The Love Story Between Lilly and Captain Kip Kelly

What Happened

Chapter 3
What Happened

Lilly’s looking out the window on the door and sees everyone running around screaming at each other. There are two more gun shots and everyone freezes and all of there heads turn in the same direction. Lilly is squirming trying to see anything but she’s in too much pain. Then someone finally says, “Someone help me get these guys into rooms so we can keep them alive.” Everyone started running around again. Lilly just sat there looking out the little window wondering who’s hurt.

A few minutes later Mia and Jo walk into Lilly’s room. Once Lilly saw Jo she was so relieved that he is all right. She smiled at him and he smiled back but it was more of a concerned smile rather than an I’m happy to see you smile. She looked at him with confusion now and he said, “Lilly, we have some bad news.”
Lilly looked really fast from Mia to Jo, again and again.
Mia sighed and said, “I’m sorry but.”
Lilly interrupted her rapidly saying, “What happened? What’s going on? Is everyone alright?”
Mia looked at Jo and then spoke, “Kip is badly injured. He ended up getting shot by the man that was in the hallway. We were in the hallway and someone yelled ’he’s got a gun’ and everything just happened so fast.” She looked at Lilly and automatically knew what she was thinking. She continued to talk, “He’s still alive but he’s lost a lot of blood and he was shot in the chest and the doctors aren’t a hundred percent sure if it hit any organs or not. They are going to do some tests and see if he is going to be alright.”
Lilly looked at them and asked simply, “Can he come and stay in this room with me?”
Mia looked at Jo and he said, “I’ll go ask, but are you sure that you want to see him like that?”
“I love him. I want to make sure he’s alright.”
“Okay, Miss Lilly I’ll go ask.”
“Thanks Jo.”

Jo left the room and Mia sat in the chair next to Lilly’s bed. Lilly looked at her and asked, “Where’s Nicholas and Clarice?”
“They were told to go back to Genovia because it is not safe here.”
“You’re the queen. Why are you still here?”
“I told them I wasn’t leaving until I made sure you and Kip were alright.”
“Thanks Mia.”
“I will probably have to leave soon though. Genovia is not the same without a queen there.”

They both laughed and Jo walked back in and said, “Kip is in surgery right now. They said that he will be moved in here with you once he is out. They told me that he is going to be fine and that the bullet just missed his heart but it cracked one of his ribs. They are going to remove the bullet and he will be able to leave here about the same time as you Lilly.”
Lilly smiled and said, “That’s wonderful news thank you so much Jo.”
“Your welcome Miss Lilly.”
All of a sudden Lilly thought of something, “Who was the guy with the gun and who else got shot?”
Jo looked at Mia and Mia stood and said, “Do you remember Drew Handel from school?”
“Drew the guy that everyone bullied and was absolutely in love with me, but I went out with his brother instead of him and I ended up hurting him so bad that he left right after freshman year?”
“Yeah, that Drew. He was the one with the gun. We think that maybe he’s trying to kill everyone that ever hurt him, in any way.”
“Oh my gosh. That’s terrible, everyone is in danger then.”
“No, everyone is going to be fine because that second set of gun shots were the ones that killed him. Only two people got shot and that was Kip and Drew. The doctors tried to save Drew but he got shot in the heart and throat.”
“This may sound terrible but I’m glad he’s gone.”
“It’s understandable everyone may have died if he hadn’t. Well, everyone except for me.”
“Yeah, you were the only one that was nice to him” laughed Lilly.
Mia laughed too.

A few hours later Kip was wheeled into the room and placed on the bed next to Lilly’s. She looked at him and he was smiling in his sleep. She smiled and looked at Mia. Mia grabbed Lilly’s hand and squeezed it saying, “He’ll be fine.”
Lilly responded, “I know.”
They smiled and Jo said, “Your majesty we should really be getting back to Genovia.”
Mia looked at Jo and said, “Okay, but what did I tell you about calling me your majesty? Call me Mia or I‘m going to call you Joey.” Jo smiled and then Mia looked at Lilly and smiled. She leaned towards Lilly and hugged her saying, “You’ll be back soon. Have fun at school. Get better.”
“I will. I’ll see you when I get back, bye.”
Jo leaned towards Lilly and kissed her forehead. Then he said “Get better Miss Lilly and come back to Genovia soon.”
She smiled and said, “I will, bye.”
Mia and Jo headed to the door. They looked at her one more time and said, “Bye.”
Lilly responded, “Bye” and then they were gone.

