Gray Blood

Gray Blood 30 Monster

David's POV
At Roseville, I was David.
To Izzy, I was David.
Here, I'm Sacha's monster.
The one that never goes away.
Sacha's POV
No matter how hard I tried, scrubbing soap all over me, I still felt dirty. And dark. Even though I was alone in the showers, I felt things watching me. Creatures. Monsters. Everyone here to tear each other apart. My monster. My David. A heartless shell whose just as bad as everyone else. A bastard who tore me apart like breaking glass. He let me go. Gravity took care of the rest. And now I'm cracked, distorted, and broken.
"Go to sleep child." The russian lady left me in my room.I looked outside my tiny window and saw the sun setting on the horizon.
I forgave and kissed David today. Then he raped me.
The Next Day-David's POV
"Wake up child!" An annoyed guard stood at the foot of my bed, holding my breakfast. I stared.
He dropped the tray of food on the floor and turned to leave.
I twisted to the other side so I could face the wall and went back to sleep.
"For the last time, get off the bed!" Someone yanked me off the bed and I fell on the floor.
"Don't make me put you in lockdown 207!" To numb to feel. To numb to care.
He ended up dragging me out of the room to go outside. Until I fell.
"Chris' sakes." He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder.
When we were outside, he left me.
I got up to go to the wall and curled against it, hoping I would dissapear into the gray.
"David you look like a fucktard right now. Why don't you sit up?" Raven's voice. Raven. Why won't she go away?
"Ugh hello? Are you alive? Do I have to kick you?" Like I haven't been kicked around enough.
Go away. I don't wanna talk. Leave me alone.
" something wrong?" Her arms curled around me. She pulled me to her.
"Who hurt you?" She lifted my head up. She paused. She touched my forhead. "David you look awful. What happened to you"
"Ra-ven. Go away." I fought her grasp. The first time I fought.
"GO! GET AWAY FROM ME! LEAVE!!!!!" Without flinching, she got up, kissed my cheek, and walked away.
I kissed Sacha's cheek like that. Before I kissed her. Before I raped her.
Sacha's POV
We had to go inside for therapy. I walked behind everyone else, shuffling slowly. Someone pulled my arm and pushed me against the wall. I cried.
"Sacha, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I opened my eyes. Warren. Not...him. Not the monster.
"Baby what's wrong?" He leaned in to kiss me.
"Don't touch me," I whispered. "Get off of me. I can't be touched." He backed away but still stood close to me.
"A-are you mad at me? If its about yesterday, I'm really sorry for the way I acted. It was just....Stone was pissing me off with his serious shit and I only wanted to be with you. But I'll be nicer to him for you, I promise." I looked at him dully.
"What? Never what?"
I pushed him. "Never make promises you can't keep." I turned to walk away but muttered, 'we're done' before leaving. He didn't follow me.
Therapy-David's POV
"Today, we're going to be discussing regret. When you come up here, tell everyone something you've done that you wish you could take back. When confiding in someone else-" I think I'm going to kill myself. So, I looked down at my chair.
The legs of all the chairs in the room were rusted, with little sharp bits poking out. Even mine.
I pulled up the sleeve of my right leg. I rubbed against the metal, hoping to feel something other than numb. Pain? Cold? Blood?
Maybe this would kill me.
My punishment. My weakness. Because...
No one loves monsters like me.
I forced the cut to get bigger, and finally dug the gash into the leg and left it there, until I could feel something.
I felt nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
David has just become a cutter! :OOO
Sacha is depressed but doesn't do anything rash like that.
David is also starving himself (he's a tad bit suicidal) but he eats...eventually. like one meal day.
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D