Gray Blood

Gray Blood 29 Blinded In Chains

David’s POV
I woke up.
My head was fuzzy and I got a crushing headache when I tried getting up. I fell back on my pillow, sweat beading down my forehead.
I moved uncomfortably in the bed and hit something.
We were in the same bed. In a blue room. A colored room. Not my room.
She was fast asleep and snoring lightly, with her arms curled around a pillow and her torso hidden underneath heavy blankets. I pushed the blankets off of me and propped myself up so I could see the rest of the room:
A metal door, a wooden table with two chairs, and an extra blanket in the middle of the room.
Sacha shook slightly and I pulled her into my arms and stroked her hair. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I made sure that the blanket covered her since the room was pretty cold. Didn’t want her to get sick. Or something.
“Hmmmm. Where am I?” I looked down at Sacha, who was rubbing her eyes and snuggled on my lap. I ended up wrapping her in a little bundle because even I was getting cold.
“Morning sleepy head.” I murmured softly as I kissed her forehead and let my lips linger a few moments.
“Is it morning?”
“No clue.”
“Where are we.”
“No idea.” She shuffled in her bundle, as if using it as a shell she could hide in.
“Can you help me out of this?”
“Sorry.” I unwrapped her but I pulled it up again.
“David, what are you doing?”
“I don’t want you to get cold.” She rubbed my arms.
“What about you? Your obviously cold.” I shrugged and lied. “I like the cold.” I re-wrapped her in a taco and pulled all of her onto me.
“This is cozy.” I kissed her cheek.
“Good. Cause if yur not comfortable, I’ll fix you u...your blankets.”
“Nice save David.”
“Well you know my new philosophy: think before I speak.”
“Good idea. I’m glad you’ve finally learned the error of your ways.”
“I’m a fast learner.” Her lips look really...cold. Maybe I should keep them warm.
I moved her chin up and pressed my lips on hers. Well I tried. When she saw me leaning in, she moved so I only managed to kiss the corner of her mouth.
“David! What are you doing?”
“Keeping yur lips warm,” I said with a smile.
“I’m with Warren.”
“Not right now yur not.” With that, I leaned in and managed to kiss her. For the first time.
I angled her so she couldn’t pull away from me. Not that she could anyways.
“David, I thought you learned.”
“Nope. I’m still a little devil.” Her little devil.
Sacha’s POV
My little devil? I blushed as he leaned in to kiss me again, his tongue creeping into my mouth. He explored my mouth while rubbing his tongue against mine slowly and rough. He moaned a little and pulled me closer to him, his hand caressing me in the same way our tongues were.
I kissed him back. And I didn’t regret a thing. Not for Warren, not for Sean.
I pulled away. “I’m warm now David.” He nibbled my ear and whispered my name.
“David if your going to have an orgasm on me....shit I don’t have a comeback for that. Just get off of me.”
“Sorry.” He blushed and pressed his nose against mine. “Got a little carried away.”
 “A little?”
“Hey don’t act as if you didn’t like it either. You never said stop.”
“If I had, would you have stopped?” He paused.
“I would try to convince you otherwise but yeah I would stop.”
David’s POV
She sighed and lay her head on my chest. My heart pounded, wanting her lips, her everything. I wonder if she hears how much my heart races for her.
Even though she’s so young. Tiny little Sacha. My tiny little angel.
Eighteen. Fifteen. That’s not a huge difference.
Ok, I’ll take my time with her.
“David, I have a bad feeling.”
“Is it about Warren?” She scowled and glared at me.
“It wasn’t until you mentioned it.”
“Sorry. Tell me what’s up.” She blinked a few times before resting her cheek on my chest.
“Its just...why are we here? Just the two of us? We can’t be here for anything good that’s for sure.” I nodded in agreement.
“But I think its just for interrogation or something. I wouldn’t let it bother you.”
“Yes. I promise. Nothing bad is gonna happen to us. I mean, look where we are. Does this look like a torture room to you?” She shook her head. “There we go. We’ll be fine. You and me. Together.” She looked so scared and I hated it. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you. Not while I’m around.”
“I feel safe with you David.”
“And make sure that never changes. No one will ever touch you without having to deal with me.”
Alena’s POV
They vere ready. This vuz the perfect time to strike. Vhen they trusted each other vith their lives. I valked in...
David’s POV
The metal door opened. Alena walked in.
“Jesus christ. I can’t even spend five minutes with her without you ruining my life?” She smiled and laughed while Sacha shook and hid. I pulled her off of me and jumped off of the bed. There was no way I was going to let this bitch lay a finger on her. I sat in a chair and tried to look bored.
“Are you supposed to be scary today?” Her uniform was different today; definitely meant to look threatening. She turned away from me.
“Sacha!” Sacha looked at her.
“W-what?” Calm down Sacha. Don’t let her scare you.
“Take off your clothes. Now!” Her jaw dropped and she hugged a pillow.
“What?!? No! God no! I’m not going to do that!”
“Fine. You don’t have to do it. Then again, you don’t have to have your brothers....vut vere their names...Sean and Samuel?” Aww fuck.
“Sacha don-”
“Quiet!” She slammed her hand on the table but I flipped her off.
“What do you think yur doing anyway?” She smirked.
“Take your clothes off David.”
“You crazy psycho bitch. You-”
“If you think calling my names vill help your situation and make you look stronger, your dead wrong.”
She smiled with confidence her nails tapping the wood. My eyes followed the hand that was behind her back.
“What are you hiding?”
“Here’s the deal: strip now and I von’t kill your girlfriend and hey, I’ll even show you vut’s behind my back.”
Alena’s POV
Neither of them had any idea of vut vuz going on. The girl vuz to scared to even think straight and David’s anger alvays kept him from seeing the big picture.
Turning bright red while cursing, he removed everything but his boxers.
“Show me what your hiding.”
“Not until your fully unclothed.”
“You stupid little.......fine...” He pulled them off slowly and folded his legs, his face tomato red.
“Are you done ‘crying’?” I enjoyed the angry look on his face. His girlfriend vuz now covering herself vith the blanket and a giant pillow. Perfect.
“For the last time, what are you hiding?” Just a few more moments before he breaks.Before I could open my mouth, he grabbed his pants. “I’m tired of your bullshit Alena. This ends now.”
“I’m glad you agree vith me.” I pulled out the needle and grabbed his arm, flipping him over onto the floor.
His face vuz twisted in shock and pain as I pushed the needle into his hip, vatching all of it slide into him.
After a few moments of struggling, he shook.
“W-what did you do to me?” I yanked him up and carried his frozen body over to the girl. After yanking the covers off of the girl and threw him on top of her. He screamed in pain vhile she pulled the pillow off to look. To see the horror unfold.
Her face was priceless. But unfortunately, I turned and valked away.
David’s POV
One minute. That’s all it took. The paralysis wore off almost immediately but changed instantly.
I felt hyper.
I want to fuck her so bad right now.
“DAVID!!!!!” I shoved it in her, using all my strength and screaming in pleasure.
I couldn’t stop.
I can’t stop.
Its impossible.
“STOP! DAVID STOP! PLEASE DAVID!” I couldn’t stop.
“I CAN’T! I NEED TO FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!” It hurt. I dug into her, licking her shaking body and fixing my pain. Her hands pushed me weakly and whenever she moved, she screamed.
My heart.
I’m breaking.
“No.........” I bit down on her soft skin, licking her hot skin and tears. Her tears.
My tears.
“I can’t move..” She stopped fighting me.
“Sach, d-don’t give up...on-” Me............................
Sacha’s POV
David bit me. He licked and tasted and ripped and burned me.
“Sachaaaaaa.” He moaned my name like he had before this. Before he became a monster.
He grabbed my face, jamming his tongue down my throat. I cried.
“David I love you. Please stop. Don’t you love me?”
He screamed no.
“NNNOOOOOOOOOO!” His fingers scratched at me, his body pounding against me like a drum.
I was being used. Over and over and over and over and over again.
David’s POV
“NNNOOOOOOOOOO!” I needed satisfaction. I need her.
But not like this!
I can’t stop fucking her.
I can’t move.
I stuck everything in her, pushing harder and faster mindlessly.
My drug. My sex.
My angel.

