Gray Blood

Gray Blood 32 The Last Thing I See Is You

Later that day: David's POV
Can't escape the numb. I need my angel. My only hope.
1 day later: Sacha's POV
I think I need to talk to him. I think.
2 days later: (The Day Before the Escape)
I can't even stand thinking about him. All day, I've seen him by himself, possessed by the horrors of reality. And it wasn’t just me who noticed how depressed he’s been getting.
People had come up to me over and over again, with a fake face of concern and told me,
"Your friend's a cutter." I would look up.
"Ok..." That's what I always said to them. Then, they would walk away, with nothing else to say.
What did they expect me to do? We're not even speaking to each other yet random people expect that I still care. Which I don't.
I don't care about David anymore.
"Mind if I join you?" I turned around to see who was speaking to me. Raven.
"Yeah, I mind." She sat down next to me at the lunch table.
"Are you deaf? I said I minded."
"I was asking to be polite, not to get your opinion."
"But why are you here?" A guard came by us and cuffed our hands to the metal poles. Great. Now she’s stuck here with me.
"You haven't talked to David in a few days." I glared.
"We're obviously not speaking to each other."
"He's not speaking to me either." I rolled my eyes.
"Aww...I'm SO sorry David dumped his little whore but.....why bother me?" I couldn't resist calling her a whore. Its not like I'm lying about anything, or being mean when really, I'm just being honest.
"Don't be such a stupid little bitch Sacha. No one likes your attitude.”
"No one likes you."
"I actually have friends."
"The freaks?"
"The real ones. But I'm not just talking about the people I hang out with. I'm talking about every single person here."
"Oh, I'm sorry I have to worry about people liking me or not. After all, its on the top of my Things-To-Worry-About list, right before getting pregnant and having five kids with my ex-boyfriend." Her eyes widened.
"He didn't tell you?"
"Who 'he'? David? About what?"
"I assumed this was why you were mad at him.”
"Well, you know what they say: assuming only makes an ass out you and me." She glared. "But what are you talking about? What didn't he tell me?" Raven turned from me and began eating.
"I don't think you should talk to me about it. Ask him."
"Please, your just trying to get me to talk to him." Pathetic.
"What's so bad about that?"
".......everything." We began eating silently, listening to the other conversations in the lunch room. I actually liked the quiet now; before it was awkward, now its comforting. Like I’m silencing the pain.
“Your a really selfish person Sacha.” I dropped my fork. That’s it. That’s all I’m taking for the day.
“Excuse me? Do you have any idea, any right to tell me I’M selfish when I’M the one whose suffered by losing my brothers, my parents, my boyfriend, my best friend,-” My virginity... “-and my trust in everyone? Do you know what I’ve been through? Do you know what I’m feeling? You have no right to be here, disturbing MY moments of peace and telling me that I’m the bad person when in all truth and reality, its you and David. You know what? Tell me how I’m the selfish person here. Tell me ‘cause I really want to know.” She raised an eyebrow and laughed.
“You know, I really thought you were smarter than that. I really did. But I find it appalling that you think you can use your suffering to hate someone like David.”
I shrugged.
“I use it to hate you.”
“But we’re not talking about me right now. We’re talking about David.” I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.
“He’s put me through so much that I’ve had to deal with. In such a short time, I’ve suffered a lifetime of shock.”
“That’s why I know your not smart.” I turned to her.
“Yes.” She smiled. “Because if your were smart, you’d understand what real suffering is. If you were smart, you would know how in so little time, David has suffered a million times more than you. If you were smart, you’d know he’s got enough pain to last a hundred life times and how crazy this can make a person. If you were smart, you’d be a good friend, go apologize to him, and take just a little bit of that pain away before something really bad happens to him.” The guards came by to unlock our cuffs and she got up and walked away.
“Wait! Raven wait!” She leaned on the wall, trying to look cool.
“Two things. One, what’s going to happen to David.”
“He’s suicidal Sacha. What do you think is going to happen?”
I sighed. “Ok, I get it.” She turned to walk away but I grabbed her arm. “I’m not done Raven. Not even close.” She snatched her hand away from me and glared. “Here’s the second thing: if you are as smart as you claim you were, you would’ve taken your own advice and done the same thing.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried?”
“Not hard enough.” She sputtered and I smiled victoriously.
“You haven’t tried at all.”
“But I’ve been a better friend.” Raven burst out laughing, and several people turned to look at her.
“That’s funny! Wow! Tell me how you’ve been a better friend than me!”
