Gray Blood

Gray Blood 35 A Feeling

David's POV
Waiting in this room had to be the most boring place I’ve ever been in. I mean, last night was pretty bad, having to go through a freaking pregnancy speech that lasted forever but this was twice as worse
I tapped my shoe impatiently against the leg of the table and the director looked at me curiously.
"Anxious, are we?" He smiled at me knowingly.
"A little," I lied. A lot.
"Tell me again why-"
"Sir?" I turned around and saw a guard standing at the door. With Warren. I let out a sigh.
"What is it?"
"582 here has a problem with his partner." I raised an eye brow and tried not to smile. Warren was uncuffed and he sat down in the chair next to me, his hands shaking.
Nice effects Warren.
"So 582, your partner 721 is having.....problems of some sort?" Warren shrugged.
"She's so angry about everything now. Every time I talk to her, she yells and says she hates everyone and misses her family."
The director wrote this down on a notepad and frowned.
"When did this behavior begin?"
"A few days ago but it kinda happens on and off."
"On and off?"
"Yeah. I mean, yesterday she's eating lunch peacefully and then BOOM! She punches a girl in the face for talking about her family." He nodded and wrote this down. Warren eyed me quickly and I gave him a nod. He turned back to the director.
"I see...." He answered.
"I noticed that as well." The director looked at me.
Now was the time to drop the bait and hope he bites.
"You've noticed 721's behavior issues as well?"
“‘Course I have. Whenever I mentioned anyone in her family-especially her brothers-she'd get super pissy and hit me. That was the number one thing that always set her off. Every time." The director nodded and continued to write but I wasn't done there. "I also think she's a very depressed because she was forced to get raped."
The director dropped the notepad and looked at me with a shocked expression. I knew he knew so I stared back confidently. “Then again, it’s only my theory.” Warren's jaw dropped and he turned incredibly pale.
"David...what the fuck is going on?" Shit, Warren knows.
"UNCLE DAVID!" I turned to the squeaky voice and Jordan wrapped himself around my leg. I picked him up and squeezed him tight, feeling warm inside that I got to hold him in my arms again, so I could keep him safe and sound.
Alex walked in shyly and jumped when the door closed. I held out my hand to him and smiled as reassuringly as I could. He took it hesitantly and I pulled him on my lap. Warren looked confused and turned his attention back to the director.
"I really think she should talk to her brother-" The director got up and left quickly, his eyes never leaving me. The door slammed and locked shut, leaving the four of us alone in the room.
Sean's POV
The guard sat on my bed while I ate, yawning and leaning deeper into the bed. Maybe if he fell asleep, I could steal the keys and try to escape.
Someone banged on the door and another guard came in with cuffs in his hand. Dammit. He grabbed my hands, cuffed them, and pulled me outside while ignoring the guard falling asleep.
"Where are we going?"
"Silence 625." 625 my ass. I'm so sick and tired of being called that.
David's POV
"Uncle David, whose that?" I smiled at him and looked at Warren.
"That's Warren Jordan. Warren, meet Jordan and Alex." Warren nodded uncomfortably. "You ok?" He shook his head and gazed at the floor.
"I had no idea..."
The door opened and low and behold, Sacha's brother got shoved into the room. As soon as he saw me, his body tensed and he glared at me threateningly.
"So you have more than one kid?" What? Oh. Duh duh-duh.
"No, they're not my kids, they're my..." Crap what the hell are they? "I'll tell you later."
"207, 721, and 625. Stand up and hold your hands out." Jordan slid off of my lap but Alex held on to me. I stood up holding Alex in my arms and smiling at him. "Its ok Alex. I'm not going anywhere." He nodded and I set him down as the guards cuffed Warren and me.
Alex took Jordan's hand and the guard told them to follow as he dragged us through the halls of this camp and outside for the last time.
As soon as we were outside, Jordan and Alex scrambled to get in my arms. I stood there awkwardly with Warren and Sean staring.
"Whoa guys. I can't carry you both all the way across the camp." The looked at each other and tightened their grips around me. I sighed. "Who wants to ride on Warren's head?"
"Me! Me! Me!" Jordan jumped down and pulled on Warren's pants. And pulling them down.
"Calm down kid! Jesus!" Warren blushed and pulled up his pants while Sean shook his head.
"Can we hurry this up? I want to see my sister." Now, what can I do to piss him off?
"Chillax Sean. Kids first, hotties later." Alex climbed on my back and sat on my shoulders, trying to hold in a laugh. Jordan was wrapped around Warren and yapping away like a puppy.
Sean began walking ahead, searching for Sacha somewhere across the wall.
I walked over to where Raven and her “group” was but grabbed Sean's arm before entering the group. "Take Alex for a sec. I'll be right back." I handed him Alex.
"Where are you going?"
"To pick up Sacha."
♠ ♠ ♠
im gonna post the banners later guys (to tired and lazy) I'll post them later or tomorrow. anyways, david did this to save jordan and alex and sean so yeah, i love him. :)
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D