The Love Story Between Lilly and Captain Kip Kelly

The Plane Ride

Chapter 2
The Plane Ride

As the plane went up into the air Lilly looked out of the window and saw everyone waving. She waved back even though she figured that they couldn’t see her. She looked at Kip and started to cry. Jo noticed that she was crying and sat down next to her. He hugged her as he said, “You’ll be back soon.”
“I know but I miss him already.”
“You can call him once we land in California and every day until you come back.”
“Ok, but I still miss him.”
“Yes but that is going to happen when you go away from the person you love.”
“I guess that’s true but what if he finds a new girl while I’m gone.”
“Miss Lilly, I have never seen Kip look at any other girl the way he looks at you.”
Lilly smiled and said, “Thanks Jo. So how long until I can call him?”
“Well, it will probably be about 15 hours.”
“Ok, I guess I can wait that long. I think I’m going to take a nap.”
“Ok, I’ll wake you when it’s time to eat.”
“Thanks Jo.”

Lilly went to sleep and Jo sat behind her and started reading a book. After a couple hours Lilly woke up and decided to read too. A few more hours passed and all of a sudden the plane started shaking. It started to tilt towards the ground and fall rapidly. Lilly started to scream and Jo went to the cockpit to see what was happening. He reached the doors and yelled in, “WHAT IS HAPPENING!?”
Jo ran back to where Lilly was screaming and said to her, “Come on Lilly we have to get to the back of the plane right now.”
“Ok Jo.”
Jo and Lilly ran to the back of the plane and stood against the wall. Jo was protecting Lilly with his body and he could see the pilot and co-pilot running back toward them. Then the plane crashed into the ground before the pilot and co-pilot were able to reach Jo. Once the plane hit everyone fell. Glass and pieces of the side of the plane were flying everywhere. The four of them were screaming in agony and fear. Lilly fell into one of the planes seats and heard her bones just break. Jo fell into a window and his face was covered in cuts and gashes from the glass. The pilot and co-pilot were both lying in the aisle covering their heads with their arms that are bleeding from cuts all along them. Then they all heard sirens and everything went dark. Not one of them is conscious.

All that Lilly could comprehend was that she was lying down, she was in a lot of pain, and someone was talking. She couldn’t recognize the voice or make out what they were saying. “I don’t know when she is going to come back to us. We can’t get anything from the pilot or co-pilot about who she is. The guy’s name is Joseph but that’s all we know.”
“Doctor Hundley, the pilot just told us that he was flying from Genovia to California. Apparently he was bringing the Queen’s best friend home and the last Queen’s husband was keeping her company.”
“We need to contact the queen right away and tell her what has happened.”
“I’ll do that right now.”
The doctor’s assistant ran to find the number to Genovia. Lilly opened her eyes and noticed that she was in a hospital room with white walls and red chairs. There were a couple of health posters on the walls and then she noticed the tall, tanned skin man standing with a stethoscope around his neck. He was staring with his brown eyes and she noticed that he has red hair. He finally said, “Well I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”
“Where am I? What happened? Where’s Jo?”
“Calm down miss. You are at Washington National Hospital. You were in a plane crash and Jo is in another room but he hasn’t woken up yet.”
“Is he alright?” Lilly moved to get up but felt the pain shoot through her and all she could do was scream.
The doctor moved towards her and told her, “Miss you must lay still. You have a broken leg, a couple of broken ribs, and gashes all over your body, which we have pulled a lot of pieces of glass out of. You are in no condition to be up and moving.”
“I need to see Jo. How is he? Is he worse than me?”
“Slow down miss. He has pretty bad gashes on his face and we have pulled all of the glass out and stitched them up. Other than that he has a couple of other gashes on him that we have also stitched up. He is going to be fine but he has lost a lot of blood and needs his rest.”
“What about the two pilots?”
“They have cuts all over them. We have stitched them up and they should be able to leave today. Out of everyone you seem to be in the worst condition because from the looks of the breaks you landed into the seats and then got showered by the glass.”
“Ok, I am really sleepy so I think I’m going to go back to sleep.” After Lilly finished that sentence she fell right back to sleep.
The doctor said to himself, “I’m surprised she woke up for that little time. She’s on so many types of medicines we expected her out for a while. Shoot, I forgot to ask for her name.” After he said that he left the room and let her sleep.

The next time Lilly was waking up she could hear many voices but they were distant. She couldn’t tell if she knew these voices or not. She laid there longer trying to figure out what they were saying. “Are you sure she’s okay. She hasn’t opened her eyes once since we’ve been here.”
“I assure you she is fine. She lost a lot of blood and has a lot of injuries. She is on a lot of medicines and she will probably be a sleep for a while. She will be just like normal in time. You just need to be patient.”
“Thank you doctor.”

