Status: I don't think I'll continue writing this, so most likely discontinued. :/

It's a Love Story



Alex Wolff rolled out of his bed quietly. He found his boxers on the floor and slipped them on. Then he stepped away from the bed, carefully so that the floor didn’t creak, and just looked at her.

Juliette Lewis was lying on the bed, still sound asleep. Alex admired her for a moment. She was just so…perfect.

Alex was suddenly inspired by her—how she was curled up in the covers, looking completely innocent and peaceful, how her light blond hair spread over the white pillows, how her chest rose and fell slightly with every breath she took. He grabbed his always-present camera and, after rummaging through one of his messy drawers, pulled out a roll of black and white film and reeled it into the camera. He looked through the lens and focused on her face and clicked. Then on her bare white shoulder. Click. Her light tresses. Click. Her feet poking out from under the sheets. Click.

She didn’t wake until he was halfway through the roll. “What’re you doing?” she mumbled sleepily.

“Morning.” Alex smiled at her as she opened her eyes sleepily. Her striking green eyes. Click.

“Stop, Alex, are you taking pictures of me?” Juliette tried to sound annoyed, but smiled. Her smile was beautiful. Click.

“Yes I am,” Alex acknowledged. He put the camera down for a minute and kissed her.

“Alexander,” she sighed. Alex almost shivered. He got seriously turned on when she called him by his full name.

After a minute, he pulled away from her and picked his camera up again.

“What, am I your muse?” she asked him, sitting up a little bit.

“Yes. Like Edie Sedgewick and Andy Warhol,” he told her. She giggled as he focusing on her through the camera. The next pictures he took were slightly racier, with the white sheets slipping off and her beautiful eyes staring straight into the camera. He clicked the camera for the final time and put it down. “The roll’s done, sweetheart.”

“Good. Now come over here, I’m cold.” She pouted at him.

He smiled and obeyed immediately. “You’ve got me whipped, babe,” he said as he slipped under the covers and pulled her close to him.

“Of course I do.” Juliette snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes. Alex smelled the sweet smell of her hair and almost went crazy with desire.

“Go to sleep,” he managed to tell her quietly. “It’s still early.”

“Will do,” she murmured drowsily.

Alex held her as she drifted off to sleep. And in that silent moment, with her body so close to his he could hear her heartbeat and feel the heat emanating from her, Alex realized something. “I love you, Juliette Lewis,” he whispered to her, knowing she was asleep and couldn’t answer. “And I don’t care how much trouble I get for you.”

And yes—Alex knew he could get in major trouble.

Because as perfect as Juliette was, there was just one tiny thing wrong.

She was his student.
♠ ♠ ♠
short short short beginning.
I appreciate comments/subscriptions = ]

p.s. banner thanks to the amazing Alex = ]