Gray Blood

Gray Blood 8 Something New

Sacha's POV
We sat down in the same corner and I noticed David was rubbing his eyes.
"Hey did I wake you up to fast?" He pulled away and slumped in his chair.
"Nah, I was ready to wake up any ways. Havin' a nightmare."
"Ugh. That sucks."
"But I guess that's better than nothing."
"What do you mean."
"Sacha, come on. You haven't noticed yet?"
"Noticed what?"
"They put us to sleep every night with a drug that keeps us from dreaming most of the time. Like, they completely stop our conscience from thinking 'cause that's what our dreams are." I thought about this for a moment.
"So they've been keeping us from dreaming with the drug? What's so bad about that?"
"Stoppin' us from thinking. They don't want no one escaping."
"Not like we can any ways."
"Chh. They're not taking any chances." Our conversation ended there and I watched the little sweat therapist waddle-like a duck-in the room. "Good morning everyone. Now today, we're going to do something a little different. Everyone stand up and move the chairs to the wall." Everyone groaned as we had to pile the chairs on top of each other and move them to the wall.
"Now come to the middle of the room guys and girls, hold hands and make a circle." David grabbed my right and some goth-looking girl grabbed my left. Warren came up behind the girl and pushed her out of the way so he could take my other hand. David scowled net to me. Warren whispered in my ear, "I missed you a lot babe. Why, have you been ignoring me? Is it because of David tellin’ you how bad I am? You wanna see how bad I can be?" I tried to pull my hand away but he had the tightest grip on me. David let go of my right hand and pulled me out of Warren's grasp. He stood protectively in front of me.
"You wanna fight Stone?"
"I'm not afraid of you War and Peace." He shoved Warren.
"That's not my name ass! Its Pacey! Warren Pacey."
"Like that's any better." Warren lifted his fist to punch David but the guards came and pulled him away from the circle. He started screaming and cursing at David but David just waved good bye as he was dragged out of the room. David then took my hand again and smiled happily.
"That just really made my day."
"I can tell. Thanks a lot." The goth-looking girl came back next to me and took my hand.
"Sorry about Warren. If he hurt you, I'm really sorry." The girl smiled at me.
"That's okay. I'm used to abusive guy behavior. If we were outside though, I would have kicked his ass." I smiled back and laughed. David tapped my shoulder and gave me a questioning look. I shrugged and turned to the girl.
"I'm Sacha Marshall."
"Raven Robbles. Its a hispanic last name even though I'm not hispanic at all. Its not pronounced the way it looks though its pronounced Ro-ble'-z."
"Cool. I'm named after a store." The man finally caught everyone's attention and we were all silent.
"Today, we're going to be doing some improvisation and breathing exercises so everyone can relax themselves."
David muttered "Oh jeez," and Raven laughed along with a couple of other people.
"Has anyone heard of Freeze and Justify?" A couple of people raised their hands including Raven. "Great, so we'll have a couple people show you how the game is done in case you don't know how. Who'd Like to go first....Kylie and Casey, you girls go ahead." We all sat down as the two girls jumped up and began showing off their D-list worthy acting skills. It was like watching an old soap opera, they were so bad. Someone yelled Freeze! and the person who had yelled it got up and took Casey's place. The two of them began acting out a different scene and then a whole bunch of people became interested with the game.
When all the barbies had finished going, Raven got up and did a scene with a guy and surprisingly, she was pretty good. Me and David sat back watched, both of us dreading the fact hat almost everyone had gone up and we would have to go up and act very soon. What the hell did acting have to do with being locked up in a campsite? Extracurricular activities?
"You're going first David."
"Hell no. I can't act for shit. Yur goin' before me."
"Why do we have to do this any ways?"
"People have been complaining about having nothing fun to do so pretty soon, this is going to become mandatory as a once or twice a month thing."
"Damn that sucks. You know, after these two people, we'll have to go up."
"Yeah well have fun goin' first."
"You're first David, be fair."
"You know how I do: no such thing as fight fair, just fight. Sacha, say hello to day two of being my slave." He raised his hand and sweat head stopped the scene.
"Yes, David?"
"Sacha said she wanted to go next but she wasn't sure when to say freeze and she was to shy to interrupt the scene. She thought they were really good." My heart stopped.
"David, what the hell are you doing to me?" I whispered.
"Oh Sacha, you can go up now. Stand up and pick who you would rather sit back down and then David can go after you since he's the last one. Thank you for telling me this David." David smiled back fakely and winked at me. My mouth fell open and I looked at Raven. She shrugged and pointed to the center of the room.
I stood up grudgingly and walked past all the people sitting on the floor. The two people were frozen in awkward positions in front of me and I was confused on who I was supposed to choose. Both of the girls glared at me and people behind me began to giggle.
"Mr. Whatever-your name-is, I don't really feel like going. I can't act."
"Its Mr. Harlet. Nonsense, this is just for fun. You'll get used to it when we do this more often. Go ahead." I pointed to the girl closest to me and stood where she did. The girl next to me began speaking.
"What are you going to do about Brad? He's obviously cheating on you and I think you should dump him." What a horrible way to start my day. The most popular and pathetic topic for girls everywhere: boys cheating.
"I guess I'll just dump him."
"Wait a minute, if you break up with Brad, then Millie will never speak with you again."
"Oh well. Her fault I guess."
"I don't understand how you're so relaxed about this."
"There are more important things in the world than just guys." She gasped in actual horror, the best acting I had ever seen her do and David yelled freeze.
Her jaw hung wide open and I broke out laughing, unable to freeze. David waited until I stopped before he came up and pretended to pick who to choose. I glared at him and mouthed the words, let me go, but he pushed the girl away.
"Hey that actually hurt." She rubbed her arm.
"Whatever." She stuck her tongue out at David and ran to her friends. David started speaking.
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david just luves torturing Sacha. its his new hobby since she's never gonna leave him so he figures if she's gonna stick around for protection, he can have some fun...
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