Lilly could hear someone walking away and she figured it was the doctor. She opened her eyes and looked around but couldn’t see anyone. Then she looked into the hallway and saw Kip, Mia, Nicholas, and about a dozen guards. Kip was the first one to see her looking at them. He smiled and ran to her side. “I am so happy you are ok. How do you feel? Do you need anything?”
“I’ll be fine Kip. All I needed was for you to be here and you already gave that to me.” They smiled at each other and then Lilly looked at Mia, “I’m surprised that you were allowed to come all the way here.”
“You should have seen all that I had to go through to be allowed. They wouldn’t let us take a plane. Instead we took about 5 helicopters.”
“Well, I’m glad you all came. Wait, how’s Jo?”
Mia answered, “He’s fine Lilly. The doctors say that he will be out today. The pilot and co-pilot are already back at Genovia explaining to the investigators and police what had happened.”
“Ok, well when you see Jo tell him that I’m glad he is alright.”
“I will. Actually we are going to go see when he is being released.”
“Ok, come back before you have to leave.”
Mia nodded and Nicholas followed her as they left the room.

Kip looked at Lilly and they both smiled at each other. Then Lilly said to him, “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too. When you didn’t call after 15 hours I was really worried. Clarice kept me calm until it was 20 hours and neither one of us had heard anything. We both became extremely worried and then we got the call that you had been in a plane crash. Clarice and I both collapsed to the ground. We just automatically thought the worst. We were both crying uncontrollably, I just don’t know what I would do without you. Then Mia said that everyone survived and I was so happy that I insisted we get here as fast as possible. The fastest way would have been plane but they didn’t want us to take a plane so we came the second fastest way. When I got here, they said that we may not want to see you because of your condition but nothing was stopping me from seeing you.” Kip smiled when he said the last words.
Lilly smiled back at him and tried to give him a hug but she was in too much pain. Kip noticed what she was trying to do and put his arm around her gently. Kip then kissed her forehead and pulled away.

Lilly was just laying there talking to Kip when she felt something laying on her neck. She slowly moved her arm and felt what it was. She grasped it in her hand and realized it was the heart necklace that Kip had given her. She gasped when she felt it and remembered that when they were in the crash a piece of glass had cut her neck and the necklace. Lilly could remember that it had fallen onto the floor before she went unconscious. She mumbled to herself, “But how did it get around my neck?”
Kip heard her mumble and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“The necklace you gave me, it was cut off my neck during the crash but it’s around my neck right now.” Doctor Hundley walked in right after Lilly stopped talking.
“Oh, I didn’t know that you were awake. How are you feeling?”
“Sore, but where did this necklace come from?”
“Oh, the necklace? If I remember right the people in the ambulance said that you were holding on to it when they pulled you out of the wreckage. They said you wouldn’t let go of it. You kept asking for Kip and saying that you can’t lose his heart. They tried to open your hand but you wouldn’t let them. When you got here we managed to get your hand open when you went under and the surgeon put it around your neck. He said that since it isn’t metal it wouldn’t mess any tests up or anything. Is it not yours?”
“No it’s mine. Kip gave it to me.”
“Well that would explain why you kept asking for Kip. What’s wrong with the necklace then?”
“It was cut off my neck by glass and it fell to the floor. I guess I must have grabbed it before I went unconscious.”
“According to our reports you didn’t go unconscious until you arrived here.”
“That’s weird I can’t remember past when the necklace fell off.”
After a moment of silence the doctor said, “Alright well, are you hungry or do you need anything?”
“I guess I am a little hungry.”
“What would you like?”
“Surprise me.”
Doctor Hundley nodded and walked out of the room. Kip and Lilly looked at each other and smiled.
Then Lilly said, “I wasn’t going to lose your heart.”
“You never will.”
Kip leaned toward Lilly and whispered into her ear, “I love you.”
Lilly smiled and said, “I love you too.”
Then their eyes met again and Kip leaned to Lilly and their lips met for their first kiss.

When Kip heard the handle to the door twist he pulled away from the kiss and Doctor Hundley walked in. He was carrying a large tray with meatloaf, potatoes, and carrots on it. “Here you go Lilly. I hope you like it.”
“Thank you. I’m sure I will enjoy it.”
Lilly started to eat and Kip stood up and said, “I’m going to go see how Jo is. I’ll be right back. Enjoy your meal.”
“Ok, but come right back, please.”
“Of course.”

Kip left the room and Lilly continued to eat. She looked at the door to the hallway and saw someone standing there looking in. All she could see was a black shaded figure and she just figured it was one of the guards from Genovia. After about two minutes she heard a crash in the hallway and when she looked at the door the shaded figure was gone. She could hear yelling and someone screamed, “HE HAS A GUN!” There were two gunshots and screaming. All Lilly wanted to do was get out of that bed and make sure everyone is still alive especially Kip.
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