“I stood by his side when everyone was against him and you weren’t even gazing in his direction. I didn’t leave him to go hang out with other people just because he got depressed.”
“Now that’s not true! You did the same exact thing!”
“But I forgave him! I forgave him in a few days! It took you months and you left him to sit all by himself and make him feel like he was the bad guy!”
“But at least I came back!”
“And you kissed him! You kissed him so you could break up our friendship, just so you could take your original place next to him again! Now what kind of friend breaks up other friendships just because she’s jealous?” People turned around and stared, interested on what we were screaming about.
“You think your so amazing don’t you? That everyone loves you and cares about you while your all depressed and moody!”
“I’m a lot better than you are Raven! And I always will be!” She shoved and pushed me so I fell down on the floor. She leaned in close, trying to make the next words hurt as much as possible.
“Go suck Warren’s cock.”
There’s not such thing as fighting fair, just fight. Just like David said.
Raising my fist back, I punched her jaw. For the first time in my life, I hit someone. Hard.
People turned and saw her hit the floor. I stood up. She stood up.
Guards walked towards us.
“This isn’t over Sacha. I’m not done with you.” She whipped the blood from her mouth on her sleeve.
“I am. Your not worth the concern.”
“Your worth shit.”
“Just leave so we don’t get locked up.”
“I’m not leaving first.”
“Ugh. Your so immature.” I turned and walked away, heading toward the lines that led outside. I didn’t bother to see if Raven was following.
Everyone stared at me as we walked, whispering amongst themselves. The girls in front of me did a pretty bad job of hiding their conversation.
“Looks like David’s rubbing off on her.”
“Yeah but they’re not talking anymore. I bet she got jealous that he and Raven are going out AND having kids together. That’s probably why they got in a fight. She told Sacha to back off and Raven got pissed.”
“I don’t know. I think he’s abusing her. You noticed how they’re not talking anymore and how he’s cutting himself? I bet he’s threatening that he’ll do the same thing to her if she doesn’t stay with him or tell anyone. I mean, have you seen the bruises and cuts on her neck?”
“Yeah I did!”
“Excuse me?” The girls turned and stopped walking after seeing me, their faces shocked. “If your going to have a conversation that you don’t want someone to hear, don’t talk so loud and make sure that person isn’t right behind you. After all, you’ll end up looking like dumb asses if that happens.” I smiled and walked ahead of them. “Have a nice day.”
David’s POV
I was still forced to go outside with everyone else. Alena held the sleeve of my arm and dragged me down the hallways. Her eyes always strayed towards me, just to see if I was looking back at her. She finally looked away from me her eyes trailing the different prison room doors. I heard noises echoing from some of them, screaming and crying.
“What’s behind those doors?” She stopped walking and pulled me back.
“The ones hoo could not deal vith the pressures of being locked up.” She continued walking but I held her back.
“Then why am I here and not like them?” She laughed a little and turned to face me.
“Your not crazy.”
“Aren’t we all?” She let go of me.
“I suppose.....” She continued walking and I followed.
“Everyone’s insane in a sane world, aren’t they?” She shrugged and I smiled. If she thinks she can take advantage of me, maybe I can do this same with her.
“I have a question.”
“You know the little kids here in the camp-”
“I vill release no information.” Damn. Looks like Sacha’s little brother is stuck here. But maybe...
“What about the ones who are nine and ten?” Alena stopped and pushed me against the wall.
“Vut are you trying to pull hmm? Vut are you thinking about doing?” I tried not to swallow and did my best to seem nervous.
“I-I wanted to see two of the kids.” She remained quiet so I continued slowly. “Their names are Jordan and Alex. I met them about a week ago, when they lost their sister.”
“Evelyn Bryte.”
“Yeah, her. Anyways, I wanted to know if...when they get older, will they have to.....have sex and have children?”
“Of course they vill. Vhen they’re of the appropriate age.”
“Have you told any of them?”
“No.” I shook my head.
“That’s not a very good idea.” The corner of her lips went up.
“Vhy vould that be?”
“If you tell them earlier, they’ll have more time to get over the shock and that’ll keep the risk of...going crazy down.” She thought. I shuffled uncomfortably against the wall, hoping she would get off of me. Her entire body was pressed against mine and I tried to push her off.
“Vut does any of this have to do vith seeing them?” I sighed and tried looking tired. Not that I had to try or anything.
“I’ve been feeling....depressed lately. I wanna see ‘em cause, I don’t know being with Jordan and Alex makes the pain hurt a lot less. They’re really good kids. It makes me feel like I can be a dad again.” Alena nodded, her face really intense. She leaned in close to me, her lips inches from mine.
