Gray Blood

Gray Bood 39 Glares and Stares

Sacha’s POV
About a week passed, before we made it to the Atlantic Ocean. Most of us were a little nervous getting on a boat as big as this one because it was so...noticeable. And we didn’t want to get caught and taken back to the camps to make babies. Ugh. No one wanted that.
But the crew assured us that the we would be perfectly safe on the giant ship and that no one would spot us. David and Raven were up for it, smiling, laughing and joking about how scared we all looked about getting on. I kept shooting him glares but he didn’t notice how pissed off I looked.
At least the air was fresh. While I was avoiding David, I stood on deck, watching the ship cut through the water. I loved and missed the salty air. Although I could’ve done without the constant wind pushing my hair in my face, I was in peace for the first time in a long time.
People had come up to me, Warren, Sean, even people I had never spoken to, but my peace of mind was unbreakable.
“Likin’ the fresh air?” I looked at David briefly, who was grinning wildly at me.
“I’m liking the quiet.”
“Ouch.” He slid his arm around my shoulders and pressed his body against mine. “I thought we were cool.” I tried to push him off of me but he wouldn’t let go.
“That was before you decided to go talk to Raven.” David snorted.
“Seriously Sacha, I thought you were better than that. Raven is my best friend you know.” Then what the hell am I?
“Well so am I, and I don’t like her.” David shook his head as if I was wrong but didn’t leave my side. After a few minutes of standing there, he rested his chin on my shoulder, tentively at first.
I know I should’ve been more careful, with all we’ve been through, but at this point I really didn’t care what happened. David’s hands were now on my waist and he hugged me tightly, with his nose on my neck, he was breathing on me slowly.
My hands tightened on the bar, making my fingers sweat. I felt really uncomfortable, with him breathing down the side of my neck and holding me this way. Although I sort of...liked it, I didn’t. I finally manage to squeeze myself out of his grasp but somehow, he had managed to grab my hand and hold it, as we looked out at the water together.
Bet he and Raven didn’t have moments like this.
David’s POV
When it got dark, me and Sacha finally went inside to get something to eat. People were grouped at tables, laughing, drinking, celebrating that they were free. Sacha pulled me over to an empty table and we sat down. There were already two glasses of water, two empty glasses, and a bottle of red wine at our table and I really wanted to pour myself a glass.
But Sacha looked at it disgustingly and drank the water.
I didn’t want to insult her or be mean...but I haven’t had wine in so long. And after the long nights at the camp when all I wanted to do was get drunk, now was the time I could finally get lost in my head and forget everything for awhile.
So I grabbed the bottle opener and poured half a glass. Sacha eyed me as I took a sip.
“I didn’t know you liked wine.” I shrugged and smiled.
“I like my quality wine.” Sacha looked nervously at me.
“How much quality wine?”
“I’ll only drink a glass. Maybe a bit more. That’s all.” I drank another sip, enjoying the sweet bitter taste. My tongue was on fire and more than anything, I wanted to finish the bottle.
“Do you promise David?” Her eyes were black and she looked like she didn’t trust me. But come on, I don’t have a drinking problem. I only get really.....horny when I drink. But only if it’s a lot of wine, or vodka.
Sacha’s POV
“I promise Sacha.” I nodded and took a sip of water as he drank a bit more of wine and smiled. Did your parents ever let you try wine?” I thought back, trying to remember if they did.
“I don’t think so. They let my brother try some I guess but...I never liked the smell of it.” David nodded.
“Thing is, I thought that your parents would’ve let you drink wine ‘cause your European.” Wait, how did he know that?
“I never told you I was half-british.”
“No, you didn’t but your brother has an accent.” Ok right. That makes sense. “How come he has one but you don’t?” That’s a good question...
“Well, he’s a pianist and he has perfect pitch, so he is great and mimicking voices as well as accents. Since my dad has his accent and my brother heard it so much while growing up, he never stopped speaking that way. Sometimes he switches between American English and our English but he ALWAYS has the accent.”
“That’s really cool. So sometimes he’d call your mom ‘mum’ and you’d say mom?”
“Pretty much.” David laughed and downed the glass. “Careful there. Thought you we’re going to take it easy tonight.”
“I am. Have faith.”
“I do. Just not in wine.”
“Bah.” He said, pouring another half-glass. Someone walked up to our table with a menu and handed David and I menus.
“We’d like to apologize for the inconvenience on the carrier and we’re here to let you know that the territories will be a much more enjoyable place to live. My name is Drake and I will be your server for tonight.” Drake smiled a friendly smile and shook David’s hand. He took my hand and kissed it. “And your name would be?”
“Sacha,” I said while blushing.
“What would you like to eat Sacha?” I looked at the menu. It was pretty fancy considering and there weren’t any prices.
“I guess I’ll have a lobster but they’re pretty big.”
“I’ll share with you Sach.” I smiled at David, but he was glaring at Drake, who turned back to David. “And would you like any other wines from our selection?” I saw his eyes light up and he looked at the list.
“....Sorry. I’m only gonna have this last glass. In fact you can take the rest of the bottle back.” Drake nodded and took the bottle away.
“Aww, I’m proud of you David.” He snorted angrily and drank.
“Whatever. That lobster better be filling.” I smiled, knowing he wasn’t that mad. He grinned back at me and looked in Drake’s direction. “I don’t trust that guy.” Great. I rolled my eyes.
“What are you, Sean? Stop being so defensive.” Secretly, I was hoping he was jealous. It was nice to have the attention.
“No but look how ‘happy-go-lucky’ he is. Anyone smart can tell he wanted to get into your pants.” Now was the perfect time to take advantage of him. Just have a little fun.
“Are you saying I’m not smart?” His eyes widened and he choked a bit.
“No, no, I’m not-”
“Chill. I’m just yanking your chain.” He rolled his eyes.
“I’m only protecting you. That’s what I want to do. And I’m glad Marshall’s doing that.” Now it was my eyes that rolled.
“Whatever.” He smiled, and finished the glass.
“Ugh. That was so unsatisfying for me.”
“How much do you usually drink?” He thought for a moment.
“I dunno. Maybe five glasses if I want to get buzzed, eight if I’m celebrating, and a bottle or two of vodka if I need to.....get shitty.”
“So I assume you don’t have all that at the same time...” He burst out laughing and almost fell out of his chair.
“If I had a death wish.” My heart stopped at that; Raven had said he was suicidal. When David stopped laughing, he looked at me.
“Don’t worry though, I’m not a crazy psycho drunk. I may get a little...horny, but I’m relatively ok.” Great turn off. How ironic for my situation.
“When did you get the most drunk?” He drank his glass of water and looked down at the table. He thought before answering.
“Last December, I had gotten really pissed off at a few people so I went home early from a party. I had a few bottles of vodka I’d been saving for a rainy day and I began drinking one when Izzy came see if I was ok. She sat down with me, and she had a little vodka with me. I can’t remember how much we both drank but there were four empty bottles on the floor. She got pissed off at me for getting her so drunk but she forgave me eventually.”
I nodded at his sad expression as he looked outside, at the darkening sky. The stars were appearing and I was glad to look at them for the first time in a long time. I could see a lot more now than I ever had, because of all the lights there used to be.
This made me wonder how the new towns would look like, or “territories” whatever those were. Maybe David would know. After all, he seemed to know a lot of things I was still clueless about.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is chillaxed. just the two of them talking and its very awesum. :)
the next chapter, is a bit alike as well but u see more of david's past.
*read,rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D