturbate. don't worry david's safe. basically, david just really needed a laugh, even if he got kissed so yeah. ;)
don't worry he's still straight. *thank god*
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