Gray Blood

Gray Blood 4 How To Get Tortured In An Hour

Sacha's POV
We were all taken to a room deep inside of the campsite. Everyone was split up into rows; girls on the right, boys on the left. I tried to make sure when they lined me up, I was across from David.
Unfortunately, he got moved ten people ahead of me and when I sighed loudly-no one was making noise so it's impossible not to hear me when I sigh dramatically-he turned, shrugged and turned away from me again.
So much for newfound friendship. We entered the room and of course, the girls moved to one side, guys to the other. I kind of stood in the middle of the doorway, feeling very awkward that even no one was staring at me, it sure felt that way.
I was caught between the decision to just sit with the girls and blend in or sit with David in the the corner and draw attention to myself. I felt something sharp poke my back and the door slammed behind me so I quickly decided to take a chance, protect myself, and I sat with David.
He looked incredibly tired all of a sudden and put his feet on the back of someone's chair. I pulled a chair next to him and tapped his shoulder but his eyes remained closed.
"David? David, what's going on?" One eye opened and he muttered 'therapy' before closing his eye and beginning to snore.
I heard the huge door open and eight guards walked in and circled the room. One of them came by us and pushed David off the chair to wake him up.
"No sleeping." David rubbed his arm and got back on the chair, his face in an angry scowl.
"Fuck you." The guard ignored his comment and walked away, getting back to his regular guarding position.
A man walked in-short, stubby, and really fat-and seemed like the least harmful man I had ever seen here so far. The doors closed behind him and the man walked to the middle of the room, with a clipboard in his hand. He took out a dirty cloth and wiped his forehead and gave everyone a weak smile.
"Y-yes. Hello everyone how are you? If you had done your work l-like I had asked you to, I'd like you all to come up here when your name is called to share your most treasured memory. Now I'd like.......Symone to come up first." I saw an african beauty stand up and all-well most-of the guys wolf-whistled.
I watched the guards carefully and I whispered to David, "What's going on? What are we doing here?"
Without taking his eyes off of Symone, he whispered back to me, "Its a stupid therapy session that we're forced to take every day."
"Why?" He sighed.
"Because the generals and emperor are scared that we'll all go crazy and insane in here if we don't have time to wind down. They make us take this so we can blow off steam but if you ask me, its just another excuse to torture us."
"So we have to talk about our feelings and stuff like that?"
"Yup. Everything about us shared with everyone else. I've got two words for it. Bull. Shit."
"Thats one word."
"Not the way I use it."
"What happens if you don't want to go?"
"They send you back to the room and you don't get to eat for the rest of the day."
"When do they let you out again?"
"The next day but then you have to say watcha didn't get to say the day before and you have to say what you're supposed to say the day of."
"Sounds complicated."
"S'not." Another girl was called up and she began twirling her hair nervously. She turned to the girls-her friends-and took a deep breath and spoke.
"Girls, if I were to pick a favorite memory out of my entire life, I'd have to say right now. I've never been so happy since I met you guys." Her friends 'aahed' happily and David and I snickered.
"Even though I'll probably never leave here, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than here with my girls. I love you guys so much." The girls all squealed in response and clapped wildly for their friend.
David muttered, "Gay" and I laughed softly and high-fived him. Guess there are barbies everywhere.
30 minutes later
"David, please come up and share with us." I heard him groan as he got up. He walked past everyone and looked down as he spoke.
"Umm, I liked it when my parents let me shoot my first animal. The end." He tried walking away but the man called him back.
"David, how about you tell us what was so great about shooting an animal?" A couple of people snickered.
"I liked watching it die." The guy shivered nervously and wiped away a lot of sweat.
"So you liked shooting animals a lot?"
"Pretty much. But ya see, more than anything, I love watching whatever I'd shot die. Bleeding, screaming-"
"Okay, David thats enough. You can sit down now." David smiled.
"Ya sure?"
"Yes. Sit down please."
10 minutes later
"Nice job everybody. Great session. But before you all leave to go to lunch, I just have one quick announcement. One girl has been added to our group recently. Her name is Sacha Marshall and I'd like it if she'd please come up here to say a few things about herself. Sacha?"
Oh no.
♠ ♠ ♠
so everyone understands, everyone in the camp is required to take a therapy session becuz just imagine: you have been taken from your family and you are trapped in a camp away from everyone you love. all the adults say u r gonna spend the rest of your life there. thats pretty scary. 90% of ppl couldn't handle that n would go crazy so the therapy session is to help blow off steam.
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