Gray Blood

Gray Blood 42 You Make Me So Hot

Ok, hi guys. :) So I like my sexy scenes you know (ch.39) even though I didn’t go much into detail and this chapter has detail. However, before you guys freak out, I’m going to do this for all sex chapters because some readers dont like sex or reading about it. If you don’t care, just skip this. So, if its a heavy make-out session with a bit of touching/stripping, you’ll see this: ~Warning~ if its actual sex (which i wont have a lot of in my stories so chill) it’ll be this: !!WARNING!! if its strip dancing (honestly, i dont know why thats scary but still) because of Nero and all, you’ll see this: {Warning} The warnings might or will change in certain chapters as the story progresses so pay attention. Now some of you might think this is stupid but honestly, some people don’t like reading about sex so I’m trying to respect everyone so they’re no freaked. So enough of my blabbing, please enjoy the story. :D

Warren’s POV
Sunlight poured through the room and rested on my eyes. As soon as I opened them a crack, I almost cried out.
My fucking head. Jesus, did I get hit by a car? Concussion? Ok. Deep breath.
Think. Shit. Can’t think.
Ok, first problem. Where the fuck am I? Do I really want to risk opening my eyes?
I did.
And they burned. A lot.
Blindly, I moved my hands, feeling the soft material-bed, I’m in a bed, not my bed, but a comfortable bed-but my hand touched something hard yet soft.
A hand. Nero’s hand.
After about a minute of random thinking, I turned away from the sun’s direction and opened my eyes. A bundle of burgundy hair lay practically attached to the pillow he was laying on. His hair hug lightly on his eyes and his mouth was open in the shape of a small ‘o.’
I let my hand caress his bruised cheek-how did that happen-enjoying the touch of his smooth skin but he stirred, squeezing the pillow he was hugging. I hated the distance between us yet I couldn’t remember I stayed the night.
Why had I stayed here?
What happened?
Annoyed with the distance, I wrapped my arms around his thin waist and pulled him towards me, expecting him to wake up because our bodies touched. I let my fingers trace his stomach, all the way down to his calf while I rested my cheek on his shoulder. I kissed his chin, pleased he was beginning to wake up but angry because I couldn’t remember what happened last night.
His hand shot out and grabbed my shoulder, not roughly, but enough to steady him as he opened his dull gray eyes while I moved the bangs out of his face. But then it hit me; the memories-although hazy-came pouring back like a thrashing river and I remembered.....
Last Night
I picked up the panting boy, holding him close to me as I carried him into the bedroom, throwing his body on the bed and slowly undressing him...first, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it behind me. I could see the visible fear and weakness in his eyes and I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.
And then I was on the ground with a pounding jaw, not really understanding what happened until I saw Nero trying to sit up.
I grabbed his fists and pinned him down, ignoring his weak kicks as I sat on top of him. He struggled to break free and tried biting my arm, but sweat appeared on his forehead and he fell back on the bed, shaking slightly underneath me.
It was time to really taunt him; I loved teasing my victims before slowly getting into the heavy stuff. With a smile, my tongue traced his chest, all the way up to his throat and I bit him hard, marking his skin. My other hand traced his body lightly while I continued to suck at his bruised skin.
But Nero struggled as I sat on top of him, still trying to yank his hands out of my hand. The constant tugging was annoying me-hardly anyone tried fighting back when I had them-so I got up quickly without falling over. Ripping two pieces of the table cloth, I made my way to my place on top of Nero, tying his feet to the bed railing and his hands to the head board as tightly as possible.
Nero cried out as I bit down harder on his neck, making his back arch. I let my hand rest on his crotch and he moaned as I squeezed it gently before slipping off his belt. My lips gently brushed his stomach, making my way up to his collar bone and sucking on it gently.
On some sick twisted level, his body was enjoying every pleasure I was giving him, but he resisted all the way, still trying to dig his nails into my skin. I slid off his pants slowly, my body shaking in anticipation. It had been so long since I had raped someone like this. And shit, I was getting a huge boner.
Pressing my hips against his, I ripped my shirt off and began to grind against him, listening him to him yell and cry.
His moans got louder as I sped up, digging my hands into his hips and crushing his lips with mine, forcing my tongue into his mouth and fighting for dominance.
And he finally gave in. He didn’t fight my tongue as I explored his mouth and his body relaxed against mine.
To my surprise, he kissed me back, our tongues exploring each others mouths eagerly. He bit my lip and I opened my eyes, looking at him curiously.
Why the hell was he getting so into this? I mean, sure I like it but come on! I tied him to the bed and I’m getting ready to rape him!
