Gray Blood

Gray Blood 33 Confusion

Sacha's POV
All the girls were taken to the biggest room I had ever seen. It was enough to fit thousands of people, which meant that every single group was coming here tonight. A circular stage was set in the middle of the room with a mike set up and a few chairs on it. Around it, were giant cushions for everyone to sit on.
I watched as all the girls ran with their friends to grab certain places to sit but guards kept them from going very far. I tried sitting in the far back so I could keep an eye out forSacha's POV
All the girls were taken to the biggest room I had ever seen. It was enough to fit thousands of people, which meant that every single group was coming here tonight. A circular stage was set in the middle of the room with a mike set up and a few chairs on it. Around it, were giant cushions for everyone to sit on.
I watched as all the girls ran with their friends to grab certain places to sit but guards kept them from going very far. I tried sitting in the far back so I could keep an eye out for David. Who knows, maybe Sean would be here and I'd get to see him.
But someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to the front and forced me to sit in the middle of a pillow.
I pushed the guard away from me and growled. He smiled and walked away, taking other girls and moving them to specific pillows. Something wasn't right.
On my pillow, there was a number marked 752812. I looked over at other pillows where the girls were sitting and I saw an arrangement of numbers all in the same spot. 692374, 140183, etc.
I looked to my far right and saw Raven, her arms folded and her mouth moving. I could see a bit of red by the side of her mouth and smiled.
David's POV
"Ok boys. We're doing an early Round-up tonight because you gotta go somewhere so be quick as you can so we can all get out of here. Is that clear?" The general looked at us expectantly. "I said IS THAT CLEAR?"
A chorus of 'yes sir's' echoed through the room. He smiled to himself pleasantly, and grabbed the two closest guys to him and dragged them into the Check-up room. I looked around for the last person I'd ever expect to be looking for. Warren.
He was sitting down on the floor with a few of his buddies, most of them having a high sort-of look on their faces. I walked up behind Warren and tapped him with my shoe. He turned.
"What the-oh David. What are you doing here?" I shrugged.
"Nothing. Just wanted to-"
"Warren, isn’t that the guy whose cutting himself?" I looked up and the guy who said it and glared. He stared at me dumbly.
"No, Randy. It’s his twin brother."
"Oh." Warren got up.
"My god your an idiot." He nodded his head to the right and we walked away from the crowd and sat against the wall.
"Is Sacha alright?" Why wouldn't she be?
"Uhm...yeah. We made-up this afternoon."
"Great. Just peachy," He answered with a clenched voice. "At least she'll be in a better mood than she was before."
"What happened before?" Warren closed his eyes and leaned back on the wall.
“She got in a fight today.”
“Good for her. Who’d she hit? You?” He glared.
“Your ex-girlfriend.” Not...good.
“She didn’t tell you?” Fuck did she tell me?
“I think she may have but I was trying to ignore her...”
“I thought you guys-”
“Its a long story.” He shrugged. “How did they get in a fight? Did you see it? Is Raven ok? Why-”
“Slow down. I’ll answer all your questions. It was during lunch-”
“Of course!” No wonder I didn’t see it.
“AND Sacha was sitting alone at her table. Raven came over and sat with her and they both got cuffed to the table so neither of them could leave. Someone said they were arguing and that after they finished, Raven tried to leave but Sacha followed her and they began screaming at each other. After they started screaming, that’s when I saw Sacha get up off the floor and punch Raven-”
“Raven pushed her? She punched back?” Of course, only when I’m not around, they get into a huge fight.
“They continued to bitch each other out until the guards came but then Sacha left and so did Raven.”
“Wow. That’s...” Something.
“At least Sacha’s ok.” I nodded.
“I’m glad she’s ok too. I just hope Raven’s ok as well.” Warren looked at me with a strange face.
“Dude, do you still like her?”
“Of course not. She’s best friend.”
“Seems like you do still like her. Besides, I thought Sacha was your best friend.”
“She is my best friend.” Warren raised an eye brow. “What, I can’t have two best friends?”
“Not when they’re at each others throats and ready to kill each other.”
I sighed. “You have a point.”
“Of course I do. Who do you think they were fighting over today?”
“Me?!?” No way. No fucking way. “That’s bull.”
“Not it ain’t. I know what I saw and I was there and you weren’t.”
“But you said it yourself, you weren’t watching the entire time so how could you know if its the truth or not?”
“Because EVERYONE is saying it. Its not rumor! I saw part of it happen so there’s no point in arguing.”
“Alright then!” I sighed and leaned lower against the wall.
Why am I here again?
“What did you come here to talk to me about?” Oh yeah. That’s why I’m here.
“Ok, you remember Sacha’s brother from Jia day right?” Warren shook his head. “Really tall, about a foot taller than me, brown hair like hers, brown eyes-”
“A splitting image of Sacha, right?”
“Pretty much. Except she’s got sharper features.”
“And boobs and a vagina. So what’s the point of this conversation?”
“I need your help to get him outside tomorrow for the morning Outside Hours.” Warren’s eyes opened and he sighed.
“Easier said then done.”
“Why?” I made a come here sign and he leaned in.
“We’re escaping tomorrow.” Warren burst out laughing.
“You really are crazy! What the fuck did they do to you huh?”
“Warren shut-”
“I bet they paid you to do this. What the hell did they did to you three days ago?” Everything.
“Warren keep it down! I’ll tell you but you have to trust me and shut up!” Warren stood up.
“I don’t trust you.” I sighed.
“Don’t trust me then. Trust Raven.” He shook his head.
“I hardly even know her.”
“But she can get us out.” Warren shuffled uncomfortably, frowning and confused. I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder. “Look, its just one favor I need from you. One. I kept your secrets, ALL of them and face it Warren, you owe me.” Warren backed away.
“Are you gonna blackmail me?” As tempting as that sounds...
“I’m making a deal with you. Help me get Sacha’s brother outside. That’s all I ask.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Freedom.” Warren’s face dropped. “Take it or leave it. I have to know now before we go in, because by then, it’ll be to late.” He shook his head.
“This is to crazy. Are you sure?”
“Warren I don’t have time this. Its a simple question with a simple answer: yeeeees or noooooo.” Jeez how hard it is to make one decision that’ll save our lives? Seriously, this is pathetic.
I looked up and saw that the room was almost empty. A guard pointed to us and said “Your next.” Time’s running out.
“Ok ok. Fine. I’ll help. What do you want me to do?”
I smiled.
The room wasn’t very big; at least as big as my room. I walked in and sat on a table while a few doctors circled around. Warren sat next to me and we waited for them to finish cleaning the needles.
One came up to me, I think Cairo was his name, that took my arm and began cleaning a spot. He placed a needle into my arm and took a huge sample of my blood.
“Alright 207, you can take your shirt off now.” He put on stethoscope as I slipped off my shirt. He placed the cold metal on my chest.
“Breathe.” I did. He moved it all around my body before making me stand and checking my weight.
He took a flash light, shined it in my eyes, and asked me a few irrelevant questions before saying,
“Hmm. Your in very good condition David, considering what’s happened to you previously.” I turned to him in shock.
“What did you say?” He handed me my shirt and smiled. I backed away from him.
“Time for you to go now. Your partner is waiting.”
♠ ♠ ♠
What's david planning...keep reading to find out! :O
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