Lilly sat there for a little bit and then decided she was a little tired so she decided to take a nap. She closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep. She heard the scream saying, “HE‘S GOT A GUN!” Then she heard the two gun shots. She heard the person fall to the ground and knew that it was Kip. She jumped up in bed and screamed, “KIP!” It only took her a second to realize it was a dream and when she looked over at the bed next to her it was empty. She flinched when she tried to get up and then she saw him. He was standing by the door just staring at her. “Lilly, everything’s alright. Don’t try to get up.”
“You are okay.”
Kip came over to her and hugged her gently. He said to her, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“Do you know what happened?”
“Yeah Mia and Jo told me that Drew was trying to get revenge on anyone that had ever hurt him and I broke his heart a couple of years ago. So he was coming after me.”
Kip looked at Lilly and said, “Is that it?”
“Yeah, but they didn’t tell me why you got shot.”
Lilly looked at him with confusion and he said, “I was walking back to your room when I saw him standing outside your door. He was just looking in and then I saw him stick his hand in his jacket pocket. He pulled out a gun and I tackled him to the ground. One of the nurses saw his gun and yelled ‘he’s got a gun.’ I was wrestling him to try to get the gun away from him but he wouldn’t let go of it. Then it happened he shot once but it just missed me. Then he shot again and it hit me good. All I could hear was screaming and he stood up and one of the guards started fighting him while the others were trying to get everyone safe. I saw Mia and Jo and I moved my hand to tell them to go back into the room. They went in and the guard that was fighting Drew got the gun away but it fell to the ground. It was close enough for me to grab it so I did. I shot him twice because the first shot didn’t look like it hit him. He hit the ground and Doctor Hundley came and tried to pick me up and then I passed out.” Kip looked at her.
Lilly just looked at him and then she said, “Thank you. You saved my life.”
He leaned towards her and kissed her gently on the lips.
A couple weeks passed and the doctors finally decided that Lilly and Kip can leave the hospital. They were really excited to be able to leave finally. Lilly’s leg, arm and rib have healed which really surprised the doctors. Usually it takes a couple of months for bones to heal but hers healed faster. However her stitches haven’t completely healed yet. The doctor told her, “They will dissolve once they are completely healed.”
She nodded and said, “OK. Thank you.” Kip’s rib and wound have healed.
They walked around for a little while and then Lilly said, “I don’t have any clothes. I lost everything in the crash.”
Kip looked at her and said, “Do you want to go get some?”
“I don’t have any money.”
He smiled and said, “We have plenty for you to be able to get some clothes.”
She nodded and they walked to the closest store, hand in hand.

Once they walked in a girl that didn’t look like she was older than 17 smiled at them and said, “If you have any questions let me know.”
Lilly smiled back and said, “We will, thank you.” Lilly walked around and grabbed a couple pairs of jeans and some t-shirts. She went to the girl and asked, “Do you have any changing rooms?”
The girl nodded and said, “Yes, go all the way to the back of the store and they are on your left.”
“Thank you.”
Lilly went into the changing room while Kip was looking at a t-shirt with a duck on it. The girl came over to him and said, “That’s the most popular design of the year.”
He looked at her and said, “It’s a duck.”
“Yeah but you have to be the duck to understand it.”
Kip looked at her and put the shirt back. He walked away thinking, “What kind of store are we in?”
She followed Kip and when he turned around she said, “Do you want a real woman for tonight?”
He looked at her, shocked at what he just heard. He couldn’t believe what she said. So he answered, “Excuse me?”
“That girl you’re with looks immature for you.”
“No. You are immature for me. I love her so, leave me alone.”
“Ok but if you change your mind let me know” she slipped her number into his pocket and walked away. Kip’s standing there in shock with what is happening. He shakes his head just as Lilly is walking out of the changing room.
He smiles at her and says, “Did you find everything you need?”
“Yeah, but I need to go to another store too.”
“Ok. Let’s check out here and go to that other store.”
Lilly goes to the register to check out. Kip pays for the clothes and then they leave.

Lilly starts heading to another store. She goes in and gets some underwear and bras. They check out there and get into a taxi. The driver asks, “Where to?”
Kip says, “Washington National Airport.”
Lilly and Kip look out their windows for the ride. Then Lilly looks at Kip and notices that he is fidgeting. She asks him, “Is something wrong Kip?”
“Actually, yes there is.” He looks down and Lilly puts her hand on his cheek to move his face to look at her.
“What is it, Kip?”
“While you were in the changing room, the girl at the register came over to me and was trying to get me to be with her for the night.”
“Oh, well what did you do?”
“I told her that I love you and to leave me alone.”
“OK. Then what did she do?”
“She said ‘If you change your mind let me know’ and she put this card in my pocket.”
“Well, do you want to call her?”
“NO! I love you Lilly. I don’t want to be with anyone except for you.”
“Then why was this bothering you so much?”
“I didn’t know if I should tell you or how to tell you.”
“Oh, well it’s fine. If you don’t want to call her rip up the card and throw it away.”
“Ok.” Kip ripped up the card and put it into the little garbage bag in the taxi. Lilly smiled at him and he smiled back.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the airport and paid the taxi driver. They went into the building and told the guards that they were looking for where to go to get onto one of the Genovian helicopters. The guard said, “Terminal 27.”
They smiled and said, “Thank you”
Lilly and Kip went to terminal 27 and went through the security. They went to the helicopter and got on. The pilot asked, “Where are we going?”
Lilly said, “California, school started last week but Mia said that they know what happened and I will be fine when I get there. So, can we get there as fast as possible please?”
“You got it Miss Lilly.”
The helicopter started and they were off to California.

They reached California in about 8 hours. Once they got there Lilly said, “Thank you” and her and Kip got off the helicopter. Kip said to Lilly, “I have to get back to Genovia. So, I guess this is goodbye for now.”
“Ok. I will be fine.”
“I know. I’ll see you when you come back to Genovia.”
“Yeah, call me once you land in Genovia so I know you made it safely.”
“I will, I promise.”
They hugged and kissed each other. Then Kip got back on the helicopter and it started up. They headed up and Lilly waved to them with tears falling from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. This is the first time she actually thought she is making the worst decision in her life.
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