Gray Blood

Gray Blood 6 Vulnerable

Sacha's POV
After Sean and I had finished lunch-if road kill has ever been called lunch, we basically went outside and lounged around for a couple of hours. This was what he did every day ever since he had been here and it surprised me that he could stand to be alone for so long. A bell went off three times and people started to stand up and head back toward the guards.
"We have to go back inside now." I looked at David.
"What do we have to do before we go back to the room?" He froze before helping me stand. I saw his eyes flicker and he turned to me.
"Have you been to the Nighttime Showers yet?" Nighttime what? Huh?
"Ugh, I've been to the the single ones but only when I was locked up or three months. Why? What's the Nighttime Showers?" He laughed hard as we walked towards the line. I wanted to hit him really bad.
"What? What's so funny?" He walked into his line and whispered, "You'll see" without turning around and walked away. I felt my anger building as the lines went different ways. What the hell was this, some sick joke of his? If David was hiding something from me, he was going to get his ass kicked tomorrow personally.
We were taken to another room and I saw rows and rows of showers. We were all gathered in an uneven group when I heard the doors close.
A muscular woman came to the front of the room and screamed in a loud voice, "Okay ladies! Strip now and you got five minutes!" Wait, strip and what? Where are the curtains?
Then it hit me. We all had to shower in the stalls together. Naked. My innocence is going to die tonight. So its only fair if I murder, no, MASSACRE David tomorrow.
All the girls scrambled for a stall next to each other and I tried looking for a single stall hidden from everyone else. There were absolutely none.
"Hey you. The water is starting now and you don't want to go to bed dirty. Put your clothes in the basket and wash up." The muscular lady looked me square in the eyes and I backed away slowly. What happened to privacy lady? This is crazy!
I ran away from her to the nearest shower and pealed clothes off slowly. There was a basket just like the lady said. I looked to my right and my left and took my bra and underwear off...
5 minutes later
Looking up was impossible when I was surrounded by naked girls. I stood shivering and dripping wet and silently cursing at David for not warning me about the stupid showers. The guard finally handed me a skimpy looking towel and some fresh clothes - a.k.a. the stupid gray uniforms-so I took my stuff behind a pillar to change. I waited another ten minutes to make sure everyone else was dressed. We all lined up and I was taken back to my room 271. It felt weird coming back to the room after going outside for the first time in three months and now coming back. So much has happened in just one day and I don't know whether I should like or hate David.
Either way, I really really miss my family.
I thought about my brothers and mom and dad, but in the distance, I could hear a faint hissing. My eyes drooped and there was nothing but darkness.
David’s POV When I fell asleep, I dreamed about Izzy, that she was here with me, in my arms and not thousands of miles away hidden in Africa. Well, I was there with her in the dream. We were at the safe-house which she and the rest of the town had managed to escape to. But I and a few others weren’t so lucky because we were taken here and the adults were killed.
When I woke up, I was stuck in a small gray room. I was cold, alone, and slowly dying inside. And even though I’m glad Izzy’s safe and she always will be, I can’t stand to think that I’m going to spend the rest of my life trapped with the bastards who stole everything and everyone away from me.
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i hope every girl who reads this cringes and all guys laugh. this chapter was more for fun than for my story but when i started writing it, i couldnt resist stopping. this'll make all of you think David you bastard. he may not tell her what he knows but hey, you gotta enjoy his secret sense of humor...
*read, rate, subscribe, enjoy! :D