2 Hours Later
The power, the feeling, the orgasms, all faded.
So I fought back.
My arms, weak and bruised, moved me off of her body and onto the floor. Until I calmed down, down there. I refused to move from my crouching position. Not until the pain stopped burning as much. But it never did. Because I didn’t know the loss of a friend could hurt like a phantom heart. Something that could never be fixed, never be undone, and never go away. I heard her pants, her gentle cries slowly go away. But it seemed like an eternity.
I peeked over the bed to see her. I had to.
The blanket was wrapped around her body tightly, like it had earlier. Her face was sickly white with cuts and bruises darkening on her gentle features. Her eyes turned into black rocks: hard and cold, her eyes to dry to cry.
I did that. I cut her with my own two hands, the ones that caressed her and held her close. I bit her with the mouth that promised to protect her from everything.
But I couldn’t protect her from myself.
I threw up, heaving every single little thing deep inside of me.
“Owww.....” Her blood is everywhere. “Sacha.....are you ok?” I grabbed the mattress, my fingers burning, and I looked up at her again. Her alien face.
“Sacha. I do love you Sacha. I love you so much.” With all my heart. “Sacha?" She continued staring at the wall. "Please talk.” Her face refused to budge. “Sacha!...Angel....please talk to me. Angel, please! I love you Sacha!” She couldn't cry. She wouldn't cry for me. “Tell me you hate me! Call me every bad name you can think of! Scream at me and tell me off! I NEED TO HEAR YOUR VOICE!” Her eyes flickered. “SACHA!!!!! No Sacha no. I love you to much to lose you. Don’t---say you HATE me! Say it right now! Come on!!!!!”
Alena’s POV
“Shit! Now that’s what I call entertainment!” Tank vuz sitting next to me as ve had been vatching David violate his girlfriend. Now seemed the right time to go pick them up. Tell them that she’s still sterile. That she’s not pregnant vith his children.
The door opened. I valked in and saw David naked on the floor, curled up in a ball and Sacha wrapped in a blanket on the bed. I threw the uniforms in front of them both.
David looked up at me, his face dead and angry.
No not angry. Vengeful.
“You both have a few minutes to get ready before I take you to shower and go to bed.” I glared at David hoo stared at the clothes and then back at me.
The girl slid them on mechanically vith David vatching her. He vhined sadly.
“A few minutes. I’ll be back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Toughest shit ever. EVER! Im crying for David right now because basically, he just raped his best friend AND himself. for 2 freaking hours.
if your confused about how it happened, ill explain: the shot alena gave david was to increase the hormones in his dick (haha dick-sorry its a funny word) and the hormones in his brain-the hormones in his head would force his entire body to be sexually active and attracted. thats why he couldn't get off. yeah, this was 4 the ppl who didnt get it.
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