Gray Blood

Gray Blood 28 You Just Dont Know It

Alena’s POV
“Something must be done Cairo. They are planning something, I know it.” Cairo raised an eye brow and spun around in his chair behind the desk.
“Are you speaking of Mr. Stone and Ms. Robles?” My fist slammed on the desk and he jumped.
“I’m talking about DAVID Stone and SACHA Marshall! They’re planning to do something very soon! I know it!”
“Alright Alena alright. We’ll separate them!”
“No! That von’t vurk! It vill hold up the project and ve can’t have that happen. There has to be some other vay ve can get them to vant to completely and utterly hate each other vithout separating them.”
He tapped a pen on a file several times, staring off into space. Something clicked.
“Vut do you think you are doing?” He looked at me strangely.
“Tapping my pen...” I snatched the pen from him and smiled.
“Once again Cairo, you never fail to amaze me.”
“What did I do?” He asked, looking confused. I snatched an eraser and placed it in one hand, while snatching his pen.
“Pay close attention. Ven you move the pen between your fingers, you are forcing it to move in a repetitive motion, correct?” He nodded, still confused. “If you apply the same exact force of the pen to the eraser here-” The pen hit the eraser repeatedly “-see vut happens?”
“Because you are in control of the pen, you can apply as much force to the eraser as you vant to. Imagine the pen is young David. And the eraser is Sacha-”
“Is she that fat?”
“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!” I took a deep breath before I continued. “If you force the pen to crush the eraser, then the pen crushes the eraser.” I stabbed the eraser with the pen with so much force that it disintegrated in my hand. Crushed to pieces.
“So we’re going to get David to kill Sacha?” I smiled and laughed vhile shaking my head ‘no.’
“David is going to rape Sacha. Ve force it to happen and their friendship vill crumble.”
Sacha’s POV
Warren was in the most pissed-off mood I had ever seen him in. The entire time during therapy he ignored me whenever I tried to talk to him.
“Warren, is everything ok?”
“Shh. I’m trying to listen.” Since when does he ever listen? Something must’ve happened last night that was bothering him.
“Warren, if something is bothering you, you can tell me.” I looked up at him. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I’ll talk to you after this.” I sighed and looked over his shoulder. David was sitting in his usual corner, staring at the wall, and ignoring the session as usual. I sighed as loudly as I could-the only thing I could do to get his attention without anyone else knowing-and he turned to look at me. I smiled and waved at him.
David smiled back and mouthed ‘Hi’. He pointed to me, then to him and held up a thumbs-up sign with a questioning look.
I nodded and smiled.
“Hi.” He mouthed again, smiling greatly.
“I missed you.” I whispered.
“I missed you more. I’m really sorry Sacha. We’re cool though, right?”
“Yes.” Warren turned around, and looked at David. David scowled at Warren while Warren turned bright red, and turned around.
What the hell?
20 minutes later
I walked outside of therapy, only to be lifted up into the air and spun around.
“I missed hugging you Sacha! You’re so tiny!”
“I am only tiny, because your so abnormally tall David!”
“I’m eighteen! Your brother is like ,a foot taller than me!”
“Yeah but he is older than you! By a lot!”
“I’m dizzy! Put me down!” When I stopped spinning, Warren grabbed my hand.
“Come on Sacha. WE’RE going to lunch.” David grabbed my other hand.
“Great. I’ll join you.”
“Three is a crowd. David.”
“Then you can leave.”
“Guys-” They continued without me.
“Stop butting into our relationship!” Warren hissed.
“Your relationship! What are you, married?”
“Your just jealous that Sacha likes me more!” David laughed at that and tugged at my arm.
“Yeah, cause girls love, almost being raped! Almost more than actual raping!”
“GUYS! Come on! Lets just go to lunch together! Otherwise I’ll leave!” They’ll probably tear each other apart if I leave them alone.
They each dragged me to the lunch room, and we all sat down at a table. I sat across from David, while Warren wrapped his arms around me.
“So what do you want Stone?”
“Warren don’t be mean. He just wants to talk to me.”
“Actually, I have to talk to the both of you. It’s important.” His face was serious now and he waited until the food was passed out before talking.
“This is really serious so when I talk, you both shut up, don’t talk back and don’t you even THINK about telling people. Got me?” I nodded but Warren looked down at his food.
“What's up with that?” He asked.
“Warren. David said shut up!”
“No I was listening but my food is different from yours and David’s.”
“Warren you know I love you but, can you please shut up?”
“Everybody else has the same food as me but you and David! I want chicken!” Why is he being such a baby?
“Take my food then.” We switched trays and he began digging into my food. When I looked up. David was rubbing his temples.
“Go ahead David.”
“Never mind.” His voice was clenched and angry and he folded his arms and rested his head on them.
“David, don’t be sensitive.”
“NOOO no no. Don’t mind me. What I have to say isn’t very important anyways.” More than anything, I hate guys acting sensitive.
“Jesus Christ David. I thought you were more mature than that.” He shrugged and stared at my tray.
“Sacha can we switch? I don’t want chicken.”
“What the hell is up with you two and switching foods?” And chicken? Is it a guy thing?
“I just don’t want chicken. Is that so wrong?” We switched. He and Warren ate silently, while I picked at my food, wondering why this conversation dropped so quickly.
Davids POV
There was no point in telling Sacha and Warren that we’re leaving tomorrow because goddamn Raven got it wrong.
Five days. Not three. Ugh. Damn her.
Alena’s POV
I sat in the main lab, waiting for Cairo, Dr. Ledesma, and a few others surrounding a table and muttering softly.
Cairo turned and handed me a needle filled with a silver substance inside. “Well Alena here it is. This needs to be injected in a main vein, preferably near the hip-”
“Or lower?” He raised an eye brow.
“Alena, even if he were yours to train, he wouldn’t be interested. He’s ten years younger than you-”
“Is there a point to this conversation? Since there isn’t, continue vut you were saying before.” He sighed and adjusted his glasses.
“That’s all Alena. Anything else?”
“Double it.”
“The dose?”
“Of course.” Cairo’s jaw dropped. “That's not safe for either of them! It could seriously cause trauma, post-pardom depression, constant bruising and-”
“Could, not VILL Cairo. Don’t you dare contradict me, just do it. Now.” He looked uncomfortable. “Am I not speaking english? NOW!” He took the needle from my hand and walked back to the table.
My phone vibrated loudly but I ignored the first few rings.
“Vut is it?”
“We have a problem.” Shit.
“Vut is it Tank? My patience is vearing thinning.”
“They both ate the wrong meal.” ......................................
“Here’s the story: Sacha, David, and one of the prisoners were sitting at a table together. Sacha and the prisoner switched meals, then David and Sacha switched again. Now, Sacha and her friend are unconscious while David is on the way being taken outside with his group?”
“Stop him.”
“With what? My hands? Hey can I use a weapon?”
“Don’t injure him. Come here to get a pill quickly.”
“That’s no fun.” He hung up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Everyone, prepare to hate deepflexo. The evil destructor of lives. If you think I'm cruel to David, next chapter is all her idea and he will cry. A lot. remember, feel free to send hate messages and she will accept them in pain and agony. That's what she gets. Anyways:
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D