Gray Blood

Gray Blood 5 Memories

Sacha's POV
"That's you Sacha." Before I could reply angrily to David, I heard the guy ask,
"Sacha? Are you here?" Unfortunately.
"Um, I'm coming." I got up slowly and instantly, everyone's eyes were on me. My heart sped up and I looked at David for help. He smiled his crooked smile and blew me a kiss. I got up and walked, keeping my eyes on the floor.
No wonder David didn't looked up. I heard the boys clap and whistle wildly and when I turned, I saw Warren blowing me kisses. I looked over at David and could see him fuming. He yelled,
"Shut the fuck up Warren!"
"Why don't you David? Mind your own fucking business!"
"She is my own fucking business!"
"Boys! Stop that vulgar language and quiet down or you shall be escorted out." The two of them shut up immediately and the man nodded happily with his control over them.
He patted my shoulder and wiped sweat off of his forehead again. Yuck.
"Go ahead sweetheart. Tell everyone a little about yourself." I took a deep breath and avoided eye contact.
"Ugh hi. I'm Sacha. I have two brothers, Sean whose eighteen and Sammy whose five and me, fifteen and ...stuck in the middle. I'm an Aquarius. I like to draw and I have h-horrible stage fright." A couple of people laughed and I ran back to David.
"Gee, I didn't know you could draw."
"I've been drawing ever since I was three. Maybe I can draw you sometime."
"Or never. Paper's illiegal."
"Yeah it's some stupid rule they got here."
"This sucks!"
"Tell me about it." The doors opened wide and everyone got up to leave. We were put in our stupid lines again. I couldn't even see David this time and he didn't bother to find me. We 'marched' through the maze and I was surprised to find how big this place was. Eventually, we made it to a bigger room and I could see loads and loads of tables. I followed David to a table and we sat down.
I watched carefully as the guards came to each table and handcuffed each person's left hand to a metal pole attached to the table.
"You've got to be kidding me."
"We can't escape, same stuff, same shit. You'll get used to it."
"No I don't think I ever will."
David's POV-September 4, 2017
I watched my father plan for years and years and years. He knew, I knew, everyone knew-everyone that was in Roseville, my home-knew that the war was coming. I wanted to fight, fight for my freedom, my honor, and my family.
But my dad would never let me fight in World War III. Only the people in Roseville knew what was going on. We were a secret town that didn't exist, and we were going to use this to our advantage. We had to be ready when the rest of the world wasn't ready to fight Emperor Jin. He wanted a world that we would never give him.
But despite all this, there was no way I could sneak into the army. Dad would never let me. I just turned fifteen and by the time we'd start fighting, I'd be older and ready. And my dad still wouldn't let me fight.
"David, what are you thinking?" My eyes snapped open from my dream world and I looked up at Izzy. I raised my arms up to her. She took my hands and sat on me, and once again, I allowed myself to feel something rare for once: love.
"Nothin' you should know about."
"You always keep to yourself. It always makes me wonder what you're really thinking."
"What I think ain't important. At least not to you. What I say is different from what I think."
"So what do I do?"
"Pay attention." I pulled her closer to my chest so our cheeks could touch. She turned to kiss my lips and for several moments, we were in perfect synch. She finally moved away from me but I continued to kiss her hair and neck.
"David, how did I get to love you so much?" I ignored her so I could keep my lips on her neck. I finally-regretfully-pulled away.
"How'd yur skin get to be so soft?"
"Are we just gonna keep asking each other random questions and never answer each other again?"
"So you like younger men?" She laughed and kissed my nose.
"No, only you."
"Hey, I'm only two months younger than you are. 'Sides, I'm taller than you."
"I'm more developed than you." I let my hand move and rest on the space between her chest. "Wanna show me?"
"Fine. But when I turn eighteen, I can see ya then right?" Whoever said I don't respect women is stupid.
"If we're still together, then yeah."
"You mean when we're still together. When I turn eighteen, I'm gonna buy you the biggest ring, a really beautiful one. And on my birthday, I'm gonn take you away with me. We can live in England, right in the countryside, buy a house, and start there."
"I can't wait."
"Neither can I."
"What about your dad though? He's not going to let you go to war, is he?"
"Nope. Never."
"Are you sad?"
"If you marry me, then I won't be."
"You me when you marry me."
"Exactly." I kissed her again.
♠ ♠ ♠
so u find out so much more about the forever hot David (he is so freaking gorgeous in my head u guys have no idea) but a little more than most ppl especially Sacha realize.
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