Bringing our lips back together, I pulled his pants down slowly and moved my hands up his legs and grabbed his boxers. He stopped kissing me at that moment and when I pulled away again to see why, our heads collided and I fell off of him.
My head pounded. What’s this kid made of, bricks? A cement wall?
I watched him try to hit me again and I cursed myself for not being more careful. I should’ve seen this coming. I mean, why would he kiss me back?
So he could hit me. So he could fight.
“Damn kid just give up. There’s no point...” I said softly as I rubbed my head and climbed back on top of him. He glared and tried to hit me again but the cloth held him in place.
“Fuck you, you piece of shit!” He yelled when I smiled. I leaned in close to his ear and nibbled on it, before whispering, “Oh don’t worry. Your about to.”
Before I knew what was happening, he spit at me and began cursing a whole stream of words at me. The cursing, I could deal with but I'm so pissed off at dealing with him. This kid needs to pass out so maybe I’ll scare him just a bit more.
I grabbed his throat and pushed him down on the blanket and hearing him choke as I wiped his saliva off of me. I wasn’t going to kill him, I’m not a murderer. But he can’t do that shit while I’m trying to have fun. It’s his fault for not being careful. Should’ve done a background check.
Even though he could still breath, he choked as if he couldn’t, obviously trying to trick me into letting go but I wasn’t going to fall for it.
“Stop” I said, tightening the grip so he really was choking. His entire body shook and tears formed in his eyes. The fear was finally taking him over.
“ promised..........” He struggled to choke out as a few tears slipped down his cheeks, I loosened my grip a little but not enough to let him breath properly. “.........that you...............wouldn’t hurt me.” I didn’t make that promise.
But he thought I did. Did I?
His eyes closed and he sighed, as if trying to fall asleep and wake up from this nightmare. I was tired myself but willed myself to stay awake. So he did put something in my drink.
"Nero, are you....does your head hurt?” I let go of his throat and he gasped for air, nodding when I placed my hand on his chest.
Nero was high-which would explain the mood swings from earlier-but it was worse than that. He overdosed.
And he was still alive.
“Nero, I need you to tell me if you spiked the drink or not.” Nero laughed weakly for no reason, which scared me a little.
What if he got sick? What if he died? There’d be an investigation of course and people would get suspicious. There were witnesses who could say I was one of the last people to talk to Nero.
No. I couldn’t let that happen.
Unfortunately, my better judgement made me untie him and prop him up against a pillow. My heart pounded when his head flopped backwards but he wasn’t hurt. Good.
I don’t know how long I stayed sitting there next to him but he finally broke the silence.
“Warren...there’s something wrong with my ceiling.” I looked up tiredly. All I saw was the white ceiling. Nothing out of the ordinary.
“There’s nothing wrong with the ceiling Nero.”
“But it’s moving!” That can’t be good.
“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your ceiling Nero. That’s just the drugs you overdosed on talking." Nero laughed and grabbed my arm.
“Are you high?”
“You are.” The smile disappeared; now he was scowling. “Did you actually spike the drinks Nero?” Nero scoffed.
“No. Of course not. Why would I do that?”
Nero held on to me as he struggled to move towards me. I wrapped my arms around him so we could both sit up, but I fell back on the bed in pain. Shit! My head!
“Warren,” he moaned, holding his own head. “What the hell did you do?” He laid his head down on my chest and looked up at me without moving.
“Did you...did we have-” I knew where this was going.
“Wait Nero. Quick question. You told me last night you didn’t spike the drinks right?”
“I did?”
“Yes.” He looked confused for a moment but nodded.
“No I didn’t spike the drinks. I was just fooling with you earlier-”
“I know,” I said soothingly, stroking his head. He clung closer to me. “We were both drugged.....which is why I was going to ask you who the guy was that brought our drinks?” I’ll lead him on from here.
“I...fuck, I don’t remember. He’s pretty new here. I mean, he brought us our food we ate...but I can’t remember much after that. I can hardly remember what we talked about after we started eating.”
Good. Which means he won’t remember the argument and now I can pin the blame on the bartender. Cause technically, he drugged us both.
“Nero, I think he was the one who spiked our drinks. That must be why we were both dizzy after we drank. But since you drank more than me, you were affected more.” And thankfully didn’t die. Shockingly.
And this will explain why I fell asleep.
Nero barely nodded, looking miserable and tired but nudging for me to continue.
“What happened after?” Ok. I can’t stretch the truth too much because he might actually remember what really happened.
“You got up to go get...damn what’s it called? Ibuprofen because you said your head was hurting but you fell over as soon as you stood up so I carried you to the bed so you could lie down. You said you felt really uncomfortable in the leather so I took it all off but left...your boxers on.”
