The Love Story Between Lilly and Captain Kip Kelly

It Isn't forever

Chapter 1
It isn’t Forever

After meeting Captain Kip Kelly, Lilly doesn’t want to leave Genovia. She often talks about the first day they met. He said she is the prettiest girl and that she does a wonderful impression of him. Now that she’s going back to California to finish graduate school she doesn’t know if they can continue a relationship. Hopefully after graduate school she will be right back at Genovia.

It’s the last day that Lilly is at Genovia but she doesn’t know if Kip knows that it is. She doesn’t know how she’s going to tell him that she’s leaving. Lily gets out of bed and takes a shower. She goes to see if she can find Mia for some advice. Lily walks down the hall to Mia’s suite and knocks on the door. Brigitte (Mia’s maid) answered, “Can I help you Miss Lilly?”
“Is Queen Mia in there?”
“Yes she is, come on in.”

Lilly walks in and see Mia in her closet trying to figure out what to wear. Lilly goes to her and says, “Mia, I don’t know what to do.”
“What’s wrong Lilly?”
“I’m not sure if Kip knows that today is the day that I’m going back to California and I don’t know how I’m suppose to tell him.”
“Calm down Lilly. I think Kip might know and if not you can just explain to him that you have to go back and finish graduate school and that you’ll call once your plane lands.”
“OK, that sounds good. Thanks so much.”
“Hey Lilly, can I ask you something?”
“Sure Mia, anything.”
“How serious are you and Kip?”
“Oh. I’m not really sure. I mean I really like him and he is everything I want in a guy but we haven’t been dating all that long for me to be sure of anything yet.”
“Have you kissed yet?”
“No not yet. We are taking things slow and we have only been officially dating for about two weeks.”
“OK. I was just wondering. Can you do me a favor Lilly?”
“Sure what do you need?”
“I need help picking out something to wear. I am going to see Nicholas and walk you to the plane today so I don‘t need anything too formal but I want to look nice.”
“OK lets take a look at what you have.”

Lilly and Mia go through the closet and after trying almost everything on they decided that Mia should wear a nice white summer dress with little flowers on it. Then Lilly looks through the shoes and chooses a pair of white sandals with a half inch heel. “Thanks Lilly. I’m going to go get some breakfast want to come with me?”
“Sure let’s go.”

Mia and Lilly walk down to the kitchen and see what they can get for breakfast. When they get there the chef asks, “What can I make for you your highness?”
“I’ll have an egg and cheese omelet please and, what do you want Lilly?”
“I’ll just have some cereal.”
The chef asks Lilly, “What kind of cereal would you like?”
“Surprise me.”
“That I can do.”
Lilly and Mia go and sit at the table and start talking while they wait for their breakfast. Mia asks, “So when are you going to talk to Kip?”
“I don’t know yet. Is the royal guard doing anything special today or are they just doing what they do everyday?”
“Today is kind of a “day off” for everyone so they should only be doing their usual things.”
“OK then I’ll go see him when you want to be alone with Nicholas. When are you suppose to meet up with him?”
“In about an hour. We are going to walk around the castle and probably have a picnic for lunch.”
“OK, then I’ll go see Kip in an hour.”
The chef walks in with the omelet and cereal. “Egg and cheese omelet and pear cereal the Genovian special. Is there anything else I can do for you ladies?”
Mia answers, “No, thank you Chef Caleb.”
Caleb went back to his kitchen and Lilly looks at Mia and says, “Do you have pear flavored everything?”

They both laughed and ate their breakfast. After they got done eating they started to walk the hallway and outside. When they got outside they saw Nicholas walking toward them. Lilly said to Mia, “Well, I’ll go talk to Kip. Have fun with Nicholas and I’ll see you later.”
Lilly began to walk away and Mia yelled to her, “Wait Lilly, you and Kip should join us for a picnic. How about noon in the garden near the oldest pear tree?”
“Sounds good I’ll see you there.”

They waved and Mia ran to meet up with Nicholas. They went in the opposite direction of Lilly. As soon as they disappeared from her sight she laid down in the grass and closed her eyes. She lay there for a couple minutes and then she heard someone sit next to her but she didn’t open her eyes. Then she heard a voice that she didn’t expect to hear, “Is something wrong Lilly?” She quickly opened her eyes and looked at the person that was staring at her.
“No…well yeah…well I don’t know Jo.”
Jo was looking at her with confusion and concern. “Whatever it is you can tell me. It’ll just be between us.”
Lilly looked at Jo and decided it won’t hurt to get his advice too. “Well, me and Kip have been dating for about two weeks now and I don’t know if he knows that today is my last day here until I finish graduate school. I’m afraid that I’ll hurt him if I tell him the wrong way. Do you know how I can tell him without making the fact that I’m leaving worse?”
“I don’t know what to tell you Lilly. All you can do is be honest. Do you want to continue to be together?”
“Yes, I think I might love him.”
“Then all you can do is be honest and figure out a way to stay together even while you are back in California.”
Kip was walking by looking for Lilly. He saw Lilly and Jo sitting there talking and wasn’t sure if he should start to walk toward them or not. Lilly saw him and smiled. “Thank you Jo. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Anytime Lilly.”