“And if I let you see them tomorrow, vut do you think you can do to make me say yes?” I leaned in, not bothering to consider my options because there was only one answer. Our lips touched and she pushed my mouth open, like I had done to Sacha, her tongue creeping into my mouth.
I forced myself not to gag.
I’m doing this to save Jordan and Alex’s lives. I’m doing this so Evie can be happy that her family is free.
My hands wrapped around her and I decided to pull her closer to me. Her arms tangled around my neck and we collapsed on the floor. We spent a few moments there, kissing each other until she stopped to breathe. I panted as well and leaned my head back on the wall.
“Do-do we have a deal?” She smiled and kissed me again before answering.
“Tomorrow before you go outside, you vill be taken to a room vhere the owner of the camp is. Vait there vith him, do not ever disagree vith him if he speaks to you, and I vill come in vith two Bryte children. You’ll spend the morning vith them only but that’s all.” I nodded.
We stood up and I fixed my shirt.
She took my hand and took me outside, as if nothing had changed.
But for me?
I just sold my soul to the devil.
Sacha’s POV
I walked outside and felt blind when the sun hit my face. I didn’t feel the same anymore. Darker, disturbed, angrier.
But I wanted to be me again. And I want things to be ok between me and David.
So I looked for him. My eyes traced the wall, looking for his hunched figure, somewhere in the distance. Thankfully, I found him.
My heart sped up and I ran as fast as I could to him, as if he would leave if I didn’t run fast enough. Fear pressed into my throat and I wondered what I should say.
Someone grabbed my arm and I tripped and fell. I turned to see Warren holding me, his face sad.
“Sacha, please talk to me. What happened at lunch?” I glared and pulled at his grasp.
“Not now Warren!” I managed to yank myself from him, running again, despite the new scrape on my knee and the pants sticking to the cut, making it hurt even more.
When I reached him, I stopped. Panting and trembling. My hand began stinging and when I looked at it, I saw tiny scrapes.
I brushed it on the side of my shirt and looked back at him. His arms resting on his shoulders and covering his beautiful face from me.
“David....hi.” He didn’t look up. I tried again.
“Um...we haven’t talked in a few days but maybe we can-” Where am I going with this? “.....I got in a fight today with Raven.” He stayed completely still, continuing to ignore me. “She pushed me and I punched her in the face. Aren’t you worried?” Tears came to my eyes and I fell to my feet. “David...please talk to me. I miss you...I love you.”
His hands clenched. Tears rolled down my face and I whipped my nose with my sleeve. I whispered softly,
“You don’t deserve this kind of pain David. You’ve suffered enough, thanks to me.” I trembled and cried harder. “It’s not your fault....It’s mine David. It’s all my fault.” I heard him sigh.
He looked up, his eyes red and sad.
“No, its not. Its there’s.” I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me closer to him and we stayed there, hugging and crying together. He pressed his nose against mine and I looked into his eyes.
“Everyone’s been saying that you’ve been....hurting yourself.”
“Everyone’s been saying that I’m abusing you as well.” I ignored his attempt to distract me.
“Why were you cutting yourself?”
“To get rid of the numb. S-so I could feel something.” I kissed him gently on the lips and on his forehead.
“How’s that? All better?” He nodded earnestly and pushed me back a little. “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you’re comfortable.” He made me get up and I turned around sat on him,with his arms around me protectively. I smiled and he whipped the tears away from my face.
“You make me so happy Sacha.”
“I’ve never felt this away about someone before. I just can’t leave you alone.” I leaned back on his shoulder and closed my eyes, letting his hand trace my cheek.
David’s POV
It was in that moment, I felt whole again.
She made me feel like Izzy made me feel. There was so much, I had to tell her, so much I should have told her, but I couldn’t ruin this perfect moment between us.
She opened her eyes and looked back up at me, her lips smiling and her brown eyes light.
‘You don’t deserve this kind of pain David. You’ve suffered enough, thanks to me.’
Thankfully, it ends tomorrow. For the both of us.
“Bye David.”
“Where are you going?” I tightened my grip on her, to keep her from leaving, and she smiled.
“All the girls are being called in early, probably to talk about.....the kids.”
“Oh.” I didn’t let go of her.
“David, its ok. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I stood up, smiling, and kissed her hand while helping her up.
“Yeah. I have a very good feeling about tomorrow.”

Lookie guys! Sacha and David's moment:
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whoa! sacha and raven bitch off and poor david missed it. btw, the anime banner was done by the amazing, wonderful artist: spikie! kudos to her! :D
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