Nero smiled and laughed into my chest, making it tingle.
“Ok...I just have two questions. One, why don’t you have your clothes on?” Huh. Why did I take my pants off again?
“I’m wearing boxers aren’t I?” Nero laughed again, wrapping his arms around me.
“Which leads to my second question: why did you stay?” I shrugged.
“I wasn’t going to leave you here by yourself. Especially while you were like this.”
Nero looked surprised; this made me think that he didn’t get a lot of love from people. I mean, I’m sure he had friends who cared about him but he seemed to be missing something else.
Which is why I wasn’t surprised when he buried his face in my chest and whispered thank you to me. I ran my hand through his red hair and held him, happy that I was off the hook and on his good side.
Nero didn’t want me to leave him alone this morning. Well, it was lunch time but whatever. He apparently didn’t remember anything about last night-especially the fight-but I didn’t want to push him. I mean, who knows. He might suddenly remember everything.
So I stayed to keep him happy. I mean, I had to right? I wanted to.
Eventually, my hunger pushed me out of bed-making my headache return quickly-so I grabbed my wrinkled jeans, pulled them on, and walked into the kitchen so I could make breakfast since Nero was falling asleep again. I pulled out a pan and decided to make something simple-scrambled eggs.
Waiting for the eggs to cook, I sat on the counter and laid my head back on the wall, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. My headache wasn’t getting any better, it only seemed to be getting worse.
When I opened my eyes, I could see the eggs were already cooked so I grabbed a plate slowly and poured them on. Now what do I make for Nero? Omelete I guess. Whatever.
As I set those up, I cursed myself for not closing the curtains before. The sunlight was murdering me.
I knew if I sat down, I’d pass out again so I put my head on the cold counter to keep myself awake. Across me was a black teddy bear with a band aid on its foot.
“You found Mr. Bun Bun.” I jumped at Nero’s voice and turned quickly, making him laugh weakly.
It took me a few seconds to actually see what he was wearing.
The gray shirt I wore last night hung loosely on his shoulders, one of the sleeves falling off completely. The sleeves were loose and passed his hands and the shirt hung loosely past his waist. He used one of the sleeves to rub his eyes, making him look more innocent than ever. His appearance reminded me of a doll almost; he looked gentle, beautiful, and frail all at the same time. The gray really brought out his colorless eyes, which was strange because they looked so abnormal.
He walked over to me, taking the teddy bear and squeezing it tightly. As if he couldn’t get any cuter...wait no why do I care?
I don’t. I don’t care.
“What’re we having?” He asked in a slurred voice. I smiled, sliding down from the counter and picking Nero up in my arms.
Nero’s POV
Even though I like Warren a lot now, I wanted to get to know him first before he did anything serious.
“Warren...can you put me down?” He ignored my pleas, burying his nose in my hair. “...Warren let me go.”
“Let me hold you just a little a longer.” He whispered, gently biting my ear. That was the first time anyone has ever hold me.
Warren’s POV
Nero squeezed his teddy bear, almost in fear but smiled at me. I placed his light body on the counter and scrounged the fridge for cheese and tomatoes.
“What do you want in your omelete Nero?” He shook his head.
“Nothing? How could you not have cheese in your eggs?” He shrugged and fiddled with the bear.
“I like it plain, with a ton of ketchup on the side.” He licked his lips.
“Yuck. I can’t imagine eggs with...ew.” He laughed at my expression as I washed and cut the tomatoes before sprinkling them over my finished breakfast. As I poured almost an entire bag of cheese in my eggs, I eyed the bear curiously. What did he call it again? Mr. Bon Bon?
“Hey Nero...what’s up with the bear?” I asked, trying to appear casual.
“Mr. Bun Bun?” I laughed at the same name but quickly stopped when he looked offended. “My mommy gave him to me when I was three. It always reminds me of her when I get lonely and miss her.” He said in a clipped tone.
I put my hand on his and held it, before letting go to finish his food.
I picked Nero up again in my arms and sat him down in a seat as I walked back to get our food.
I wasn’t supposed to feel this way. Holding him in my arms shouldn’t matter, especially when I let go......
Trying not to seem upset, I turned to him with a smile.
“Ready to eat?”
♠ ♠ ♠
totally didnt c that coming right?
btw, even tho it was reely clear, i kno some of u wont kno whether or not warren raped nero. if u r not sure, go back 2 the part wher he was talking about nero being high and read a little bit after. there's ur answer! ill try and post 43 2moro if i have the time & ill also try 2 post a chapter each day. :)
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D