Status: Working on the ending. Patience is key....

Put my Heart on Your Sleeve and Wear it All Over Town


Okay, okay. This is it.

Knock, knock, knock

"Gabrielle! Open the door! I have to piss!!" Kennedy yelled through the door. I looked at Sydney for an answer. "What should I tell him?" I whispered.

"Tell him something. He can't come in here."

"Go in the sink! I'm busy!"

"Ugh, fine!"

"Make sure you pour bleach in after you're done!" I called after him.

"Okay, okay."

Beep beep beep. The timer on my phone went of. I looked up at Sydney and she nodded to encourage me. I took a deep breath, walked over to the counter and picked up the little, white stick. I scoffed, "It's a plus sign. I'm-I'm pregnant." I looked at Sydney again and her face had a hint of shock to it. She was probably trying to stay composed to keep me calm.

"Well we kinda knew as much."

"Yeah, I know, but this the last nail in my coffin."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because my mom is going to kill me."

"No she won't. We just won't tell her."

"I think she's gonna notice. They're probably going to come home for a visit soon. I'm screwed."

"We'll worry about it when it happens."

"Okay." I took the stick and out it in the box, then shoved it in the far back under the sink. "I got to make an appointment with a doctor, don't I?"

She nodded, "I think you should do that and then you can start telling people."

"Alright, let's go." I walked out of the bathroom, then to my bedroom to call my old doctor's office. The secretary talked to me,"... Well we can fit you in today actually. But the next opening after that isn't for another two weeks."

"No no! I'll come in today."

"Okay. We'll see you in one hour."

"Alright, thanks." I found Sydney and brought her up to speed. "Will you go with me?"

"Of course I will."

We drove a half hour just to get to the doctor's office, then waited fifteen minutes to be seen. They made me lift up my shirt, when I was laying down on the bed, so they could put this freezing gel on my abdomen and started the ultra sound.

"Look, right there." The nurse said pointing at the screen. "That's your baby. And there, is the heart beat."

"Wow Gaby. You're gonna have a baby!" Sydney whispered.

I smirked, "I know."


"So, now we get some people together and tell them."

"How are you going to tell John?"

"I don't know. But I know I have to tell him first. So don't start calling anyone yet."

"Ha ha. Okay, I can do that."

When we got home John and Kennedy were there. We opened the door and they jumped up off the couch.

"What is this?" Kenny asked, holding up the E.P.T. box.

"And it's positive? Weren't you supposed to be responsible? Use protection?" John added.

I looked at Sydney then looked back at them.

"Uh, what's that?"

"Oh please. Like you don't know. Whose is it? Hm?"

"We can't believe you'd be so irresponsible."

I took a deep breath, looked at Sydney again then started walking toward them. "It's mine, okay?! It's mine." I grabbed the box out of Kennedy's hand and shoved it into my purse.

"And who is the father? Hm?" John questioned.

"Uh... You don't know him."

"Try me."

"I'd rather not."

"Come on."

"No thanks."

"Seriously Gaby. Come on."

"Okay. You might have met him a few times." Sydney laughed behind me.

"Alright. What else?"

"Do I know him?" Kenny asked.


"What's he like?"

"He's tall, brown hair, blue-green eyes, slight build, a few tattoos, sings, has two brothers, very handsome-"

"Wait, that sounds like-" Kennedy was cut off by John.

"Me. That sounds like me."

I looked at him for a few seconds, nodding, then turned around and walked past Sydney and out the door.

"Wait! Gaby-" The door shut behind me. I hurried down the stairs as fast as I could. When I got down to the bottom I sat down on the last step and broke down. My wall came crumbling down, my mask crumpled.

"Gaby?!" John was running down the stairs now.

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