Gray Blood

Gray Blood 3 Lucky

Sacha's POV
"Welcome. You're home free." I turned to see the general closing and locking the metal doors, surprised he would not be supervising me anymore.
"Oh my god...I made it outside!" My eyes trailed towards the sky and I stared right at the sun until my eyes began to burn. Then I saw why they were burning so much. There were concrete walls that surrounded the camp; they had to be at least a hundred feet in the air. A glass ceiling stretched way over us and connected with the walls like a huge mouse trap. It was impossible to escape in any way and the army was just trying to emphasize that point.
Around me, teenagers were scattered all over the space, split into cliques as nature intended. I walked around and noticed something very interesting. The girls were split on one side and the boys were on the other. It didn't look like they were being forced to be separate but just to be sure, I walked over to where all the boys were gathered.
A lot of them were leaning against the wall silently, watching the few boys who were wrapped in a tight circle, watching something in the middle that I couldn't see. I walked up to the wall and saw a boy-okay, he was obviously not a boy, not with thosemuscles-isolated from everyone else. Seems him and me have a lot in common. He was ten feet away from everyone else and was gazing up at the sky.
Although he was probably trying to hide it, he seemed really really lonely. Hey, I'm not stupid, I have an older brother and I can read him pretty well. Small talk was definitely needed.
"Hey." He looked over at me and squinted his eyes at me.
"Meh?" I rolled my eyes and sat next to him.
"What's your name?" His eyes trailed up and down my body and they stopped at my chest. He smirked and muttered nice before telling me "What's it to ya?" Ass. Hole.
"Just being friendly. You look as if you need someone to talk to." His smirk vanished and he turned away from me. I should have known: guys hate to talk about their feelings.
"Listen girly. I ain't gonna talk about nothin' to no one here, especially someone as "friendly" as you. Why don't you go and strut your perfect little ass back to your little girly friends and mind your own business about people. I know being a girl means you have to be nosy but do a guy a favor and walk slowly so I got something good to look at." I simply smiled and asked "Are you about done now?" No way was I going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I was going to let him get the best of me and he had to know that. Which he did.
"Look sweetheart. I know you're trying to act tough, but yur not foolin' anyone. Why don't you leave me alone, huh?"
"Look sweetie. I know you'retrying to act tough, but yurnot foolin' anyone. WHy don't you leave me alone, huh?"
"Such a smart ass."
"Nice way to talk about yourself." He closed his eyes and laid his head back against the wall, clearly done with our conversational games.
"So what's your name?"" Even though his eyes were closed, an eyebrow raised.
"You really wanna know?"
"Hence why I asked yeah."
"David." He sounded really bored.
"David. Nice name. I'm Sacha."
"Great. Can you leave me alone now? I'm sick with the twenty questions alright?"
"Why are you in such a bad mood?"
"If you wanna know, I'll tell ya. See those guys over there?" His finger pointed to the boys surrounding something. I nodded.
"They stole my dice."
"Its all I've got left. My parents died two years ago in a car accident and those dice are all I have left of my dad. They stole 'em from me and I want them back."
"Why don't you get it from them?" He smiled a crooked smile.
"I'm looking for someone...." He disappeared in his own thoughts so I decided to have more balls than he did and get the dice. I got up and walked to the circle of guys. I tapped one shoulder and the guy turned and the entire group opened up to look at me. I heard them whispering about me and I looked down, embarrassed. On the floor were five dice, each a wild spread of colors.
"Hey boys. I um, well you guys know good ol' David over there right?" The boys all laughed sarcastically and nodded, clearly interested with what I had to say. "Well, he was wondering if he could um have his dice back because they belong to his dad. Its his last family item and he'd like them back thank you very much." The boys were silent so I nodded and picked up the dice but the tallest boy grabbed my hand and yanked me up.
"Hey baby. Why hang out with that sack of crap when you can hang out with me? I've been pretty lonely lately and the guys and I have been waiting for a new piece of meat around here." The boys gathered and made a circle around me. The boy grabbed my ass and pulled me against his body. His lips crushed mine and I suffered to pull myself away but he dragged me down on the ground. It hit me suddenly that since we were hidden in the circle of boys, no one would see what was about to happen. My hand released the dice and they rolled away. His hands trailed across my body and his lips hungrily traced my neck and face, then he let his tongue trace my lips. He nibbled my ear and whispered to me in a husky voice, "Now for the big stuff."
I felt his hands slowly pull my pants down and his tongue went down my throat to keep me from screaming. I'm going to get raped. Holy mother of god I'm going to get raped. My eyes stayed shut and I tried to imagine him disappearing from on top of me. As my pants were being pulled down to my knees and his hands crawled slowly up my calves, anticipating his new catch, he then grabbed my panties. Before he could pull down, I felt him actually disappear off of me. I half expected that a guard had seen us and was coming to rescue me. I opened my eyes a crack and saw that the guy was being lifted off of me. David. He had picked up the guy, raised his fist and punched him. The guy went flying into his friends and they caught him, but his nose was bleeding. He cussed at David but he ignored him, instead picking me up and helping me pull up my pants.
He brushed the dirt off of my back and wiped my eyes, although I didn't realize that I had been crying. He picked up one of the dice, saluted the boys and pulled me out of the circle and back to the wall. I could hear the guy screaming "You're a piece of shit David!" He stopped and turned to face the guys and I secretly hoped he wouldn't try and pick a fight. He smiled and yelled back "Thought I was sack of crap, Warren! Make up your mind!" He continued to drag me to the wall and sat me down while I cried. He rubbed my back gently and when I calmed down, he said to me, "You're lucky. Nothin's happened to you so you're safe."
This made me cry even harder and before I knew it, he pulled me in for a hug. This made me stop and I hugged him back awkwardly. I wanted to ask him what was up with the sudden kindness but I didn't want to make him mad at me. Reading my mind, he said softly in my ear, "I can't stand to see a girl cry."
I laughed softly at his comment and it made me feel a little better, but then I realized that he was being completely serious so I shut up, stopped crying and enjoyed my hug while he rubbed my back rhythmically and gently, making me feel more safe and protected for the first time since I'd been captured.
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so just to let u guys kno, im already up 2 chap.14 on a different site but i can only post so many things in a day. but out of all of them so far, this one and chap.12 are my favorites. the thing about this one is its so exciting, and took me a lot of work to write so i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it.
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D