Lilly ran to see Kip and they hugged once she got there. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. Kip said, “I’m glad to see you’re happy.”
She giggled and said, “Me too. Let’s go for a walk, or do you have to get back to guarding and all that.”
“No I’m off for the rest of the night.”
“OK, that’s good.”
They started walking and then Lilly decided that she better see if he knows. “Kip, something has been on my mind today and I was wondering…do you know that today is my last day here in Genovia?”
Kip stopped walking and looked at Lilly. He was standing there trying to put together the words he wanted to say to her. “I didn’t know that.” Then Lilly saw a tear roll down his cheek. “So you are leaving me. I thought maybe you decided to stay since we are together now. Excuse me but I have to go.”
Kip turned away from Lilly and started to walk away from her but she grabbed his arm. “Kip, listen to me, please.” Kip turned and looked at her. His eyes were full of tears. “Yes, I am going to California but I have to finish graduate school. I want us to be able to still be together. We can still call each other and I will be right back here once I am done with graduate school.”
Kip looked at her and smiled with the tears still falling from his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her and said, “I will miss you every minute we are apart.”
“I will be back before you know it” she said wrapping her arms around him too.

They sat on the ground next to each other and talked for a little bit. It was mostly about times that they can talk where it won’t be too late or too early in either time zone. Lilly looked at her watch and it was already 11:30. “Oh, Mia and Nicholas invited us to a picnic with them in half an hour. Do you want to go?”
“Sure as long as I’m with you I’ll be happy.” They smiled at each other and went to the garden where they agreed to meet for the picnic.

When they reached the entrance to the garden they saw Mia and Nicholas setting up the picnic and waved. Lilly and Kip were walking over when Kip stopped, grabbed Lilly’s hand and asked, “May I have the honor of holding your hand?”
Lilly giggled and said, “Yes but you don’t have to be so proper.” Kip smiled at her and they started walking towards Mia and Nicholas hand in hand.

When Kip and Lilly got to Mia and Nicholas, Mia smiled at Lilly and said, “You two look happy.”
They answered at the same time, “We are.” Everyone sat on the blanket and started talking and laughing. Then Lilly asked, “So what’s for lunch?”
“I made ham and cheese sandwiches and then we have chocolate chip cookies for dessert” answered Nicholas proud of what he made.
“Awesome I love chocolate chip cookies” said Lilly.
They all ate and were having so much fun that the time just flew by and it was 3:00 now.
“Oh I better go pack” said Lilly.
“Are you going somewhere” asked Nicholas.
“Oh you don’t know? I’m going back to California to finish graduate school.”
“Oh, I just thought that since you and Kip are together you might have decided to stay.”
“No I need to finish but Kip and I are going to be fine. I’ll be right back after I finish school.”
“Oh, ok.“ Lilly then gets up and starts heading toward the castle.

Kip yells to Lilly, “Do you need any help packing?”
“Sure I can always use help.” Kip got up and came to Lilly and they held hands as they walked to the castle. They walked to Lilly’s room and sat down on the couch.
Kip said as they sat, “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.”
“You’ll be fine. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I made you something so you won’t forget about me when your back in California.” Kip reaches in his pocket and pulls out this long piece of hemp with a heart shaped stone tied on to it. He tells Lilly to turn around and he ties it loosely around her neck. “I found this stone on the ground the day I met you. Now you know that you will always have my heart.”
“That’s the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I am never going to forget you and I will cherish your heart more than my own because you have mine to hold on to forever.”
Kip and Lilly looked into each other’s eyes for a long time and then they both leaned slowly toward each other. Their lips are about to meet when there’s a knock on the door. They both sighed then Lilly Said, “Come in.”

The door opened and Jo walked in. He stopped once he saw Kip sitting with Lilly, “Oh pardon me. Am I interrupting anything?”
“No, it’s fine Jo. Is there something you need” asked Lilly.
“Oh, well I was wondering about what we talked about earlier and how it went.”
“It went well. Kip knows and we are definitely going to stay together and find ways to keep in touch and I’ll be back right after school.”
“Ok. That’s good. We will be leaving for the plane in about an hour.”
“Ok, thank you Jo.” Jo left and Kip looked at Lilly with a little confusion.
“I didn’t know if you were aware that I was leaving today and I didn’t know how I should tell you. So, I asked Jo and Mia for advice.”
“Oh, ok. Well, we better get your stuff together.”

Kip and Lilly got all of Lilly’s things together and headed to the car. Everyone else was already at the car. They loaded up the luggage and headed to the airport. When they got there Kip unloaded Lilly’s luggage. They all walked to the plane and stopped when they were at the stairs to get in. Lilly turned to Mia and hugged her. “I’ll miss you Mia.”
“I’ll miss you too.” Mia started to cry and so Nicholas held her and he smiled at Lilly saying, “Goodbye.”
Lilly walked up to Grandma Clarice and hugged her saying, “Goodbye.”
Jo hugged and kissed Clarice and said, “I’ll be back in about a day.” Then he took Lilly’s luggage from Kip. Lilly went to Kip who’s eyes were full of tears and she started to cry.
They hugged each other and she said, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Kip responded, “You will always have my heart.” They smiled at each other while hugging and Lilly let go of Kip and started walking up the stairs with Jo.
She yelled from the stairs, “I’ll call as soon as I land in California.”
Kip nodded and then he blew her a kiss and Lilly blew one back. Then Lilly and Jo were in the plane and the door shut. The plane started and then they were heading down the runway. Once the plane took off in the air Kip said, “I love you, be safe.”
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